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Author:Haque, Sharjil M. 

Discussion Paper
Private Credit: Characteristics and Risks

Private credit or private debt investments are debt-like, non-publicly traded instruments provided by non-bank entities, such as private credit funds or business development companies (BDCs), to fund private businesses. Private credit is typically extended to middle-market firms with annual revenues between $10 million and $1 billion, but has grown rapidly in recent years to fund larger companies that were traditionally funded by leveraged loans.
FEDS Notes , Paper 2024-02-23-2

Working Paper
Private Equity and Debt Contract Enforcement: Evidence from Covenant Violations

We document the importance of a financial sponsor when a borrower violates a covenant, providing creditors the opportunity to enforce debt contracts. We identify private-equity (PE) sponsored borrowers in the Shared National Credit Program (SNC) data and find PE-sponsored borrowers violate covenants more often than comparable non-PE borrowers. Yet, compared to non-PE, PE-backed borrowers experience smaller reductions in credit commitment upon violation, suggesting lenders are lenient with PE sponsors. Moreover, this leniency is stronger among financially healthier lenders. We show that our ...
Finance and Economics Discussion Series , Paper 2023-018

Working Paper
How Private Equity Fuels Non-Bank Lending

We show how private equity (PE) buyouts fuel loan sales and non-bank participation in the U.S. syndicated loan market. Combining loan-level data from the Shared National Credit register with buyout deals from Pitchbook, we find that PE-backed loans feature lower bank monitoring, lower loan shares retained by the lead bank, and more loan sales to non-bank financial intermediaries. For PE-backed loans, the sponsor's reputation and the strength of its relationship with the lead bank further reduce the lead bank's retained share and monitoring. Our results suggest that PE sponsor engagement ...
Finance and Economics Discussion Series , Paper 2024-015


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