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Author:Slijk, Christopher 

Journal Article
New Technology Boosts Texas Firms' Output, Alters Worker Mix

A Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas survey of manufacturing and services firms in Texas found that as companies adopt new technologies, the number of workers is little changed though the employees? skill levels shift. While some manufacturers see tighter margins as a result of technology and globalization, service sector firms may realize increased pricing power.
Southwest Economy , Issue Q3 , Pages 3-6

Journal Article
ADP payroll processing data can provide early look at Texas job growth

A monthly estimate of state job growth prepared by payroll processor ADP is a reliable advance indicator of changes in official employment data released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The ADP figures are useful in providing timely analysis of the Texas economy.
Southwest Economy , Issue Q2 , Pages 10-13

Journal Article
Texas Facing Historically Tight Labor Markets, Constraining Growth

Texas labor markets have become very tight in recent years following steady post-Great Recession job growth. Labor force expansion, once fueled by migration, has eased, and businesses report that they cannot find sufficient numbers of workers to expand?particularly for middle-skill positions. This has constrained economic growth and pressured wages higher.
Southwest Economy , Issue Second Quarter , Pages 3-6

Journal Article
Spotlight: Wind and Solar Power: Perfect When Paired in Texas

As wind and solar power generation becomes more competitive economically relative to conventional coal and natural gas generation, states will likely increase their dependence on such renewable sources.
Southwest Economy , Issue Third Quarter , Pages 22-22

Delta Surge Disrupts Texas Firms Less than Earlier COVID-19 Waves, Dallas Fed Surveys Say

The overall impact on business of the summer and fall wave of the COVID-19 virus infection was more muted than initial surges because firms were better prepared and demand didn’t plunge as it did before, according to respondents to the Dallas Fed’s Texas Business Outlook Surveys.
Dallas Fed Economics

Journal Article
Texas economy remains resilient, but low oil prices loom as future risk

After weathering tumult in its energy and manufacturing sectors in 2015, a diversified Texas economy is poised for slow growth this year. The biggest risk to the outlook: If oil prices average below $30 per barrel, overall job losses could result.
Southwest Economy , Issue Q1 , Pages 3-7

Potential Mismeasurement of Mining Limits Official Texas Real GDP Data

We show how a new measure tied to oil and gas production provides a result that is more consistent with other assessments of real output in this industry.
Dallas Fed Economics

Journal Article
Noteworthy: income, agriculture, health care

Southwest Economy , Issue Q4 , Pages 14-14

Insights from Dallas Fed Surveys: Uneven Economic Recovery Likely in Texas

The Dallas Fed’s Texas Business Outlook Surveys (TBOS) show that while recovery continued in some sectors in July, it faltered in others as new COVID-19 cases surged across the state.
Dallas Fed Economics

Texas Economic Outlook Weakens, Price Pressures Persist

The Texas economy shows continuing signs of softening, as output and employment indicators suggest slower growth relative to the first half of the year.
Dallas Fed Economics




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Texas Economy 8 items

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