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Bank:Federal Reserve Bank of Boston 

Community Education Circles in the Lawrence Public Schools: evaluation design and baseline survey data

This paper describes a plan for evaluating the Community Education Circles (CECs) program that is being implemented in the Lawrence Public Schools as part of an effort to enhance family-school engagement and improve outcomes for both students and parents. The CECs program supports the larger Lawrence Working Families Initiative, which in 2013 was awarded a multiyear grant through the Boston Fed?s Working Cities Challenge. This paper accomplishes several objectives: (1) describe the goals and methods of the CECs program as well as the larger goals of the Lawrence Working Families Initiative; ...
Current Policy Perspectives , Paper 17-1

U. S. consumer cash use, 2012 and 2015: an introduction to the Diary of Consumer Payment Choice

U.S. consumer cash payments averaged 26 percent of all U.S. consumer payments by number (volume share) from 2008 to 2015, according to the Survey of Consumer Payment Choice (SCPC), and were essentially unchanged between 2012 and 2015. New estimates from the Diary of Consumer Payment Choice (DCPC) show that the volume share of consumer cash payments is higher than estimated in the SCPC and suggest that the cash volume share was 8 percentage points lower in 2015 than in 2012. The DCPC most likely does not provide an accurate estimate of the actual change in the cash volume share, however, due ...
Research Data Report , Paper 17-6

The growing shortage of affordable housing for the extremely low income in Massachusetts

This report identifies ways that the state?s policymakers and housing agencies and providers can more efficiently use limited resources to address the affordable housing needs of extremely low-income households. The first is to prioritize rental assistance in areas of the state where rents are low and the inventory of market-supplied housing is high. Doing so will take advantage of local market conditions that are favorable to rental-assistance subsidies while addressing these areas? high rates of rent burden. Tax-credit and other supply-oriented subsidies can be targeted more heavily to ...
New England Public Policy Center Policy Reports , Paper 19-1

Journal Article
Observations: take home pay

While employer-assisted housing programs may allow companies to help their own workers with housing issues, it remains to be seen whether the programs can contribute substantially to resolving Boston's affordable housing problem.
Regional Review , Issue Q 2 , Pages 1-2

Liquidity Transformation Risks in U.S. Bank Loan and High-Yield Mutual Funds

In this note, we examine the liquidity profiles of a sample of bank loan and high-yield open-end mutual funds. Among other things, we find that the ten largest bank loan mutual funds have increased their holdings of the hardest-to-value, generally most illiquid assets over the past decade.
Supervisory Research and Analysis Notes , Issue 02 , Pages 11

Addressing the challenge of growing earnings inequality

Annual Report

Conference Paper
Still searching for optimal capital structure

Conference Series ; [Proceedings] , Volume 33 , Pages 80-105

Conference Paper
Is there a shortfall in public capital investment? : proceedings of a conference held in October 1990

Conference Series ; [Proceedings] , Volume 34 , Issue Jun

Journal Article
What role does consumer sentiment play in the U.S. macroeconomy?

Many in the press and general public see consumer sentiment as a significant, independent force in the economy. Some suggest that sentiment indexes forecast future economic activity, others that changes in consumer sentiment actually drive business cycle fluctuations. ; This article shows that consumer sentiment plays a much more passive role, primarily reflecting rather than causing current economic conditions such as levels of income growth, inflation, unemployment, and interest rates. The authors statistical tests show that most of the variation in consumer sentiment is explained by these ...
New England Economic Review , Issue Jan , Pages 32-44

Journal Article
When donors feel generous: economic research on prosocial behavior

New research shows that people donate time and money at the level of peers to groups with which they identify?and that they want to see the impact of their giving. Nonprofits seeking volunteers and funds will find the insights useful.
Communities and Banking , Issue Win , Pages 3-5




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Rosengren, Eric S. 256 items

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Stavins, Joanna 66 items

Peek, Joe 59 items

Bradbury, Katharine L. 55 items

Browne, Lynn E. 55 items

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Monetary policy 173 items

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