Search Results
Working Paper
Energy security: a comparison of protectionist policies
Dahl, Carol; Yücel, Mine K.
Working Papers
, Paper 9215
Working Paper
Legal fee restrictions, moral hazard, and attorney profits
Viard, Alan D.; Santore, Rudy
When attorney effort is unobservable and certain other simplifying assumptions (such as risk neutrality) hold, it is efficient for an attorney to purchase the rights to a client's legal claim. However, the American Bar Association Model Rules of Professional Conduct prohibit this arrangement. We show that this ethical restriction, which is formally equivalent to requiring a minimum fixed fee of zero, can create economic rents for attorneys, even though they continue to compete along the contingent-fee dimension. The contingent fee is not bid down to the zero-profit level, because such a fee ...
Working Papers
, Paper 9912
Working Paper
Fluctuations in U.S. voting behavior: evidence from Presidential elections
Burdekin, Richard C. K.
Working Papers
, Paper 8506
Working Paper
Financial innovation and monetary policy effectiveness
Lown, Cara S.
Working Papers
, Paper 8701
Working Paper
Are deep recessions followed by strong recoveries?
Wynne, Mark A.; Balke, Nathan S.
Working Papers
, Paper 9201
Working Paper
Money demand and relative prices during episodes of hyperinflation
Wang, Ping; Tallman, Ellis W.
Working Papers
, Paper 9307
Working Paper
The poor, the rich and the enforcer: institutional choice and growth
Quintin, Erwan; Koeppl, Thorsten; Monnet, Cyril
We study economies where improving the quality of institutions ? modeled as improving contract enforcement ? requires resources, but enables trade that raises output by reducing the dispersion of marginal products of capital. We find that in this type of environment it is optimal to combine institutional building with endowment redistribution, and that more ex-ante dispersion in marginal products increases the incentives to invest in enforcement. In addition, we show that institutional investments lead over time to a progressive reduction in inequality. Finally, the framework we describe ...
Working Papers
, Paper 0801
Working Paper
The stock market and monetary policy: the role of macroeconomic states
Zhang, Huan; Chang, Chih-Ping
Working Papers
, Paper 9516
Working Paper
Cointegration and tests of a classical model of inflation in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Mexico, And Peru
Feliz, Raul Anibal; Welch, John H.
Working Papers
, Paper 9210
Working Paper
The market value of government of Canada debt; Monthly, 1937–84
Haslag, Joseph H.; Cox, W. Michael
Working Papers
, Paper 8507
FILTER BY Content Type
Working Paper 601 items
Duca, John V. 40 items
Haslag, Joseph H. 34 items
Kilian, Lutz 31 items
Orrenius, Pia M. 29 items
Koenig, Evan F. 24 items
Wynne, Mark A. 24 items
Zavodny, Madeline 23 items
Mertens, Karel 22 items
Richter, Alexander W. 22 items
Yücel, Mine K. 22 items
Balke, Nathan S. 21 items
Brown, Stephen P. A. 21 items
Zhou, Xiaoqing 19 items
Kumar, Anil 18 items
Plante, Michael D. 18 items
Phillips, Keith R. 16 items
Dolmas, Jim 15 items
Gruben, William C. 15 items
Throckmorton, Nathaniel A. 15 items
Taylor, Lori L. 14 items
Cox, W. Michael 13 items
Huffman, Gregory W. 13 items
Zarazaga, Carlos E. 12 items
Cheremukhin, Anton A. 11 items
Lewis, Daniel J. 11 items
Murphy, Anthony 11 items
Welch, John H. 11 items
Gould, David M. 10 items
Hayes, Kathy J. 10 items
Koch, Christoffer 9 items
Di, Wenhua 8 items
Emery, Kenneth M. 8 items
Frame, W. Scott 8 items
Grosskopf, Shawna 8 items
Tutino, Antonella 8 items
Bernstein, Joshua 7 items
Cañas, Jesus 7 items
Hein, Scott E. 7 items
Koo, Jahyeong 7 items
O'Driscoll, Gerald P. 7 items
Osborne, Dale K. 7 items
Restrepo-Echavarria, Paulina 7 items
Ruffin, Roy J. 7 items
Schmidt, Ronald H. 7 items
Wang, Ping 7 items
Bordo, Michael D. 6 items
Hill, John K. 6 items
Kydland, Finn E. 6 items
Liang, Che-Yuan 6 items
Pearce, James E. 6 items
Saving, Jason L. 6 items
Tzur-Ilan, Nitzan 6 items
Blandin, Adam 5 items
Burdekin, Richard C. K. 5 items
Coronado, Roberto 5 items
Fomby, Thomas B. 5 items
Freeman, Scott 5 items
Guzman, Mark G. 5 items
Hicks, Sydney Smith 5 items
Lebeau, Lucie 5 items
Saretto, Alessio 5 items
Stuermer, Martin 5 items
Su, Yichen 5 items
Atkinson, Tyler 4 items
Bick, Alexander 4 items
Dahl, Carol 4 items
Fieldhouse, Andrew J. 4 items
Gilmer, Robert W. 4 items
Goncalves, Silvia 4 items
Herrera, Ana María 4 items
Inoue, Atsushi 4 items
Izzeldin, Marwan 4 items
Laney, Leroy O. 4 items
Lown, Cara S. 4 items
McLeod, Darryl 4 items
Muellbauer, John N. 4 items
Pesavento, Elena 4 items
Rapson, David 4 items
Robinson, Kenneth J. 4 items
Short, Eugenie D. 4 items
Tsionas, Mike G. 4 items
Weber, William 4 items
Yang, Fang 4 items
Chang, Chih-Ping 3 items
Clair, Robert T. 3 items
Fu, Dong 3 items
Hizmeri, Rodrigo 3 items
Hoehn, James G. 3 items
Huntington, Hillard G. 3 items
Jo, Soojin 3 items
Keen, Benjamin D. 3 items
Kishor, N. Kundan 3 items
Liu, Sitian 3 items
Lopez, Luis 3 items
Mayer, Erik J. 3 items
Meeks, Roland 3 items
Mihov, Atanas 3 items
Quintin, Erwan 3 items
Slottje, Daniel J. 3 items
Tracy, Joseph 3 items
Viard, Alan D. 3 items
Wendel, Jeanne 3 items
Woodbridge, Graeme L. 3 items
Wu, Tao 3 items
Yi, Kei-Mu 3 items
Yip, Chong K. 3 items
Becsi, Zsolt 2 items
Bhat, Gauri 2 items
Bhattacharya, Joydeep 2 items
Boisso, Dale 2 items
Bond, Eric W. 2 items
Bowsher, Clive G. 2 items
Bu, Ruijun 2 items
Civelli, Andrea 2 items
Deck, Cary 2 items
Desai, Hemang 2 items
Dolmas, Sheila 2 items
Dotsey, Michael 2 items
Dunstan, Roger H. 2 items
Engelhardt, Gary V. 2 items
Feliz, Raul Anibal 2 items
Fernholz, Ricardo T. 2 items
Gamba, Andrea 2 items
Gunther, Jeffery W. 2 items
Guo, Shengyi 2 items
Hafer, Rik 2 items
Jacks, David S. 2 items
Kartashova, Katya 2 items
Kerr, Emily 2 items
Lai, Edwin L.-C. 2 items
Landry, Anthony 2 items
Li, Wenli 2 items
Ling, David C. 2 items
Makridis, Christos 2 items
Mau, Ron 2 items
McLemore, Ping 2 items
McTaggart, Douglas 2 items
Murdoch, James C. 2 items
Nieswiadomy, Michael 2 items
Nomikos, Nikos 2 items
Oppedahl, David B. 2 items
Ozdagli, Ali 2 items
Ozdagli, Ali K. 2 items
Petersen, D'Ann M. 2 items
Prowse, Stephen D. 2 items
Rich, Robert W. 2 items
Rosenthal, Stuart S. 2 items
Sigalla, Fiona 2 items
Steiner, Eva 2 items
Stock, James H. 2 items
Strackman, Braden 2 items
Ulman, Scott 2 items
VanHoose, David D. 2 items
Wang, Jianguo 2 items
Wohar, Mark E. 2 items
Wood, John H. 2 items
de Groot, Oliver 2 items
Abraham, Alexander T. 1 items
Ahearne, Alan G. 1 items
Allen, Deborah L. 1 items
Anderson, Richard G. 1 items
Aron, Janine 1 items
Banet, Jeremie 1 items
Basu, Amit 1 items
Basu, Pallavi 1 items
Berger, Franklin D. 1 items
Blomquist, Soren 1 items
Bluedorn, John C. 1 items
Bowdler, Christopher 1 items
Bräuning, Falk 1 items
Burke, Mary A. 1 items
Bushnell, James 1 items
Cakir Melek, Nida 1 items
Campbell, Carl M. 1 items
Cavallo, Michele 1 items
Conklin, James 1 items
Cooper, Russell W. 1 items
Coulter, Jarod 1 items
Curti, Filippo 1 items
Daly, Christina 1 items
Datta, Deepa Dhume 1 items
Davila, Alberto E. 1 items
Davis, J. Scott 1 items
De Graeve, Ferre 1 items
Del Negro, Marco 1 items
Demyanyk, Yuliya 1 items
Duffee, Gregory R. 1 items
Duffy, John 1 items
Duncan, Wallace H. 1 items
Dutkowsky, Donald H. 1 items
Dwyer, Gerald P. 1 items
Edmiston, Kelly D. 1 items
Ely, David P. 1 items
Fang, Lei 1 items
Fernandez, Adriana 1 items
Flaaen, Aaron 1 items
Fletcher, Carla 1 items
Fox Kellam, Beverly J. 1 items
Frasser, Cristian 1 items
Fu, Luella 1 items
Gabrovski, Miroslav 1 items
Garrett, Bonnie 1 items
Garrison, Roger W. 1 items
Gavin, William T. 1 items
Ge, Shan 1 items
Gerardi, Kristopher S. 1 items
Giannone, Domenico 1 items
Giannoni, Marc 1 items
Giertz, Seth 1 items
Goyal, Amit 1 items
Greenwald, Emily 1 items
Greenwood, Jeremy 1 items
Greer, Sarah 1 items
Gullo, Stephanie 1 items
Gödl-Hanisch, Isabel 1 items
Hayes, Donald W. 1 items
Hendershott, Patric H. 1 items
Hernandez, Raúl 1 items
Holmes, James M. 1 items
Hu, Ruiyang 1 items
Huang, Ruidi 1 items
Hunter, Linda 1 items
Hur, Sewon 1 items
Ivashina, Victoria 1 items
Jayashankar, Aparna 1 items
Jin, Xin 1 items
Johnson, Paul A. 1 items
Johnson, Stephanie 1 items
Jones, John Bailey 1 items
Jordan, Amy 1 items
Kahn, Matthew E. 1 items
Kala, Jyotsana 1 items
Kamal, Fariha 1 items
Kapicka, Marek 1 items
Kapinos, Pavel 1 items
Karnizova, Lilia 1 items
Kaufman, George G. 1 items
Keil, S.R. 1 items
Kempf, Hubert 1 items
Koeppl, Thorsten 1 items
Koppenhaver, Gary D. 1 items
Kospentaris, Ioannis 1 items
Kruse, Hagen 1 items
Lang, Corey 1 items
Lawler, Patrick J. 1 items
Lazaryan, Nika 1 items
LeBlanc, Justin D. 1 items
Lee, Eunhee 1 items
Lee, Justin J. 1 items
Lee, Maw-Lin 1 items
Leonard, Tammy 1 items
Lin, Jeremy 1 items
Liu, Ben-chieh 1 items
Liu, Haoyang 1 items
Lukens, Leslie 1 items
Ma, Jielai 1 items
Mack, R.S. 1 items
Mamatzakis, Emmanuel 1 items
Martínez García, Enrique 1 items
Mattil, J. Peter 1 items
McCallum, Bennett T. 1 items
McComb, Robert P. 1 items
Mensah, Emmanuel 1 items
Millimet, Daniel 1 items
Millis, Eric 1 items
Monnet, Cyril 1 items
Moore, Robert R. 1 items
Morales-Burnett, Diego 1 items
Muehlegger, Erich 1 items
Murata, Keiko 1 items
Murphy, Dermot 1 items
Nakamura, Leonard I. 1 items
Nakolan, Kevin 1 items
Newey, Whitney K. 1 items
Nordlund, James 1 items
Nunes, Ricardo 1 items
Okamura, Ken 1 items
Palivos, Theodore 1 items
Pattison, Nathaniel 1 items
Peled, Dan 1 items
Piger, Jeremy M. 1 items
Popova, Anna 1 items
Praetzel, Gary D. 1 items
Pratap, Sangeeta 1 items
Puzzello, Daniela 1 items
Ravn, Morten O. 1 items
Rawls, Jonathan 1 items
Reza, Abeer 1 items
Rodriguez-Palenzuela, Diego 1 items
Rogers, John H. 1 items
Ross, Leola B. 1 items
Russell, William R. 1 items
Santore, Rudy 1 items
Saucedo, Eduardo 1 items
Scheiner, Benjamin 1 items
Schipper, Burkhard 1 items
Schulhofer-Wohl, Sam 1 items
Schwerhoff, Gregor 1 items
Scotti, Chiara 1 items
Sekkel, Rodrigo 1 items
Shcherbakova, Anastasia 1 items
Siems, Thomas F. 1 items
Smaistrla, Charles J. 1 items
Smith, Chloe N. 1 items
Smith, Hilary H. 1 items
Smith, Julie K. 1 items
Smith, Tucker 1 items
Story, Jonathan 1 items
Strickler, Grant 1 items
Strobl, Eric 1 items
Sun, Wenguang 1 items
Sunderam, Adi 1 items
Swadley, Adam 1 items
Tabellini, Guido 1 items
Tallman, Ellis W. 1 items
Tambalotti, Andrea 1 items
Tang, Jenny 1 items
Taylor, Reid 1 items
Thompson, John 1 items
Throop, Adrian W. 1 items
Traum, Nora 1 items
Trivedi, Mihir 1 items
Vega, Juan-Luis 1 items
Vidogbena, Yabo 1 items
Walker, Mark 1 items
Wang, Jack 1 items
Wang, Jian 1 items
Wang, Jianlin 1 items
Wang, Lu 1 items
Weber, Anke 1 items
Webster, Jeff 1 items
Whitesell, William C. 1 items
Wilkoff, Sean 1 items
Williams, Michael G. 1 items
Young, Eric 1 items
Younger, Josh 1 items
Zhang, Huan 1 items
Zlate, Andrei 1 items
de Vries, Gaaitzen 1 items
http://fedora:8080/fcrepo/rest/objects/authors/ 1 items
show more (335)
show less
FILTER BY Jel Classification
G21 30 items
E32 26 items
C32 23 items
Q43 23 items
E24 18 items
E52 18 items
E62 16 items
J15 16 items
C51 15 items
E58 15 items
G12 14 items
C36 13 items
E31 13 items
J61 12 items
C22 11 items
E37 11 items
J22 11 items
C52 10 items
E44 10 items
J63 9 items
J64 9 items
E43 8 items
E50 8 items
Q41 8 items
E21 7 items
E40 7 items
G23 7 items
G28 7 items
H31 7 items
J31 7 items
C11 6 items
D83 6 items
E3 6 items
E30 6 items
E51 6 items
G11 6 items
D12 5 items
D81 5 items
E22 5 items
F41 5 items
J11 5 items
Q40 5 items
C13 4 items
C14 4 items
C53 4 items
C58 4 items
C78 4 items
D72 4 items
E65 4 items
G51 4 items
H24 4 items
H30 4 items
J1 4 items
J18 4 items
J21 4 items
O38 4 items
O47 4 items
R23 4 items
R3 4 items
R31 4 items
C15 3 items
C26 3 items
C61 3 items
C83 3 items
D11 3 items
D14 3 items
D80 3 items
E66 3 items
F31 3 items
F43 3 items
G20 3 items
G32 3 items
I18 3 items
J2 3 items
J23 3 items
L11 3 items
N50 3 items
Q31 3 items
Q33 3 items
R2 3 items
R4 3 items
C12 2 items
C31 2 items
C55 2 items
C8 2 items
C81 2 items
C91 2 items
D1 2 items
D31 2 items
D8 2 items
E01 2 items
E13 2 items
E2 2 items
E20 2 items
E41 2 items
E42 2 items
E60 2 items
E61 2 items
E70 2 items
F22 2 items
G10 2 items
G18 2 items
G31 2 items
G33 2 items
H20 2 items
H25 2 items
H73 2 items
I1 2 items
I38 2 items
J13 2 items
J16 2 items
J24 2 items
K37 2 items
L52 2 items
L60 2 items
M42 2 items
O11 2 items
O18 2 items
O41 2 items
Q38 2 items
Q54 2 items
R12 2 items
R21 2 items
R41 2 items
A14 1 items
B23 1 items
C00 1 items
C10 1 items
C21 1 items
C23 1 items
C24 1 items
C43 1 items
C63 1 items
C82 1 items
C92 1 items
D04 1 items
D15 1 items
D18 1 items
D21 1 items
D22 1 items
D24 1 items
D53 1 items
D63 1 items
D78 1 items
D82 1 items
E23 1 items
E27 1 items
E47 1 items
E5 1 items
E6 1 items
F1 1 items
F11 1 items
F13 1 items
F14 1 items
F16 1 items
F3 1 items
F34 1 items
F4 1 items
F42 1 items
F47 1 items
F62 1 items
G13 1 items
G14 1 items
G22 1 items
G24 1 items
G29 1 items
G30 1 items
G34 1 items
G38 1 items
G41 1 items
G5 1 items
G50 1 items
G52 1 items
G53 1 items
H0 1 items
H2 1 items
H21 1 items
H3 1 items
H32 1 items
H50 1 items
H54 1 items
H68 1 items
H72 1 items
I24 1 items
I26 1 items
I3 1 items
J01 1 items
J12 1 items
J3 1 items
J30 1 items
J33 1 items
J44 1 items
K14 1 items
K42 1 items
L10 1 items
L20 1 items
L23 1 items
L25 1 items
L43 1 items
L62 1 items
L84 1 items
M21 1 items
N1 1 items
N12 1 items
N32 1 items
N70 1 items
O13 1 items
O19 1 items
O23 1 items
O30 1 items
O33 1 items
O51 1 items
O54 1 items
O57 1 items
P18 1 items
Q30 1 items
Q42 1 items
Q48 1 items
Q50 1 items
Q52 1 items
Q53 1 items
R0 1 items
R11 1 items
R13 1 items
R19 1 items
R20 1 items
R28 1 items
R30 1 items
R33 1 items
R40 1 items
show more (225)
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FILTER BY Keywords
Monetary policy 31 items
Business cycles 20 items
Inflation (Finance) 17 items
Unemployment 15 items
Fiscal policy 15 items
COVID-19 12 items
Consumption (Economics) 11 items
structural VAR 11 items
Interest rates 10 items
Economic development 9 items
Financial markets 9 items
Human capital 9 items
Petroleum industry and trade 9 items
Taxation 9 items
oil price 9 items
Instrumental Variables 9 items
Credit 8 items
Education 8 items
Mexico 8 items
Monetary policy - United States 8 items
Prices 8 items
Money 8 items
Uncertainty 8 items
Wages 8 items
inflation 8 items
Bank reserves 7 items
International trade 7 items
labor supply 7 items
Emigration and immigration 6 items
Forecasting 6 items
Money supply 6 items
Phillips Curve 6 items
Power resources 6 items
oil 6 items
Consumption 6 items
Impulse Responses 6 items
Productivity 6 items
immigration 6 items
Argentina 5 items
Econometric models 5 items
Employment (Economic theory) 5 items
Immigrants 5 items
Labor market 5 items
Macroeconomics 5 items
Regional economics 5 items
immigration policy 5 items
Pandemic 5 items
Bayesian inference 4 items
Inflation Dynamics 4 items
Nonlinear 4 items
Power resources - Prices 4 items
Price levels 4 items
R&D 4 items
Robust Inferences 4 items
Structural Equations 4 items
Tax Cuts and Jobs Act 4 items
Vacancies 4 items
gasoline price 4 items
global real activity 4 items
government 4 items
identification 4 items
narrative analysis 4 items
time series analysis 4 items
zero lower bound 4 items
Business cycle 4 items
Employment 4 items
Mortgages 4 items
growth 4 items
impulse response 4 items
local projections 4 items
manufacturing 4 items
Asset pricing 3 items
China 3 items
Consumer behavior 3 items
Consumer credit 3 items
Debt 3 items
E-Verify 3 items
Euro 3 items
Financial crises 3 items
Foreign exchange rates 3 items
Free trade 3 items
Gross domestic product 3 items
Heteroskedasticity 3 items
Hispanics 3 items
Housing 3 items
Housing - Prices 3 items
IV estimation 3 items
Latin America 3 items
Minimum wage 3 items
Model Averaging 3 items
Monetary theory 3 items
Multiple Endogenous Regressors 3 items
North American Free Trade Agreement 3 items
OPEC 3 items
Operational risk 3 items
Realized Volatility 3 items
Recessions 3 items
Serial Correlation 3 items
Signed Jumps 3 items
Tariff 3 items
Taxes and Economic Growth 3 items
Texas 3 items
Volatility Forecasts 3 items
Weak Instruments Test 3 items
economic conditions - United States 3 items
endogeneity 3 items
expectations 3 items
high frequency identification 3 items
joint inference 3 items
mortgage 3 items
news 3 items
oil demand elasticity 3 items
political polarization 3 items
regulation 3 items
telecommuting 3 items
total factor productivity (TFP) 3 items
unauthorized immigration 3 items
work from home 3 items
FinTech 3 items
financial stability 3 items
house prices 3 items
information 3 items
inventories 3 items
liquidity 3 items
machine learning 3 items
non-renewable resources 3 items
Agency MBS 2 items
Aging 2 items
Amenity 2 items
Audit Engagement 2 items
Audit Partner Names 2 items
Banking 2 items
Banking organizations 2 items
Banking structure 2 items
Banks and banking, Central 2 items
Beveridge curve 2 items
Bonds 2 items
Brazil 2 items
Business cycles - Econometric models 2 items
City 2 items
Clearinghouses (Banking) 2 items
Commercial paper 2 items
Commodity prices 2 items
Contracts 2 items
Credit control 2 items
Credit policy 2 items
Density 2 items
Developing countries 2 items
Econometrics 2 items
Economic development - Latin America 2 items
Economics 2 items
Energy policy 2 items
Expenditures, Public 2 items
Experimental Evidence 2 items
Federal Reserve District, 11th 2 items
Finite Activity Jumps 2 items
Firm Dynamics 2 items
GSEs 2 items
High Frequency 2 items
House price 2 items
Household saving 2 items
Housing policy 2 items
Housing subsidies 2 items
Income 2 items
Income distribution 2 items
Infinite Activity Jumps 2 items
Lending Channel 2 items
Location 2 items
Matching Elasticity 2 items
Matching Function 2 items
Measurement error 2 items
Measurement of Economic Activity 2 items
Monetary Transmission 2 items
Monetary policy shocks 2 items
Mortgage rate 2 items
Neighborhood 2 items
Noise-Robust Realized Volatility 2 items
Oil supply elasticity 2 items
Output growth 2 items
PCAOB 2 items
Petroleum products - Prices 2 items
Production (Economic theory) 2 items
Quantitative Easing 2 items
Rational Inattention 2 items
Regulation Q: Prohibition Against Payment of Interest on Demand Deposits 2 items
Risk Taking 2 items
SVAR 2 items
Sarbanes-Oxley 2 items
Saving and investment 2 items
Separation Rate 2 items
Skewness 2 items
Subprime mortgage 2 items
Surveys 2 items
Synthetic control 2 items
Technology 2 items
Telework 2 items
Unemployment Rate 2 items
Wealth 2 items
Weekly Economic Index 2 items
Women - Employment 2 items
asset prices 2 items
batteries 2 items
central bank communications 2 items
consumer confidence 2 items
credit constraints 2 items
crime 2 items
crude oil 2 items
depression 2 items
economic fluctuations 2 items
economic policy uncertainty 2 items
electric vehicles 2 items
electricity 2 items
exports 2 items
fiscal impact 2 items
gasoline 2 items
geopolitical risk 2 items
growth models 2 items
high-frequency data 2 items
household surveys 2 items
inequality 2 items
information processing capacity 2 items
information rigidities 2 items
macroeconomic risk 2 items
marriage 2 items
matching 2 items
max-share 2 items
mutual funds 2 items
nonlinear budget sets 2 items
nonlinear structural model 2 items
nonparametric estimation 2 items
nonparametric methods 2 items
oil inventories 2 items
particle filter 2 items
policy 2 items
political economy 2 items
posterior 2 items
poverty 2 items
precautionary savings 2 items
principal components 2 items
rare disasters 2 items
real-time data 2 items
recovery 2 items
search 2 items
shock propagation 2 items
slack 2 items
social distancing 2 items
stochastic volatility 2 items
stock returns 2 items
structural change 2 items
student loans 2 items
taxable income 2 items
time-varying uncertainty 2 items
wage growth 2 items
wildfires 2 items
Bayesian Estimation 2 items
Endogenous Uncertainty 2 items
(Economics) 1 items
Accounting 1 items
Agricultural laborers 1 items
Air Pollution 1 items
Airlines 1 items
Alpha 1 items
Alternative asset classes 1 items
Amenities 1 items
Arbitrage 1 items
Asset 1 items
Auto Loan 1 items
Automobile 1 items
Balance of trade 1 items
Bank competition 1 items
Bank deregulation 1 items
Bank failures 1 items
Bank supervision 1 items
Banking competition 1 items
Banking sector 1 items
Banks and banking 1 items
Banks and banking - Taxation 1 items
Banks and banking, Central - Switzerland 1 items
Banks and banking, Foreign 1 items
Bargaining 1 items
Bayesian VAR 1 items
Business 1 items
CES Production 1 items
Canada 1 items
Capital investments 1 items
Cautious Data Mining 1 items
Central cities 1 items
Cholesky Decomposition 1 items
Commercial Real Estate (CRE) 1 items
Commercial real estate 1 items
Commodities 1 items
Competition 1 items
Conspicuous Consumption 1 items
Construction 1 items
Construction industry 1 items
Consumer price indexes 1 items
Consumption (Economics) - United States 1 items
Consumption expenditure 1 items
Convenience Yield 1 items
Corporate bonds 1 items
Corporations - Finance 1 items
Cost 1 items
Cost and standard of living 1 items
Credit Constraints and Labor Supply 1 items
Credit Risk 1 items
Credit access 1 items
Credit supply 1 items
Creditworthiness 1 items
Cross-sectional 1 items
Currency denominations 1 items
Current Employment Statistics 1 items
DSGE 1 items
Density Forecasts 1 items
Deposit insurance 1 items
Depository Institutions Deregulation and Monetary Control Act of 1980 1 items
Depository institutions 1 items
Depressions 1 items
Deregulation 1 items
Disagreement 1 items
Distance 1 items
Divisia 1 items
Dodd-Frank 1 items
Dry bulk 1 items
EAD Conversion Measures 1 items
ECB Survey of Professional Forecasters 1 items
EU banks 1 items
Econometric models - Evaluation 1 items
Economic Activity 1 items
Economic conditions - Great Britain 1 items
Economic conditions - Japan 1 items
Economic conditions - Mexico 1 items
Economic indicators 1 items
Economics - Study and teaching 1 items
Elasticity 1 items
Elasticity (Economics) 1 items
Electrification 1 items
Emigrant remittances - Latin America 1 items
Emigration 1 items
Employment forecasting 1 items
Emulation 1 items
Energy consumption 1 items
Enterprise zones 1 items
Environmental policy 1 items
Epstein-Zin Preferences 1 items
Epstein-Zin Utility 1 items
Equilibrium (Economics) 1 items
Equity Premium Puzzle 1 items
Estimation 1 items
European Central Bank 1 items
European Union 1 items
Exchange rate 1 items
Exchange rate pass-through 1 items
Experimental Economics 1 items
Exposure at Default 1 items
FAVAR 1 items
Factor stochastic volatility model 1 items
False Discovery Exceedance Control 1 items
Federal Open Market Committee 1 items
Federal Reserve 1 items
Federal funds rate 1 items
Female labor supply 1 items
Finance 1 items
Financial innovation 1 items
Finding Rate 1 items
Finite Jumps 1 items
Fiscal 1 items
Fiscal Multiplier 1 items
Fiscal Stimulus 1 items
Forward guidance 1 items
Fuel 1 items
Gender wage gap 1 items
General Motors Corporation 1 items
Gentrification 1 items
Globalization 1 items
Google search activity 1 items
Great Moderation 1 items
Group of Seven countries 1 items
Haar prior 1 items
Heterogeneity 1 items
Hispanic Americans 1 items
Home ownership 1 items
Homeownership 1 items
Households - Economic aspects 1 items
Households - Finance 1 items
Housing Provident Fund 1 items
Hybrid Time Series 1 items
IPCA 1 items
Identification cards - Forgeries 1 items
Illegal immigrants 1 items
Illegal immigration 1 items
Immigration enforcement 1 items
Income inequality 1 items
Income tax 1 items
Index 1 items
Industrial capacity 1 items
Industrial organization (Economic theory) 1 items
Industries 1 items
Infinite Jumps 1 items
Inflation expectations 1 items
Inflation risk 1 items
Inflation stabilization 1 items
Information technology 1 items
Input-output analysis 1 items
Institutional investors 1 items
Intellectual property 1 items
Interbank market 1 items
Interest 1 items
Interest Rate Parity 1 items
Interest rate 1 items
International economic relations 1 items
International finance 1 items
Inversion Filter 1 items
Investments 1 items
Investments, Foreign - United States 1 items
Irregular migration 1 items
Job creation 1 items
Labor Search 1 items
Labor economics 1 items
Labor turnover 1 items
Labor unions 1 items
Latinos 1 items
Limited enforcement 1 items
Liquidity (Economics) 1 items
Local False Discovery Rates 1 items
Local Projection 1 items
Local currency 1 items
Local government 1 items
Location Data 1 items
Loss function 1 items
Loss recoveries 1 items
Macro-sensitivity 1 items
Macroeconomic environment 1 items
Macroeconomics - Econometric models 1 items
Manufactures 1 items
Maquiladora 1 items
Mathematical models 1 items
Medicaid 1 items
Medicaid Matching Grants 1 items
Merchandise trade 1 items
Mergers & acquisitions 1 items
Mexican migration 1 items
Mineral commodity markets 1 items
Monetary Economics 1 items
Monetary Policy Identification 1 items
Monetary policy - Switzerland 1 items
Money demand 1 items
Money market 1 items
Monte Carlo integration 1 items
Mortgage borrowing 1 items
Mortgage loans 1 items
Multiple Hypotheses Testing 1 items
Multiple Indicators-Multiple Causes (MIMIC) 1 items
National security 1 items
Natural gas 1 items
Natural resources 1 items
New Keynesian model 1 items
Noise-Robust Volatility 1 items
Non-Prime 1 items
Nonbank financial institutions 1 items
Nonlinear Estimation 1 items
Nonlinear Solution 1 items
OccBin 1 items
Oil market 1 items
Oil price volatility 1 items
Open market operations 1 items
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