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Bank:Federal Reserve Bank of New York  Series:Quarterly Review 

Journal Article
Coping with globally integrated financial markets

Quarterly Review , Volume 11 , Issue Win , Pages 1-5

Journal Article
In brief: high foreign real interest rates and investment in the 1990s

This article argues that high interest rates abroad have substantially depressed private investment in most foreign members of the Group of Seven during the 1990s. Business investment has been especially hard hit and housing construction disrupted, although the effect on housing has been offset in some countries by stimulative fiscal policies. The author estimates that overall, high interest rates have reduced output in the foreign G-7 by 2 1/2 to 4 1/4 percent per year on average over 1990-93.
Quarterly Review , Volume 19 , Issue Spr , Pages 38-44

Journal Article
An independent central bank in a democratic country: the Federal Reserve experience

Remarks before the University of Chicago Law School Conference on Central Banks in Eastern Europe, Chicago, Illinois, April 22, 1994.
Quarterly Review , Volume 19 , Issue Spr , Pages 1-6

Journal Article
The pricing of consumer deposit products - the non-rate dimensions

Quarterly Review , Volume 11 , Issue Win , Pages 14-18

Journal Article
International linkages among equities markets and the October 1987 market break

Quarterly Review , Volume 13 , Issue Sum , Pages 34-46

Journal Article
Evaluating recent trends in capital formation

Quarterly Review , Volume 14 , Issue Aut , Pages 7-19

Journal Article
Has excess capacity abroad reduced U.S. inflationary pressures?

This article examines whether the sizable amount of excess capacity abroad in recent years has eased U.S. inflationary pressures by keeping import prices from rising as fast as the prices of U.S.-produced goods. The analysis finds that overall import price growth has roughly kept pace with U.S. inflation because the effects of lower inflation abroad have been offset by exchange rate changes. In the case of Japan, dollar depreciation has rendered excess capacity basically ineffective against U.S. inflationary pressures.
Quarterly Review , Volume 19 , Issue Sum , Pages 101-106

Journal Article
Reflections of a central banker

From the early years of Sproul's presidency until the Treasury-Federal Reserve Accord of 1951, Federal Reserve policy was subordinated to the Treasury's wartime and postwar financing needs. In this 1955 speech, Sproul speaks of the resurgence of flexible monetary policy. He invites the academic economists in his audience to turn their attention to the study of central banking issues and to contribute in this way to informed monetary policy decisions. Sproul's address provides an overview of the structure, techniques, and objectives of the Federal Reserve System and gives particular attention ...
Quarterly Review , Issue Special , Pages 21-28

Journal Article
Evidence on stock market speculative bubbles: Japan, the United States, and Great Britain

Quarterly Review , Volume 13 , Issue Sum , Pages 4-16

Journal Article
Projecting consumer expenditures on automobiles

Quarterly Review , Volume 10 , Issue Win , Pages 43-44




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Kasman, Bruce 8 items

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