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Bank:Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond 

Journal Article
Small business: Cashless society: original style

The age-old tradition of bartering is alive and well.
Cross Sections , Volume 12 , Issue Sum , Pages 30

Assessing GSE Mortgage Portfolios’ Exposure to Past and Future Flood Risk

This article evaluates the exposure of government-sponsored enterprises' (GSEs) mortgage portfolios to flood risks as projected by the First Street Foundation and analyzes the realized impact of Hurricane Irma on mortgage defaults. The analysis leverages extensive GSE data spanning from 1999 to 2023 and utilizes risk projections through 2050 to provide a comprehensive view of both potential future risks and actual past outcomes.
Richmond Fed Economic Brief , Volume 24 , Issue 22

Journal Article
Tax disincentives to commercial bank lending

Economic Quarterly , Issue Spr , Pages 67-97

Journal Article
Policy Update: Risk Retention Contention

Econ Focus , Issue 1Q , Pages 7-7

Journal Article
Book Review: Trillion Dollar Economists

Trillion Dollar Economists: How Economists and Their Ideas Have Transformed Business, by Robert E. Litan, Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley & Sons, 2014, 363 pages.
Econ Focus , Issue 4Q , Pages 35-35

Journal Article
Leaf falls : tobacco crop's first market year

Econ Focus , Volume 10 , Issue Spr , Pages 7-8

Working Paper
Bankruptcy and Delinquency in a Model of Unsecured Debt

This paper documents and interprets two facts central to the dynamics of informal default or "delinquency" on unsecured consumer debt. First, delinquency does not mean a persistent cessation of payment. In particular, we observe that for individuals 60 to 90 days late on payments, 85% make payments during the next quarter that allow them to avoid entering more severe delinquency. Second, many in delinquency (40%) have smaller debt obligations one quarter later. To understand these facts, we develop a theoretically and institutionally plausible model of debt delinquency and bankruptcy. Our ...
Working Paper , Paper 16-12

Working Paper
Rethinking Detroit

We study the urban structure of the city of Detroit. Following several decades of decline, the city's current urban structure is clearly not optimal for its size, with a business district immediately surrounded by a ring of largely vacant neighborhoods. We propose a model with residential externalities that features multiple equilibria at the neighborhood level. In particular, developing a residential area requires the coordination of developers and residents, without which it may remain vacant even if its fundamentals are sound. We embed this mechanism in a quantitative spatial economics ...
Working Paper , Paper 17-4

Working Paper
On the implementation of Markov-Perfect interest rate and money supply rules : global and local uniqueness

Currently there is a growing literature exploring the features of optimal monetary policy in New Keynesian models under both commitment and discretion. This literature usually solves for the optimal allocations that are consistent with a rational expectations market equiibrium, but it does not study how the policy can be implemented given the available policy instruments. Recently, however, King and Wolman (2004) have shown that a time-consistent policy cannot be implemented through the control of nominal money balances. In particular, they find that equilibria are not unique under a money ...
Working Paper , Paper 09-06

Working Paper
Idea Diffusion and Property Rights

We study the innovation and diffusion of technology at the industry level. We derive the full dynamic paths of an industry’s evolution, from birth to its maturity, and we characterize the impact of diffusion on the incentive to innovate. The model implies that protection of innovators should be only partial due to the congestion externality in meetings in which idea transfers take place. We fit the model to the early experiences of the automobile and personal computer industries both of which show an S-shaped growth of the number of firms.
Working Paper , Paper 20-11




Econ Focus 1270 items

Working Paper 461 items

Economic Quarterly 391 items

Richmond Fed Economic Brief 316 items

Economic Review 302 items

Cross Sections 228 items

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FILTER BY Content Type

Journal Article 2191 items

Working Paper 461 items

Briefing 325 items

Discussion Paper 141 items

Monograph 24 items

Report 20 items

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Nash, Betty Joyce 139 items

Sablik, Timothy 130 items

Gerena, Charles 123 items

Steelman, Aaron 105 items

Romero, Jessica Sackett 91 items

Price, David A. 82 items

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FILTER BY Jel Classification

E32 18 items

E21 16 items

G21 16 items

E44 12 items

E52 12 items

E24 11 items

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FILTER BY Keywords

Federal Reserve District, 5th 265 items

Monetary policy 246 items

Inflation (Finance) 129 items

Banks and banking 110 items

Economics 86 items

Labor market 81 items

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