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Author:DeMaria, Kyle 

Journal Article
Mapping Our Community: Philanthropic Grant Funding for Community and Economic Development in the Third District

Along with public sources of funding, philanthropic capital can be a critical source of support for the community and economic development (CED) work of nonprofit organizations. Research by the Federal Reserve Banks of Philadelphia and Atlanta examined CED grants disbursed to recipients in U.S. metro areas between 2008 and 2013, and identified characteristics that help to explain the ability of certain metro areas to attract more philanthropic funding than others. The authors examined grants for more traditional CED projects (e.g., housing rehabilitation, urban development, financial ...
Cascade , Volume 4

Journal Article
Federal Reserve Study Finds Evidence of Significant Impact of the Community Reinvestment Act

The Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) of 1977 incentivizes depository institutions to meet the credit needs of low- and moderate-income (LMI) people and neighborhoods. Federal regulators periodically examine CRA-regulated depository institutions? (banks, hereafter)1 performance in lending and financial services. Banks? CRA ratings are considered when regulators approve bank mergers, acquisitions, and branch openings
Cascade , Volume 2

Discussion Paper

Our work is motivated by two concepts: first, that economic mobility could be improved by greater opportunities for occupational mobility, particularly out of lower-wage employment, and second, that a skills-based approach to occupational mobility could uncover potential transitions that may not be obvious when only considering more traditional qualifications such as years of directly relevant experience or higher levels of formal education.
Community Affairs Discussion Paper

Journal Article
Mapping Our Community: Residential Segregation in Mt. Airy and in Philadelphia

The West Mt. Airy neighborhood of Philadelphia has been nationally recognized for its efforts to intentionally promote racial integration and neighborhood stability since the 1950s.1 In the more than 50 years since then, residents understand the challenges to integration through a new lens and remain passionate about creating a neighborhood of diversity and inclusion. A contemporary challenge to racial integration in Mt. Airy focuses on the concern that rising housing costs will lead to the displacement of current residents and will inhibit lower-income residents from moving into the ...
Cascade , Volume 4

Journal Article
Mt. Airy: A Legacy of Intentional Integration

Mt. Airy, a Philadelphia community nationally recognized for its community building and organizing efforts to create and maintain racial integration, was the subject of a tour offered as part of the Reinventing Our Communities conference in Philadelphia in September. This article summarizes some key features of these intentional integration efforts in Mt. Airy and contains current perspectives from two residents
Cascade , Volume 4



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community development 3 items

CRA 1 items

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