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Author:Salgado, Sergio 

Working Paper
Earnings Dynamics and Its Intergenerational Transmission: Evidence from Norway

Using administrative data, we provide an extensive characterization of labor earnings dynamics in Norway. Some of our findings are as follows. (i) Norway has not been immune to the increase in top earnings inequality seen in other countries. (ii) The earnings distribution compresses in the bottom 90% over the life cycle but expands in the top 10%. (iii) The earnings growth distribution is left skewed and leptokurtic, and the extent of these nonnormalities varies with age and past income. Linking individuals to their parents, we also investigate the intergenerational transmission of income ...
Working Papers , Paper 2021-015

Working Paper
Why Are the Wealthiest So Wealthy? A Longitudinal Empirical Investigation

We use Norwegian administrative panel data on wealth and income between 1993 and 2015 to study lifecycle wealth dynamics, focusing on the wealthiest households. On average, the wealthiest start their lives substantially richer than other households in the same cohort, own mostly private equity, earn higher returns, derive most of their income from dividends and capital gains, and save at higher rates. At age 50, the excess wealth of the top 0.1% group relative to mid-wealth households is accounted for in about equal terms by higher saving rates (34%), higher initial wealth (32%), and higher ...
Working Papers , Paper 2023-004

Working Paper
Earnings Dynamics and Its Intergenerational Transmission: Evidence from Norway

Using administrative data from Norway, we first present stylized facts on labor earnings dynamics between 1993 and 2017 and its heterogeneity across narrow population groups. We then investigate the parents’ role in children’s income dynamics—the intergenerational transmission of income dynamics. We find that children of high-income, high-wealth fathers enjoy steeper income growth over the life cycle and face more volatile but more positively skewed income changes, suggesting that they are more likely to pursue high-return, high-risk careers. Children of poorer fathers also face more ...
Working Papers , Paper 2021-015

Working Paper
Why Are the Wealthiest So Wealthy? A Longitudinal Empirical Investigation

We use 1993–2015 Norwegian administrative panel data on wealth and income to study lifecycle wealth dynamics. At age 50, the excess wealth of the top 0.1%, relative to mid-wealth households, is accounted for by higher saving rates (34%), initial wealth (32%), and higher returns (27%), while higher labor income (5%) and inheritances (1%) account for the residual. One-fourth of the wealthiest—the “New Money”—start with negative wealth but experience rapid wealth growth early in life. Relative to the “Old Money”, the New Money are characterized by even higher saving rates and ...
Working Papers , Paper 2023-004

Working Paper
Why Are the Wealthiest So Wealthy? New Longitudinal Empirical Evidence and Implications for Theories of Wealth Inequality

CORRECT ORDER OF AUTHORS: Hubmer, Halvorsen, Salgado, Ozkan. We use 1993--2015 Norwegian administrative panel data on wealth and income to study lifecycle wealth dynamics. By employing a novel budget constraint approach, we show that at age 50 the excess wealth of the top 0.1%, relative to mid-wealth households, is accounted for by higher saving rates (38%), inheritances (34%), returns (23%), and labor income (5%). One-fourth of the wealthiest---the "New Money"---start with negative wealth but experience rapid wealth growth early in life. Relative to the "Old Money," the New Money are ...
Working Papers , Paper 2024-013

Working Paper
Scalable vs. Productive Technologies

Do larger firms have more productive technologies or are their technologies more scalable, or both? We use administrative data on Canadian and US firms to estimate flexible nonparametric production functions. Our estimation results in a joint distribution of output elasticities of capital, labor, and intermediate inputs---therefore, returns to scale (RTS)---along with total factor productivity (TFP). We find significant heterogeneity in both RTS and TFP across firms. Larger firms operate technologies with higher RTS, both across and within industries. Higher RTS for large firms are entirely ...
Working Papers , Paper 2024-019




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Ozkan, Serdar 6 items

Halvorsen, Elin 5 items

Hubmer, Joachim 4 items

Chan, Mons 1 items

Hong, Guangbin 1 items

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