Search Results
Showing results 1 to 10 of approximately 3,969.
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Journal Article
Banks with something to lose: the disciplinary role of franchise value
Strahan, Philip E.; Saidenberg, Marc R.; Demsetz, Rebecca
As protectors of the safety and soundness of the banking system, banking supervisors are responsible for keeping banks' risk taking in check. The authors explain that franchise value--the present value of the stream of profits that a firm is expected to earn as a going concern--makes the supervisor's job easier by reducing banks' incentives to take risks. The authors explore the relationship between franchise value and risk taking from 1986 to 1994 using both balance-sheet data and stock returns. They find that banks with high franchise value operate more safely than those with low franchise ...
Economic Policy Review
, Volume 2
, Issue Oct
, Pages 1-14
Journal Article
Coping with globally integrated financial markets
Corrigan, E. Gerald
Quarterly Review
, Volume 11
, Issue Win
, Pages 1-5
Money demand, transactions proxies, and the effects of fiscal policies in open economies
Weiller, Kenneth J.
Research Paper
, Paper 8602
Remarks at the New York Fed’s Economic Press Briefing on the Household Debt and Credit Report
Dudley, William
Remarks at the New York Fed?s Economic Press Briefing, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, New York City.
, Paper 192
How do college students form expectations?
Zafar, Basit
This paper focuses on how college students form expectations about various major-specific outcomes. For this purpose, I collect a panel data set of Northwestern University undergraduates that contains their subjective expectations about major-specific outcomes. Although students tend to be overconfident about their future academic performance, they revised their expectations in expected ways. The updating process is found to be consistent with a Bayesian learning model. I show that learning plays a role in the decision to switch majors, and that major-switchers respond to information from ...
Staff Reports
, Paper 378
Technological diffusion through trade and imitation
Connolly, Michelle P.
An endogenous growth model is developed demonstrating both static and dynamic gains from trade for developing nations due to the beneficial effects of trade on imitation and technological diffusion. The concept of learning-to-learn in both imitative and innovative processes is incorporated into a quality ladder model with North-South trade. Domestic technological progress occurs via innovation or imitation, while growth is driven by technological advances in the quality of domestically available inputs, regardless of country of origin. In the absence of trade, Southern imitation of Northern ...
Staff Reports
, Paper 20
Journal Article
Are there good alternatives to the CPI?
Steindel, Charles
Critics of the consumer price index--the most widely watched inflation measure--contend that it overstates inflation by as much as 1 percentage point a year. Some have argued that alternative indexes eliminate the CPI's upward bias and offer a more accurate reading of inflation levels. A closer look at these alternatives, however, reveals that they have substantive problems of their own, suggesting that the CPI, though flawed, is still our most reliable indicator of changes in inflation.
Current Issues in Economics and Finance
, Volume 3
, Issue Apr
Discussion Paper
Follow That Money! How Global Banks Manage Liquidity Globally
Goldberg, Linda S.; Cetorelli, Nicola
Banks increasingly move money around the world. Over the last thirty years, gross international claims of banks from all countries have grown ten-fold, reaching a peak of about $25 trillion in 2007 (see chart below). Such global banking flows have been much in the news recently, sometimes depicted as a key culprit of the transmission around the globe of the shocks following the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers, and more recently the European sovereign debt crisis. The discourse in the regulatory arena seems to share this sentiment, with a bias towards curbing some of the global banking activity ...
Liberty Street Economics
, Paper 20120829
Discussion Paper
On Fire-Sale Externalities, TARP Was Close to Optimal
Eisenbach, Thomas M.; Duarte, Fernando M.
Imagine that many large and levered banks suffer heavy losses and must quickly sell assets to reduce their leverage. We expect the market price of the assets sold to decline, at least temporarily. As a result, any other financial institutions that happen to hold the same assets will experience balance sheet losses through no fault of their own —a negative fire-sale externality. In this post, we show that the vulnerability to fire-sale externalities was high during the crisis and that the capital injections of the government’s Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) helped reduce it ...
Liberty Street Economics
, Paper 20140415
Discussion Paper
Just Released: Total Household Debt Nears 2008 Peak but Debt Picture Looks Much Different
Lee, Donghoon; Haughwout, Andrew F.; Scally, Joelle; Van der Klaauw, Wilbert
The latest Quarterly Report on Household Debt and Credit from the New York Fed?s Center for Microeconomic Data showed a substantial increase in aggregate household debt balances in the fourth quarter of 2016 and for the year as a whole. As of December 31, 2016, total household debt stood at $12.58 trillion, an increase of $226 billion (or 1.8 percent) from the third quarter of 2016. Total household debt is now just 0.8 percent ($99 billion) below its third quarter 2008 peak of $12.68 trillion, and 12.8 percent above the second quarter 2013 trough. But debt looks very different in 2016 than it ...
Liberty Street Economics
, Paper 20170216
Staff Reports 1118 items
Liberty Street Economics 1109 items
Speech 464 items
Economic Policy Review 439 items
Research Paper 341 items
Current Issues in Economics and Finance 208 items
Quarterly Review 179 items
Monograph 75 items
The Regional Economy of Upstate New York 21 items
Annual Report Domestic Open Market Operations 10 items
Upstate New York Regional Review 3 items
Upstate New York At-a-Glance 2 items
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FILTER BY Content Type
Report 1469 items
Discussion Paper 1109 items
Journal Article 852 items
Speech 464 items
Monograph 75 items
Dudley, William 170 items
Van der Klaauw, Wilbert 156 items
Haughwout, Andrew F. 122 items
Martin, Antoine 115 items
Fleming, Michael J. 112 items
Chakrabarti, Rajashri 106 items
Sarkar, Asani 101 items
Goldberg, Linda S. 94 items
Adrian, Tobias 91 items
Deitz, Richard 91 items
Williams, John C. 91 items
Lee, Donghoon 87 items
Klitgaard, Thomas 72 items
Scally, Joelle 71 items
Del Negro, Marco 70 items
Boyarchenko, Nina 69 items
Abel, Jaison R. 68 items
Bram, Jason 67 items
Hirtle, Beverly 65 items
Morgan, Donald P. 65 items
Kovner, Anna 64 items
Potter, Simon M. 64 items
Crump, Richard K. 61 items
McAndrews, James J. 61 items
Cipriani, Marco 60 items
Copeland, Adam 60 items
Topa, Giorgio 56 items
Zafar, Basit 56 items
Pinkovskiy, Maxim L. 55 items
Tracy, Joseph 55 items
Armantier, Olivier 51 items
Cetorelli, Nicola 51 items
Orr, James A. 49 items
Shachar, Or 45 items
Stiroh, Kevin J. 45 items
Vickery, James 44 items
Eisenbach, Thomas M. 42 items
Higgins, Matthew 39 items
Peach, Richard 39 items
Steindel, Charles 38 items
Amiti, Mary 37 items
Garbade, Kenneth D. 36 items
Lucca, David O. 36 items
La Spada, Gabriele 35 items
Plosser, Matthew 35 items
Tambalotti, Andrea 35 items
Keane, Frank M. 34 items
Koşar, Gizem 34 items
Eusepi, Stefano 33 items
Peristiani, Stavros 32 items
Sahin, Aysegul 32 items
Rich, Robert W. 31 items
Fuster, Andreas 30 items
Giannone, Domenico 30 items
Giannoni, Marc 30 items
McCarthy, Jonathan 30 items
Benigno, Gianluca 29 items
Estrella, Arturo 29 items
Groen, Jan J. J. 28 items
Moench, Emanuel 28 items
Sbordone, Argia M. 28 items
Afonso, Gara 27 items
Mehran, Hamid 27 items
Remolona, Eli M. 27 items
Akinci, Ozge 26 items
Santos, João A. C. 25 items
Brown, Meta 24 items
Karahan, Fatih 24 items
Logan, Lorie 24 items
Santos, Joao A. C. 24 items
Wenninger, John 24 items
Blickle, Kristian S. 23 items
Kambhu, John 23 items
Mangrum, Daniel 23 items
Tille, Cedric 23 items
Van Tassel, Peter 23 items
anonymous 23 items
di Giovanni, Julian 23 items
Clark, Hunter L. 22 items
Lee, Michael Junho 22 items
Dogra, Keshav 21 items
Duarte, Fernando M. 21 items
Melcangi, Davide 21 items
Cantor, Richard 20 items
Osler, Carol L. 20 items
Pesenti, Paolo 20 items
Afonso, Gara M. 19 items
Ashcraft, Adam B. 19 items
Hardouvelis, Gikas A. 19 items
Kahn, James A. 19 items
Rosen, Rae D. 19 items
Shin, Hyun Song 19 items
Skeie, David R. 19 items
http://fedora:8080/fcrepo/rest/objects/authors/ 19 items
Heise, Sebastian 18 items
Liu, Haoyang 18 items
Luck, Stephan 18 items
Rodrigues, Anthony P. 18 items
Strahan, Philip E. 18 items
Acharya, Viral V. 17 items
Hobijn, Bart 17 items
Mosser, Patricia C. 17 items
Bartolini, Leonardo 16 items
Garcia, Ramon 16 items
Groshen, Erica L. 16 items
Pilossoph, Laura 16 items
Acharya, Sushant 15 items
Almuzara, Martín 15 items
Brauer, David A. 15 items
Hickok, Susan 15 items
Hyman, Benjamin 15 items
Radecki, Lawrence J. 15 items
Rosa, Carlo 15 items
Vogt, Erik 15 items
Baxter, Thomas C. 14 items
Bennett, Paul 14 items
Crosignani, Matteo 14 items
Lopez, Jose A. 14 items
McCauley, Robert N. 14 items
Narron, James 14 items
Primiceri, Giorgio E. 14 items
Seth, Rama 14 items
Avtar, Ruchi 13 items
Bech, Morten L. 13 items
Cumming, Christine M. 13 items
Demsetz, Rebecca 13 items
Eggertsson, Gauti B. 13 items
Garratt, Rod 13 items
Harris, Ethan S. 13 items
Held, Michael 13 items
Hilton, R. Spence 13 items
Livingston, Max 13 items
Ludvigson, Sydney 12 items
McDonough, William J. 12 items
Packer, Frank 12 items
Queraltó, Albert 12 items
Rosenberg, Joshua V. 12 items
Schorfheide, Frank 12 items
Schuermann, Til 12 items
Corrigan, E. Gerald 11 items
Curdia, Vasco 11 items
Fringuellotti, Fulvia 11 items
Hellerstein, Rebecca 11 items
Hrung, Warren B. 11 items
Hung, Juann H. 11 items
Keister, Todd 11 items
Lee, Donggyu 11 items
Lewis, Daniel J. 11 items
Mahoney, James M. 11 items
Riordan, Will 11 items
Sack, Brian P. 11 items
Weinstein, David E. 11 items
Yi, Kei-Mu 11 items
Yorulmazer, Tanju 11 items
Chakravarty, Sugato 10 items
Choi, Dong Beom 10 items
Dawson, Jeffrey B. 10 items
Duffie, Darrell 10 items
Jung, Hyeyoon 10 items
Kasman, Bruce 10 items
Krishnan, Neel 10 items
Lown, Cara S. 10 items
McCabe, Patrick E. 10 items
McLaughlin, Susan 10 items
Nober, William 10 items
Nourbash, Ethan 10 items
Park, Sangkyun 10 items
Schaumburg, Ernst 10 items
Wang, Zhenyu 10 items
Audoly, Richard 9 items
Elias, Leonardo 9 items
Garcia, Dan 9 items
Gorton, Nicole 9 items
Harrigan, James 9 items
Hastings, Jonathan 9 items
Nallamotu, Ramya 9 items
Noble, Adam I. 9 items
Remache, Julie 9 items
Smith, Kyle 9 items
Sporn, John 9 items
Uctum, Merih 9 items
Boldin, Michael D. 8 items
Carvalho, Carlos 8 items
Cisternas, Gonzalo 8 items
Correa, Ricardo 8 items
Dahlgren, Sarah J. 8 items
De Giorgi, Giacomo 8 items
Emanuel, Natalia 8 items
Guarino, Antonio 8 items
Gupta, Pooja 8 items
Hendricks, Darryll 8 items
Itskhoki, Oleg 8 items
Justiniano, Alejandro 8 items
Konings, Jozef 8 items
Kuttner, Kenneth N. 8 items
Laster, David S. 8 items
Leonard, Deborah 8 items
Lu, Jessica 8 items
Macchiavelli, Marco 8 items
Malz, Allan M. 8 items
McConnell, Margaret M. 8 items
Nguyen, Giang 8 items
Pomerantz, Rachel 8 items
Roy, Joydeep 8 items
Saidenberg, Marc R. 8 items
Schularick, Moritz 8 items
Somerville, Jason 8 items
Van Wincoop, Eric 8 items
Wheeler, Harry 8 items
Yuengert, Andrew M. 8 items
Zobel, Patricia 8 items
Aidala, Felix 7 items
Akhtar, M. A. 7 items
Bai, Jennie 7 items
Bleemer, Zachary 7 items
Blomberg, S. Brock 7 items
Bruine de Bruin, Wändi 7 items
Buch, Claudia M. 7 items
Campa, Jose Manuel 7 items
Cecchetti, Stephen G. 7 items
De Paoli, Bianca 7 items
Denison, Erin 7 items
Frame, W. Scott 7 items
Gabe, Todd M. 7 items
Goldman, Leo 7 items
Goldsmith-Pinkham, Paul 7 items
Huang, Catherine 7 items
Jayaratne, Jith 7 items
Korobow, Leon 7 items
LeSueur, Eric 7 items
Linder, M. Henry 7 items
Mandel, Benjamin R. 7 items
Mishkin, Frederic S. 7 items
Neal, Michelle 7 items
Pigott, Charles 7 items
Prati, Alessandro 7 items
Preston, Bruce 7 items
Pugsley, Benjamin 7 items
Selig, Ira 7 items
Sutherland, Sarah 7 items
Weidman, Scott 7 items
Wuerffel, Nathaniel 7 items
Zakrajšek, Egon 7 items
Zimmer, Steven A. 7 items
Amstad, Marlene 6 items
Antzoulatos, Angelos A. 6 items
Bell, Linda A. 6 items
Black, Sandra E. 6 items
Broda, Christian 6 items
Corsetti, Giancarlo 6 items
Davis, Isaac 6 items
De Kock, Gabriel 6 items
Englander, A. Steven 6 items
Ferrero, Andrea 6 items
Gleich, Aidan 6 items
Gundam, Pranay 6 items
Gyourko, Joseph 6 items
Kitao, Sagiri 6 items
Koop, Gary 6 items
Kramer, Claire 6 items
Lee, Helene 6 items
Lerman, Robert 6 items
Los, Cornelis A. 6 items
Lovenheim, Michael 6 items
Mayer, Christopher J. 6 items
Mertens, Karel 6 items
Niepmann, Friederike 6 items
Pacula, Brian 6 items
Posen, Adam S. 6 items
Rapaport, Carol 6 items
Ruela, Francisco 6 items
Seltzer, Lee 6 items
Setren, Elizabeth 6 items
Skandalis, Daphne 6 items
Song, Joseph 6 items
Stackman, Daniel 6 items
Traina, James 6 items
Wei, Chenyang 6 items
Wizman, Thierry A. 6 items
Wu, Lifan 6 items
Anadu, Kenechukwu E. 5 items
Anderson, Haelim 5 items
Armenter, Roc 5 items
Azar, Pablo 5 items
Azar, Pablo D. 5 items
Bok, Brandyn 5 items
Cattaneo, Matias D. 5 items
Chaboud, Alain P. 5 items
Chatterji-Len, Kasey 5 items
Checki, Terrence J. 5 items
Choi, Mark 5 items
Clark, John 5 items
Cocci, Matthew 5 items
Correia, Sergio A. 5 items
Costello, Anna M. 5 items
Davis, Richard G. 5 items
Durham, J. Benson 5 items
Dzina, Richard 5 items
Eisner, Emily 5 items
Engle, Robert 5 items
Fisher, Peter R. 5 items
Frydl, Edward J. 5 items
Ghysels, Eric 5 items
Gong, Frank F. 5 items
Hamdani, Kausar 5 items
Hasegawa, Raiden B. 5 items
Helwege, Jean 5 items
Holscher, Michael 5 items
Humphrey, Thomas M. 5 items
Hundtofte , Sean 5 items
Johnson, Ronald 5 items
Jones, Collin 5 items
Juhn, Chinhui 5 items
Kaplan, Nathan 5 items
Kapon, Samuel 5 items
Krieger, Sandra C. 5 items
Landoni, Mattia 5 items
Lenza, Michele 5 items
Lettau, Martin 5 items
Li, Ada 5 items
Li, Pearl 5 items
Mertens, Thomas M. 5 items
Middeldorp, Menno 5 items
Miu, Jason 5 items
Mizrach, Bruce 5 items
Parigi, Bruno 5 items
Patterson, Christina 5 items
Raskin, Matthew 5 items
Ravazzolo, Fabiola 5 items
Rodriguez, Belicia 5 items
Russo, Patrick 5 items
Shaffer, Sherrill 5 items
Song, Zhaogang 5 items
Stewart, Jamie B. 5 items
Thakor, Anjan V. 5 items
Townsend, Robert M. 5 items
Volker, Desi 5 items
Wiswall, Matthew 5 items
Woodford, Michael 5 items
Wright, Joshua 5 items
Yen, Jacqueline 5 items
Adenbaum, Jacob 4 items
Albanesi, Stefania 4 items
Armona, Luis 4 items
Bengui, Julien 4 items
Bodine-Smith, Tyler 4 items
Brunnermeier, Markus K. 4 items
Caglio, Cecilia R. 4 items
Cai, Michael 4 items
Calabia, F. Christopher 4 items
Cambron, Alyssa 4 items
Cavallo, Michele 4 items
Ceglowski, Janet 4 items
Chan, Anthony 4 items
Chauvet, Marcelle 4 items
Chordia, Tarun 4 items
Clark, Kevin 4 items
Cohen, Gerald D. 4 items
Connolly, Michelle P. 4 items
Conway, Jacob 4 items
Dages, B. Gerard 4 items
Delavande, Adeline 4 items
Dent, Robert C. 4 items
Eisert, Tim 4 items
Engelman, Katherine 4 items
Etula, Erkko 4 items
Fernald, Julia D. 4 items
Goss, Jacob 4 items
Gupta, Abhi 4 items
Guttman-Kenney, Benedict 4 items
Haslag, Joseph H. 4 items
Hennessy, James 4 items
Howe, Howard 4 items
Jackson, John 4 items
Jiang, Michelle 4 items
Kalemli-Ozcan, Sebnem 4 items
Kroeger, Alexander 4 items
Lahey, Benjamin 4 items
Linnemann, Theo 4 items
Loualiche, Erik 4 items
McGowan, John 4 items
Morris, Kevin 4 items
Musalem, Alberto G. 4 items
Nattinger, Michael 4 items
Neubauer, Michael 4 items
Parker, Dean 4 items
Perez-Quiros, Gabriel 4 items
Perli, Roberto 4 items
Phelan, Gregory 4 items
Roberds, William 4 items
Roberts, Daniel 4 items
Ruud, Judith S. 4 items
Ryding, John 4 items
Sala-i-Martin, Xavier X. 4 items
Schmalz, Martin C. 4 items
Schweitzer, Mark E. 4 items
Shahanaghi, Sara 4 items
Shrader, Jeffrey 4 items
Silva, André F. 4 items
Soramaki, Kimmo 4 items
Steele, Nick 4 items
Stefanadis, Chris 4 items
Stern, Samuel 4 items
Stock, James H. 4 items
Subrahmanyam, Avanidhar 4 items
Søvik, Ylva 4 items
Tepper, Alexander 4 items
Thomas, Lauren 4 items
Wang, Crystal 4 items
Wee, Shu Lin 4 items
Wright, Jonathan H. 4 items
Wulfekuhler, Kurt C. 4 items
Yang, Yilin 4 items
Zhang, Xiaohan 4 items
Abel, Joshua 3 items
Aglietta, Michel 3 items
Alkan, Leyla 3 items
Angrisani, Marco 3 items
Antill, Samuel 3 items
Antunovich, Peter 3 items
Aragon, Diego 3 items
Atalay, Enghin 3 items
Athanasoulis, Stefano 3 items
Avraham, Dafna 3 items
Baker, Katie 3 items
Baklanova, Viktoria 3 items
Banerjee, Ryan N. 3 items
Barone, Jordan 3 items
Bassett, William F. 3 items
Begalle, Brian 3 items
Benigno, Pierpaolo 3 items
Bergin, James P. 3 items
Berner, Richard 3 items
Berre, Stein 3 items
Bertola, Giuseppe 3 items
Bhalla, Ravi 3 items
Bhattacharya, Joydeep 3 items
Boivin, Jean 3 items
Boumahdi, Fatima 3 items
Braun, Michele 3 items
Brendan Moore 3 items
Bush, Ryan 3 items
Caviness, Elizabeth 3 items
Chan, Sewin 3 items
Chapman, James T. E. 3 items
Chen, Jiakai 3 items
Clarida, Richard H. 3 items
Clouse, James A. 3 items
Cogley, Timothy 3 items
Cole, Kevin 3 items
Cox, Caren 3 items
Cross-Bermingham, William 3 items
Dam, David 3 items
Davis, Donald R. 3 items
DeMott, Mike 3 items
Diamond, Peter A. 3 items
Diamond, William 3 items
Dick, Astrid A. 3 items
Diebold, Francis X. 3 items
Dobbeck, Dianne 3 items
Dobrev, Dobrislav 3 items
Du, Wenxin 3 items
Engel, Charles 3 items
Entz, Alex 3 items
Farrell, Max H. 3 items
Ferreira, Fernando 3 items
Fischl-Lanzoni, Natalia 3 items
Fons, Jerome S. 3 items
Gambacorta, Leonardo 3 items
Geoum, In Sun 3 items
Gine, Xavier 3 items
Glaeser, Edward L. 3 items
Goldberg, Pinelopi K. 3 items
Gospodinov, Nikolay 3 items
Gouny, Julia 3 items
Goyal, Shlok 3 items
Grisse, Christian 3 items
Haddad, Valentin 3 items
Hamerling, Sarah Ngo 3 items
Hannaoui, Oliver Zain 3 items
Hanson, Samuel 3 items
Harrington, Emma 3 items
Harry, Cooperman 3 items
Himmelberg, Charles P. 3 items
Hiti, Martin 3 items
Holcomb, Michael R. 3 items
Hou, David 3 items
Huberman, Gur 3 items
Humphreys, Jane 3 items
Jacobides, Michael G. 3 items
Jordà, Òscar 3 items
Kang-Landsberg, Alena 3 items
Kapetanios, George 3 items
Kavoussi, Cullen 3 items
Kelleher, Jeanette 3 items
Kim, Sooji 3 items
Klagge, Nicholas 3 items
Kolb, Aaron 3 items
Kos, Dino 3 items
Lagos, Ricardo 3 items
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FILTER BY Jel Classification
G21 230 items
G1 223 items
G2 205 items
E2 141 items
E52 135 items
G28 128 items
E5 122 items
G01 102 items
G12 101 items
E58 92 items
D14 90 items
F00 84 items
E44 72 items
E31 70 items
G23 69 items
D1 68 items
E32 64 items
G18 56 items
G20 47 items
G14 44 items
R1 44 items
G10 41 items
E24 39 items
R10 39 items
J00 38 items
D84 37 items
G32 35 items
E43 33 items
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G15 31 items
R31 31 items
J24 28 items
C32 27 items
F0 26 items
G3 26 items
F41 23 items
J01 23 items
Q54 23 items
R3 23 items
D83 22 items
E21 22 items
G11 22 items
D12 21 items
D63 20 items
C53 19 items
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G24 19 items
Q1 19 items
C11 18 items
E4 17 items
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F31 17 items
G00 17 items
G13 16 items
H0 16 items
I18 16 items
I21 16 items
J64 16 items
N2 16 items
C22 15 items
D82 14 items
E66 14 items
C58 13 items
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F34 13 items
H63 13 items
I14 13 items
J0 13 items
D81 12 items
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G17 12 items
G19 12 items
G33 12 items
F4 11 items
H4 11 items
I2 11 items
I28 11 items
N22 11 items
Q12 11 items
D8 10 items
E62 10 items
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F32 10 items
G1;G2 10 items
I1 10 items
I22 10 items
J1 10 items
R21 10 items
E01 9 items
F42 9 items
G22 9 items
G2;G1 9 items
G34 9 items
G38 9 items
C51 8 items
D22 8 items
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F21 8 items
F44 8 items
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H81 8 items
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J63 8 items
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F33 7 items
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C81 6 items
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F36 6 items
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L11 6 items
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O47 6 items
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C23 5 items
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F38 5 items
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G02 5 items
G51 5 items
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C61 4 items
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D1;H00 4 items
D21 4 items
D53 4 items
D80 4 items
D85 4 items
E00 4 items
E12 4 items
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E65 4 items
F40 4 items
G2;G3 4 items
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H12 4 items
H25 4 items
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H6 4 items
I3 4 items
J21 4 items
J6 4 items
J61 4 items
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C38 3 items
C52 3 items
C80 3 items
C83 3 items
C92 3 items
C93 3 items
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G35 3 items
H00 3 items
H24 3 items
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D47 2 items
E2;H00 2 items
E2;J00 2 items
E47 2 items
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F15 2 items
F6 2 items
G29 2 items
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H52 2 items
H72 2 items
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I00 2 items
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R51 2 items
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C43 1 items
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C70 1 items
C8 1 items
C82 1 items
C90 1 items
D0 1 items
D01 1 items
D02 1 items
D04 1 items
D11 1 items
D1;G2 1 items
D1;J00 1 items
D1;R3 1 items
D1;R3;R1 1 items
D25 1 items
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D7 1 items
D73 1 items
D86 1 items
D9 1 items
D90 1 items
E0 1 items
E16 1 items
E2;F00 1 items
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E2;J00;R1 1 items
E2;N2 1 items
E53 1 items
E5;E2 1 items
E5;G2 1 items
E5;G2;G1 1 items
E60 1 items
E69 1 items
E70 1 items
F00;E2 1 items
F00;G1;G2 1 items
F00;G2 1 items
F00;J00 1 items
F01 1 items
F02 1 items
F20 1 items
F29 1 items
F39 1 items
F5 1 items
F52 1 items
F60 1 items
F63 1 items
F65 1 items
G1;G2;E5 1 items
G1;N2 1 items
G2;R3 1 items
G40 1 items
G41 1 items
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G52 1 items
H00;E2 1 items
H21 1 items
H22 1 items
H26 1 items
H32 1 items
H62 1 items
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J40 1 items
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O36 1 items
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R33 1 items
R3;D1 1 items
R3;R1 1 items
R5 1 items
R50 1 items
R52 1 items
Z10 1 items
show more (437)
show less
FILTER BY Keywords
Monetary policy 334 items
COVID-19 194 items
Inflation (Finance) 138 items
Interest rates 136 items
Federal Reserve District, 2nd 125 items
Credit 121 items
inflation 100 items
Bank capital 97 items
Financial crises 96 items
pandemic 94 items
Risk 93 items
Employment 92 items
Liquidity (Economics) 90 items
Bank supervision 87 items
Business cycles 84 items
liquidity 83 items
Mortgages 80 items
Economic conditions 75 items
Forecasting 74 items
financial stability 74 items
Fiscal policy 71 items
Federal Reserve System 68 items
Foreign exchange rates 67 items
Unemployment 67 items
Wages 66 items
Banks and banking, Central 63 items
banks 61 items
International trade 60 items
Prices 60 items
Labor market 57 items
International finance 56 items
Federal Reserve Bank of New York 55 items
Federal Open Market Committee 54 items
Financial markets 54 items
inequality 54 items
systemic risk 54 items
Bank loans 51 items
Consumption (Economics) 51 items
Economic indicators 51 items
Government securities 51 items
Econometric models 49 items
Recessions 48 items
Stock - Prices 48 items
Housing - Finance 47 items
Corporations - Finance 46 items
Federal Reserve 45 items
Housing - Prices 45 items
Exports 44 items
Gross domestic product 43 items
Japan 43 items
China 42 items
Stock market 42 items
Bank liquidity 41 items
Open market operations 41 items
Income 39 items
Debt 38 items
housing 38 items
Bank reserves 37 items
expectations 37 items
Productivity 36 items
Securities 36 items
Financial risk management 35 items
Imports 35 items
Financial leverage 34 items
Manufactures 34 items
household finances 33 items
Banks and banking 32 items
Intermediation (Finance) 32 items
Risk management 32 items
Banking law 31 items
Education 31 items
Households - Economic aspects 31 items
Treasury bonds 31 items
financial crisis 31 items
student loans 31 items
Financial institutions 31 items
Macroeconomics 31 items
Uncertainty 30 items
Swaps (Finance) 29 items
time series analysis 29 items
Bank holding companies 28 items
Investments 28 items
Payment systems 28 items
Saving and investment 28 items
regulation 28 items
Bank failures 28 items
Corporate governance 28 items
Corporate bonds 27 items
Consumer behavior 26 items
Developing countries 26 items
Dollar, American 26 items
Money supply 26 items
Treasury bills 26 items
reserves 26 items
Employment (Economic theory) 25 items
Financial market regulatory reform 25 items
Futures 25 items
financial intermediation 25 items
mortgage 25 items
transparency 25 items
Federal funds rate 24 items
Mortgage-backed securities 24 items
Repurchase agreements 24 items
Treasury market 24 items
options 24 items
Debts, External 23 items
Demography 23 items
Economic conditions - New York (N.Y.) 23 items
Income distribution 23 items
Treasury securities 23 items
inflation expectations 23 items
recession 23 items
Asset pricing 23 items
Consumer Credit Panel 23 items
credit cards 23 items
Federal funds market (United States) 22 items
Foreign exchange 22 items
LIBOR 22 items
New York (N.Y.) 22 items
Assets (Accounting) 21 items
Balance of trade 21 items
Financial services industry 21 items
Inventories 21 items
New Jersey 21 items
Public welfare 21 items
economic conditions - United States 21 items
exchange rates 21 items
labor markets 21 items
balance of payments 21 items
Bank competition 20 items
Bonds 20 items
Competition 20 items
Puerto Rico 20 items
human capital 20 items
Bank management 19 items
Capital movements 19 items
Labor productivity 19 items
Poverty 19 items
Taxation 19 items
Consumer credit 18 items
Monetary policy - United States 18 items
Technology 18 items
Urban economics 18 items
climate change 18 items
heterogeneity 18 items
Bank mergers 17 items
Capital investments 17 items
DSGE models 17 items
Derivative securities 17 items
Economic conditions - New York (State) 17 items
Economic development 17 items
Electronic funds transfers 17 items
Investments, Foreign 17 items
Rate of return 17 items
demographics 17 items
monetary policy implementation 17 items
Bank investments 16 items
Bank profits 16 items
Capital market 16 items
Federal Reserve lending facilities 16 items
Government spending policy 16 items
Great Recession 16 items
Industries 16 items
banking 16 items
dollar 16 items
money market funds 16 items
payments 16 items
trade 16 items
households 16 items
Capital 15 items
Economic forecasting 15 items
Equilibrium (Economics) 15 items
FOMC 15 items
Great Britain 15 items
United States 15 items
bank regulation 15 items
diversity 15 items
financial conditions 15 items
lenders of last resort 15 items
price stability 15 items
securitization 15 items
Auctions 14 items
Branch banks 14 items
Budget 14 items
CCP 14 items
Construction industry 14 items
Consumer price indexes 14 items
Industrial capacity 14 items
New York (State) 14 items
Production (Economic theory) 14 items
Regional economics 14 items
balance sheets 14 items
delinquency 14 items
financial frictions 14 items
global banks 14 items
normalization 14 items
race 14 items
repo 14 items
insurance 14 items
Asset-backed financing 13 items
Comprehensive Capital Analysis and Review (CCAR) 13 items
Consumer Credit Panel (CCP) 13 items
Deposit insurance 13 items
Discount window 13 items
Economic policy 13 items
Education - Economic aspects 13 items
Hedging (Finance) 13 items
International economic relations 13 items
Money market 13 items
Portfolio management 13 items
economic growth 13 items
forward guidance 13 items
leverage 13 items
money markets 13 items
reference rates 13 items
school finance 13 items
supply chains 13 items
too big to fail 13 items
volatility 13 items
Banks and banking, International 12 items
Consolidation and merger of corporations 12 items
Corporate profits 12 items
Default (Finance) 12 items
Disclosure of information 12 items
Investments, Foreign - United States 12 items
Statistics 12 items
Treasury 12 items
consumption 12 items
cybersecurity 12 items
default 12 items
economy 12 items
spillovers 12 items
zero lower bound 12 items
ARRA 11 items
Bank deposits 11 items
Banks and banking, Foreign 11 items
CARES Act 11 items
Commercial loans 11 items
DSGE 11 items
Deficit financing 11 items
Employment - New York (State) 11 items
European Monetary System (Organization) 11 items
Fedwire 11 items
Imports - Prices 11 items
Investment banking 11 items
New York 11 items
New York City 11 items
Stochastic analysis 11 items
Universities and colleges 11 items
bank runs 11 items
fire sales 11 items
household debt 11 items
runs 11 items
tri-party repos 11 items
Alternative Reference Rates Committee (ARRC) 10 items
Bank size 10 items
Bank stocks 10 items
Banks and banking - Accounting 10 items
Banks and banking - Ratio analysis 10 items
Econometrics 10 items
Equity 10 items
European Central Bank 10 items
Federal Reserve System - History 10 items
Financial Regulatory Reform (Dodd-Frank Act) 10 items
Globalization 10 items
Insurance industry 10 items
MBS 10 items
Secured Overnight Financing Rate (SOFR) 10 items
Service industries 10 items
Stocks 10 items
Subprime mortgage 10 items
Survey of Consumer Expectations (SCE) 10 items
Treasury Market Practices Group 10 items
Treasury notes 10 items
bank 10 items
central banks 10 items
coronavirus 10 items
crisis 10 items
euro area 10 items
facilities 10 items
growth 10 items
household finance 10 items