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Bank:Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland  Series:Annual Report 

2013 Annual Report Why Inflation Is Very Low, and Why It Matters

One of the Federal Reserve?s mandates is maintaining stable prices. During my more than three decades in the Federal Reserve System, the focus has been primarily on avoiding high and variable inflation, and over most of that period, the Federal Reserve has successfully fulfilled its objective to keep inflation in check. More recently, however, our attention has turned to a less familiar concern?persistently low inflation. While high inflation has well-known costs for economic performance, the problems posed by persistently low inflation can be equally harmful. As its title promises, this ...
Annual Report

Can economics help save our schools?

Education and the flexibility to adapt to change are the most important factors in stimulating innovation and economic growth. Educated societies possess people who have the skills that enable them to induce change and then to successfully adapt.
Annual Report

Governments and money

A discussion of the history of attempts to protect the purchasing power of money, which contends that fostering competition among currencies may be the best way to generate economic growth through price stability.
Annual Report , Issue Jan , Pages 4-10

A puzzle for the world

An analysis of the strength of the U.S. dollar in 1984 and imbalances in U.S. international transactions.
Annual Report , Issue Apr

Theory ahead of rhetoric: measurement and the “New Economy”

The annual report essay discusses the measurement system used to track U.S. economic activity, and why it is not yet up to the task of effectively measuring aspects of economic activity that contribute the most to long-term economic growth. For historical reasons, our measuring system has concentrated on expenditure and output; going forward, though, it will need to gauge the true economic values of land, labor, and capital more accurately. Contemporary theories about the business cycle and economic growth indicate that conventional methods of measuring these factors fall short of what we ...
Annual Report

Breaking the housing crisis cycle

A plan for breaking the housing crisis cycle is emerging from the epicenter of the nation?s foreclosure meltdown. In its just-released annual report, the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland is calling for a multi-faceted approach that aims to address the interconnected problems that have led to too many Americans losing their homes and too many neighborhoods falling into disrepair.
Annual Report

Adapting, Evolving, Learning

The Federal Reserve is an adapting, evolving, and learning organization. In the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland's 2012 Annual Report, we take a close look at how it has changed since its creation 100 years ago. Our essay describes some of the seminal episodes that have influenced the Federal Reserve as we know it today. Times have changed, economic theories have developed, and the Federal Reserve has adapted to meet new demands. In fact, over the course of its 100 years, the Federal Reserve has proved not only a willingness to change, but also an appetite for embracing and initiating change ...
Annual Report

Beyond price stability: a reconsideration of monetary policy in a period of low inflation

Proposals for making price stability the Federal Reserve's primary monetary policy objective still deserve serious consideration and support, but perhaps this objective should be considered in a broader context than has been the case in recent years.
Annual Report

Putting systemic risk on the radar screen

As the nation ponders its response to the greatest financial crisis in generations, plans for regulatory reform are everywhere. Proposals to break up big financial companies, create a new agency for consumer protection, and lay out additional rules for derivatives, insurance companies, and hedge funds?they?re all on the table.
Annual Report