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Journal Article
The relationship between loan classifications and losses : the effects of a changing economy
The agriculture and energy sectors suffered dramatic declines during the 1980s in the Tenth Federal Reserve District. Bank asset quality also declined during this time period, particularly for farm banks. Using information on loan classifications and charge-offs, this study traces classified loans over time to determine their subsequent performance. ; This study found that examiners were able to identify a majority of the problem credits prior to charge-off. Additionally, examiners were able to distinguish the relative riskiness of problem credits. Economic conditions were found to have a ...
Journal Article
The 2004 survey of community banks in the Tenth District
Periodically, the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City surveys Tenth District bankers for their views on a variety of matters. In February 2004, we solicited banker opinion on a number of topics pertaining to governance and staffing practices, vendor management practices, competitive environment and future prospects, interest rate risk management practices, internet banking services, and payments system issues. This article briefly sets out the survey methodology and describes the applicability of survey results to the entire population of District banks. It also reviews what bankers told us ...
Journal Article
Tenth District banking conditions: 1987 - a year of transition
Journal Article
The 2001 survey of commercial banks in the Tenth Federal Reserve District : changes and challenges
Periodically, the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City surveys District bankers for their views on a variety of matters. In February 2001, we solicited banker opinion on a number of topics pertaining to deposit and loan competition, management and staffing challenges, Internet banking activities, funding options, operational issues, the effects of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, and near-term prospects. ; This essay briefly discusses the Tenth Districts geography, economics, and demographics and thereby provides context for the survey responses we received. It introduces subsequent articles that ...
Journal Article
What makes a bank efficient? : a look at financial characteristics and management and ownership structure
Increased competition, new technology, and bank consolidation are reinforcing the need for banks to operate efficiently. Moreover, recent research on banking efficiency shows that there is much room for reducing expenses and making better use of bank resources. This article compares the financial characteristics, as well as the management and ownership structure, of a sample of efficient and inefficient banks from the Tenth Federal Reserve District. The comparison reveals a number of factors that contribute to bank efficiency. ; Efficient banks control all aspects of costs, yet deliver bank ...
Journal Article
Challenges for the banking industry in the 1990s
In the 1990s, banks will face a variety of challenges. These include meeting new loan competition, managing market risks, maintaining a funding base, and developing successful strategies in banking consolidation. ; This speech takes a careful look at these challenges. It also examines how the trends in banking may affect financial stability and what steps may be necessary for banks to survive and prosper in a more complex marketplace. Among the steps discussed are creating an effective and efficient supervisory approach and reforming the banking system to provide a better way of protecting ...
Journal Article
Low and moderate-income home financing : what are the trends in Kansas City?
Over the last decade, many significant developments have influenced home lending. Among these developments are the longest expansion period in U.S. history, pathbreaking technological and financial innovations, new regulatory and legislative incentives for low- and moderate-income lending, and continued growth of community organizations and special home lending programs. ; This article takes a look at these trends and their possible effect on home purchase lending in the Kansas City metropolitan area between 1992 and 2001. The article examines changes in home financing across the entire ...
Journal Article
Tenth District community banks : who is at risk?
The survey of community banks revealed that many Tenth District community bankers are concerned about their banks' ability to compete and succeed in the future. In light of these concerns, the authors looked at recent performance trends to see how District community banks have done and to determine if any are showing performance weaknesses. They found that Tenth District community banks, as a group, continue to perform well. However, they found that banks with total assets less than $25 million are losing performance ground. At particular risk in this group of banks are smaller banks located ...
Journal Article
New Community Reinvestment Act regulation : what have been the effects?
Effective January 1, 1996, the federal financial supervisory agencies (agencies) implemented their new Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) regulations. The new regulations currently apply to small institutions; they will apply to large institutions in 1997. ; In adopting their new regulations, the agencies sought to address complaints voiced by banks and the public about burden, relevancy, and consistency of CRA regulation under the agencies' old supervisory approach. To judge the new regulation's success in addressing these complaints, we surveyed 38 small Tenth District member banks examined ...