Search Results
Community Education Circles in the Lawrence Public Schools: evaluation design and baseline survey data
Brown, John C.; Graves, Erin; Triest, Robert K.; Burke, Mary A.; Bradbury, Katharine L.
This paper describes a plan for evaluating the Community Education Circles (CECs) program that is being implemented in the Lawrence Public Schools as part of an effort to enhance family-school engagement and improve outcomes for both students and parents. The CECs program supports the larger Lawrence Working Families Initiative, which in 2013 was awarded a multiyear grant through the Boston Fed?s Working Cities Challenge. This paper accomplishes several objectives: (1) describe the goals and methods of the CECs program as well as the larger goals of the Lawrence Working Families Initiative; ...
Current Policy Perspectives
, Paper 17-1
U. S. consumer cash use, 2012 and 2015: an introduction to the Diary of Consumer Payment Choice
O'Brien, Shaun; Greene, Claire; Schuh, Scott
U.S. consumer cash payments averaged 26 percent of all U.S. consumer payments by number (volume share) from 2008 to 2015, according to the Survey of Consumer Payment Choice (SCPC), and were essentially unchanged between 2012 and 2015. New estimates from the Diary of Consumer Payment Choice (DCPC) show that the volume share of consumer cash payments is higher than estimated in the SCPC and suggest that the cash volume share was 8 percentage points lower in 2015 than in 2012. The DCPC most likely does not provide an accurate estimate of the actual change in the cash volume share, however, due ...
Research Data Report
, Paper 17-6
The growing shortage of affordable housing for the extremely low income in Massachusetts
Chiumenti, Nicholas
This report identifies ways that the state?s policymakers and housing agencies and providers can more efficiently use limited resources to address the affordable housing needs of extremely low-income households. The first is to prioritize rental assistance in areas of the state where rents are low and the inventory of market-supplied housing is high. Doing so will take advantage of local market conditions that are favorable to rental-assistance subsidies while addressing these areas? high rates of rent burden. Tax-credit and other supply-oriented subsidies can be targeted more heavily to ...
New England Public Policy Center Policy Reports
, Paper 19-1
Journal Article
Observations: take home pay
Young, Jennifer
While employer-assisted housing programs may allow companies to help their own workers with housing issues, it remains to be seen whether the programs can contribute substantially to resolving Boston's affordable housing problem.
Regional Review
, Issue Q 2
, Pages 1-2
Liquidity Transformation Risks in U.S. Bank Loan and High-Yield Mutual Funds
Anadu, Kenechukwu E.; Cai, Fang
In this note, we examine the liquidity profiles of a sample of bank loan and high-yield open-end mutual funds. Among other things, we find that the ten largest bank loan mutual funds have increased their holdings of the hardest-to-value, generally most illiquid assets over the past decade.
Supervisory Research and Analysis Notes
, Issue 02
, Pages 11
Addressing the challenge of growing earnings inequality
Triest, Robert K.; Minehan, Cathy E.
Annual Report
Conference Paper
Still searching for optimal capital structure
Myers, Stewart
Conference Series ; [Proceedings]
, Volume 33
, Pages 80-105
Conference Paper
Is there a shortfall in public capital investment? : proceedings of a conference held in October 1990
Munnell, Alicia H.
Conference Series ; [Proceedings]
, Volume 34
, Issue Jun
Journal Article
What role does consumer sentiment play in the U.S. macroeconomy?
Fuhrer, Jeffrey C.
Many in the press and general public see consumer sentiment as a significant, independent force in the economy. Some suggest that sentiment indexes forecast future economic activity, others that changes in consumer sentiment actually drive business cycle fluctuations. ; This article shows that consumer sentiment plays a much more passive role, primarily reflecting rather than causing current economic conditions such as levels of income growth, inflation, unemployment, and interest rates. The authors statistical tests show that most of the variation in consumer sentiment is explained by these ...
New England Economic Review
, Issue Jan
, Pages 32-44
Journal Article
When donors feel generous: economic research on prosocial behavior
Meier, Stephan
New research shows that people donate time and money at the level of peers to groups with which they identify?and that they want to see the impact of their giving. Nonprofits seeking volunteers and funds will find the insights useful.
Communities and Banking
, Issue Win
, Pages 3-5
Working Papers 491 items
New England Economic Review 375 items
Conference Series ; [Proceedings] 368 items
Communities and Banking 330 items
Regional Review 234 items
Speech 204 items
Current Policy Perspectives 79 items
Public Policy Discussion Paper 76 items
Supervisory Research and Analysis Working Papers 53 items
New England Economic Indicators 46 items
Fiscal Facts 40 items
New England Public Policy Center Research Report 34 items
Research Data Report 30 items
Public Policy Brief 29 items
New England Public Policy Center Policy Brief 26 items
New England Community Developments 24 items
New England Banking Trends 23 items
Public and Community Affairs Discussion Papers 23 items
Annual Report 21 items
New England Public Policy Center Working Paper 21 items
New England Public Policy Center Regional Brief 19 items
Monograph 14 items
New England Public Policy Center Discussion Paper 9 items
Labor Market Trends 8 items
New England Public Policy Center Policy Reports 8 items
Supervisory Research and Analysis Notes 8 items
Research Report 6 items
Special Report 3 items
Interactive Maps and Charts 2 items
New England Public Policy Center Conference Report 2 items
show more (25)
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FILTER BY Content Type
Journal Article 1072 items
Working Paper 565 items
Conference Paper 370 items
Speech 204 items
Report 189 items
Discussion Paper 108 items
Briefing 74 items
Monograph 14 items
Periodic Essay 8 items
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show less
Rosengren, Eric S. 256 items
anonymous 68 items
Stavins, Joanna 66 items
Peek, Joe 59 items
Bradbury, Katharine L. 55 items
Browne, Lynn E. 55 items
Fuhrer, Jeffrey C. 52 items
Little, Jane Sneddon 51 items
Schuh, Scott 49 items
Kodrzycki, Yolanda 47 items
Willen, Paul S. 45 items
Zhao, Bo 43 items
Kopcke, Richard W. 41 items
Olivei, Giovanni P. 40 items
Triest, Robert K. 38 items
Tannenwald, Robert 37 items
Wang, J. Christina 37 items
Burke, Mary A. 36 items
Tootell, Geoffrey M. B. 36 items
Munnell, Alicia H. 32 items
Bräuning, Falk 30 items
Campbell, John 30 items
Cooper, Daniel H. 30 items
Katz, Jane 30 items
Foote, Christopher L. 29 items
Sass, Steven A. 28 items
Collins, Susan M. 27 items
Fieleke, Norman S. 27 items
Fortune, Peter 26 items
Bracha, Anat 23 items
Sullivan, Riley 22 items
Gerardi, Kristopher S. 21 items
Greene, Claire 21 items
Shy, Oz 21 items
Chakrabarti, Prabal 20 items
Luengo-Prado, Maria Jose 20 items
Clifford, Robert 19 items
Jackson, Osborne 19 items
Simons, Katerina 19 items
Barnes, Michelle L. 18 items
McNees, Stephen K. 18 items
Munoz, Ana Patricia 18 items
Ozdagli, Ali K. 18 items
Conaway, Carrie 17 items
Mayer, Christopher J. 17 items
Green, DeAnna 16 items
Minehan, Cathy E. 16 items
Swaine, Daniel G. 16 items
Case, Karl E. 15 items
Sheremirov, Viacheslav 15 items
Benton, Marques 14 items
Cohen-Cole, Ethan 14 items
Cotton, Christopher D. 14 items
Hitczenko, Marcin 14 items
Jordan, John S. 14 items
Wasserman, Miriam 14 items
Meier, Stephan 13 items
Randall, Richard E. 13 items
DeCoff, Tom 12 items
Diez, Federico J. 12 items
Garga, Vaishali 12 items
Henderson, Yolanda K. 12 items
Joaquim, Gustavo 12 items
Lee, Kai-yan 12 items
Quigley, E. Matthew 12 items
Sasser, Alicia 12 items
Tang, Jenny 12 items
Walker, Richard 12 items
Borgos, Ricardo 11 items
Schacht, Susan 11 items
Chiumenti, Nicholas 10 items
Foster, Kevin 10 items
Gilligan, Peggy 10 items
Gopinath, Gita 10 items
Jamison, Julian 10 items
Lewis, Carol 10 items
Modestino, Alicia Sasser 10 items
Thompson, Jeffrey P. 10 items
Anadu, Kenechukwu E. 9 items
Fillat, Jose 9 items
Fillat, José 9 items
Hershbein, Brad 9 items
Kanders, Kristin 9 items
Nathan, Luxman 9 items
Angrisani, Marco 8 items
Basu, Susanto 8 items
Gill, Kathleen 8 items
Gumbau-Brisa, Fabia 8 items
Klein, Michael W. 8 items
Owens, Antoniya 8 items
Reade, Julia 8 items
Syron, Richard F. 8 items
Tenreyro, Silvana 8 items
Turner, Nick 8 items
Weiner, Jennifer 8 items
Andrade, Philippe 7 items
Cooper, Richard N. 7 items
Lambie-Hanson, Lauren 7 items
Marcuss, Mamie 7 items
Montoriol-Garriga, Judit 7 items
Zlate, Andrei 7 items
Afshar, Anna 6 items
Ariely, Dan 6 items
Duygan-Bump, Burcu 6 items
Fulford, Scott L. 6 items
Fuster, Andreas 6 items
Gerew, Nelson 6 items
Gittell, Ross J. 6 items
Hellerstein, Rebecca 6 items
Lu, Lina 6 items
Steiger, Anna 6 items
Stein, Hillary 6 items
Aguiar, Mark 5 items
Barbiero, Omar 5 items
Boucher, Norman 5 items
Brome, Heather 5 items
Carter, Becky 5 items
Cook, Leah M. 5 items
Coyne, David 5 items
Dunham, Constance R. 5 items
Ernsberger, Nicole 5 items
Goette, Lorenz 5 items
Graves, Erin 5 items
Hargroves, Jeannette S. 5 items
Kimball, Ralph C. 5 items
Larrain, Borja 5 items
Lovejoy, Kristin 5 items
Malfroy-Camine, Antoine 5 items
McIntyre, Lee 5 items
Nagowski, Matthew 5 items
Patki, Dhiren 5 items
Plasse, David 5 items
Sprenger, Charles 5 items
Wu, Pinghui 5 items
Abbassi, Puriya 4 items
Autor, David H. 4 items
Bleakley, Hoyt 4 items
Blough, Stephen R. 4 items
Burtless, Gary 4 items
Carman, Katherine Grace 4 items
Dennett, Julia 4 items
Goldin, Claudia 4 items
Hayashi, Fumiko 4 items
Heiland, Frank 4 items
Ireland, Peter N. 4 items
Irvine, F. Owen 4 items
Jabaily, Robert 4 items
Landoni, Mattia 4 items
Lie, Denny 4 items
Loewenstein, Lara 4 items
Nunes, Ricardo 4 items
Prono, Todd 4 items
Rysman, Marc 4 items
Saas, Darcy Rollins 4 items
Shapiro, Adam Hale 4 items
Sorensen, Bent E. 4 items
Stavrakeva, Vania 4 items
Steuerle, C. Eugene 4 items
Wilcox, James A. 4 items
Aghdasi, Eamon 3 items
Azar, Pablo D. 3 items
Back, Thomas 3 items
Ballance, Joshua 3 items
Bodie, Zvi 3 items
Bohn, James 3 items
Briglevics, Tamas 3 items
Brown, Arneese 3 items
Bubb, Ryan 3 items
Cipriani, Marco 3 items
Crowe, Marianne 3 items
DeLong, J. Bradford 3 items
Diamond, Peter A. 3 items
Dickens, William T. 3 items
Eisenbach, Thomas M. 3 items
Engelhardt, Gary V. 3 items
Fallick, Bruce 3 items
Felgran, Steven D. 3 items
Fitzgerald, Mary C. 3 items
Fleming, Jessamyn 3 items
Flynn, Patricia M. 3 items
Gali, Jordi 3 items
Garetto, Stefania 3 items
Gilchrist, Simon 3 items
Gorbachev, Olga 3 items
Gupta, Charu Nidhi 3 items
Hendershott, Patric H. 3 items
Hohn, Marcia 3 items
Hryshko, Dmytro 3 items
Huang, Catherine 3 items
Hurst, Erik 3 items
Ivashina, Victoria 3 items
Jorgenson, Dale W. 3 items
Kasirye, Faith 3 items
Kaufman, Alex 3 items
Kinsella, Anne E. 3 items
La Spada, Gabriele 3 items
Levkov, Alexey 3 items
Lydon, Amanda 3 items
Macchiavelli, Marco 3 items
Mauricio, Kaili 3 items
Mobius, Markus M. 3 items
Moore, John A. 3 items
Moore, Kevin B. 3 items
Netto, Felipe 3 items
Presno, Ignacio 3 items
Pritsker, Matthew 3 items
Rohan, Justin 3 items
Rosenblat, Tanya 3 items
Rotemberg, Julio J. 3 items
Rutledge, Matt 3 items
Samuels, George 3 items
Samuelson, Paul A. 3 items
Schiantarelli, Fabio 3 items
Shavit, Yael 3 items
Shen, Leslie Sheng 3 items
Shiller, Robert J. 3 items
Shoag, Daniel 3 items
Simonsen, Ashley 3 items
Spearot, Alan C. 3 items
Stenbacka, Rune 3 items
Stutzer, Alois 3 items
Tilly, Chris 3 items
Volz, Alice Henriques 3 items
Wen, Hefei 3 items
Wharam, James Frank 3 items
Wilkinson, Anitt 3 items
Williams, Paul 3 items
Yu, Hao 3 items
Yu, Pingkang David 3 items
Zhang, David Hao 3 items
de Fontnouvelle, Patrick 3 items
Adams, William James 2 items
Adelino, Manuel 2 items
Alejandro, Patricia 2 items
Anadu, Ken 2 items
Bachmann, Rüdiger 2 items
Barro, Robert J. 2 items
Bartolini, Leonardo 2 items
Baum, Sandy 2 items
Baxandall, Phineas 2 items
Beeferman, Larry W. 2 items
Bergstrand, Jeffrey H. 2 items
Bernanke, Ben S. 2 items
Bishop, John H. 2 items
Blanchard, Olivier Jean 2 items
Bluestone, Barry 2 items
Brady, Steffanie 2 items
Braun, Matias 2 items
Brunetta, Leslie 2 items
Caballero, Ricardo J. 2 items
Carbonell, Sol 2 items
Carlson, Carole 2 items
Carstens, Agustin G. 2 items
Carter, Mary Ellen 2 items
Casas, Camila 2 items
Cole, Allison 2 items
Conell-Price, Lynn 2 items
Congdon-Martin, Joshua 2 items
Connolly, Paul M. 2 items
Corradin, Stefano 2 items
Costa, Robert 2 items
Couillard, Benjamin K. 2 items
Cowan, Kevin 2 items
Curtis, Brandy 2 items
Cutler, David M. 2 items
Davis, Steven J. 2 items
Debelle, Guy 2 items
Debortoli, Davide 2 items
Demyanyk, Yuliya 2 items
DiPasquale, Denise 2 items
Dynan, Karen E. 2 items
Ellis, Caroline 2 items
Elmatad, Tal 2 items
Farish, Terry 2 items
Fecht, Falko 2 items
Fernald, John G. 2 items
Fischer, Stanley 2 items
Fisher, Lynn 2 items
Fisher, Ronald C. 2 items
Folbre, Nancy 2 items
Frame, W. Scott 2 items
Frankel, Jeffrey A. 2 items
Freeman, Richard B. 2 items
Galligan, John 2 items
Ghayad, Rand 2 items
Givens, Jennifer L. 2 items
Glaeser, Edward Ludwig 2 items
Gleason, Joshua 2 items
Gneezy, Uri 2 items
Goettle, Richard J. 2 items
Gonzalez, Alejandra 2 items
Gorodnichenko, Yuriy 2 items
Gramlich, Edward M. 2 items
Gurau, Michael H. 2 items
Guren, Adam M. 2 items
Hagerman, Lisa A. 2 items
Hall, Robert E. 2 items
Hanushek, Eric A. 2 items
Hebb, Tessa 2 items
Henson, Eric 2 items
Ho, Mun S. 2 items
Holod, Dmytro 2 items
Hooker, Mark A. 2 items
Houlihan, George J. 2 items
Humstone, Elizabeth 2 items
Iacoviello, Matteo 2 items
Inklaar, Robert 2 items
Inman, Natalie J. 2 items
Itskhoki, Oleg 2 items
Jacobs, Lindsay 2 items
Jacobsen, Joyce P. 2 items
Johnson, Kenneth M. 2 items
Kahn, Charles M. 2 items
Kawai, Hiroshi 2 items
Kenyon, Daphne A. 2 items
Kohn, Donald L. 2 items
Koren, Miklos 2 items
Kotlikoff, Laurence J. 2 items
Koulayev, Sergei 2 items
Kriesberg, Joseph 2 items
Kubler, Felix 2 items
Labonne, Claire 2 items
Le Bihan, Hervé 2 items
Levin, John 2 items
Litan, Robert E. 2 items
Liu, Jenny 2 items
Llanes, Elizabeth 2 items
Lo, Stephanie 2 items
Loewenstein, George 2 items
Luquetta, Andrea Caliz 2 items
Mallach, Alan 2 items
Mann, Catherine L. 2 items
Manz, Michael 2 items
Matheron, Julien 2 items
Mazar, Nina 2 items
McCallum, Bennett T. 2 items
McMillan, Lucy 2 items
Meehan, James W. 2 items
Meijer, Erik 2 items
Morgan, Donald P. 2 items
Morita, Mizue 2 items
Morris, Frank E. 2 items
Moss, Philip 2 items
Murnane, Richard J. 2 items
Mussa, Michael 2 items
Neiman, Brent 2 items
Nelson, William R. 2 items
Nishiguchi, Kenji 2 items
Nordhaus, William D. 2 items
O'Leary, Christopher J. 2 items
O'Mara, Michael 2 items
Pancost, N. Aaron 2 items
Pingle, Jonathan F. 2 items
Poole, William 2 items
Prasad, Kislaya 2 items
Pulkkinen, Thomas E. 2 items
Rao, Nikhil 2 items
Reardon, Kenneth M. 2 items
Reskin, Barbara 2 items
Ricko, Anthony 2 items
Rivlin, Alice M. 2 items
Rollins, Darcy 2 items
Rolnick, Arthur J. 2 items
Romano, Teresa Foy 2 items
Ross, Stanford G. 2 items
Ryan, Richard W. 2 items
Sabelhaus, John Edward 2 items
Sachs, Jeffrey D. 2 items
Sapozhnikov, Margarita 2 items
Sass, Tim R. 2 items
Schmidt, Lucie 2 items
Sekeris, Evan G. 2 items
Shaffer, Sanders 2 items
Shott, Heidi 2 items
Simpson, E. Philip 2 items
Sims, Christopher A. 2 items
Slesnick, Daniel T. 2 items
Smith, Kennedy Lawson 2 items
Sniderman, Mark S. 2 items
Solow, Robert M. 2 items
Somerville, C. Tsuriel 2 items
Sood, Aradhya 2 items
Spirovska, Sandra 2 items
Spring, William J. 2 items
Stewart, Julia T. 2 items
Suarez, Gustavo A. 2 items
Swack, Michael 2 items
Takada, Yukiko 2 items
Tanner, Noam 2 items
Trostel, Philip A. 2 items
Vergara-Alert, Carles 2 items
Vericker, Chris E. 2 items
Vesterlund, Lise 2 items
Walker, Michael J. 2 items
Warren, Elizabeth 2 items
Watson, Tara 2 items
Wilcoxen, Peter J. 2 items
Willard, Marie 2 items
Williams, John C. 2 items
Williams, Tyler 2 items
Woodbury, Richard 2 items
Young, Deanna M. 2 items
Zabek, Mike 2 items
Zakrajšek, Egon 2 items
Zanella, Giulio 2 items
http://fedora:8080/fcrepo/rest/objects/authors/ 2 items
Aaron, Henry J. 1 items
Abowd, John M. 1 items
Abraham, Jesse M. 1 items
Abramowitz, Joelle Hillary 1 items
Adams, Maggie 1 items
Adrian, Tobias 1 items
Agrawal, David 1 items
Ahearn, Mary 1 items
Ahmed, Shaghil 1 items
Alexander, Frank S. 1 items
Allen, Franklin 1 items
Altman, Stuart H. 1 items
Alvarez, Alexandra 1 items
Amador, Manuel 1 items
Amromin, Gene 1 items
Anderson, Emily S. 1 items
Anderson, Margo 1 items
Ando, Tomohiro 1 items
Andre, Olivier 1 items
Andreas, Peter 1 items
Andrews, Todd 1 items
Arazi, Martin 1 items
Arcaya, Mariana 1 items
Arce, Pedro 1 items
Arnold, Christopher 1 items
Arseneau, David M. 1 items
Aschauer, David Alan 1 items
Atkinson, Paul 1 items
Auerbach, Alan J. 1 items
Avenancio-León, Carlos F. 1 items
Averell, Vicente GarcÃa 1 items
Avery, Robert B. 1 items
Avramenko, Andriy 1 items
Avramov, Doron 1 items
Axel-Lute, Miriam 1 items
Axilrod, Stephen H. 1 items
Bagnall, John 1 items
Bai, Jushan 1 items
Baily, Martin N. 1 items
Baker, Daniel 1 items
Baker, Sean 1 items
Baklanova, Viktoria 1 items
Ball, Laurence 1 items
Banerjee, Ritesh 1 items
Banisar, David 1 items
Bankowski, Patricia 1 items
Bannon, Susan 1 items
Barattieri, Alessandro 1 items
Barber, Michael 1 items
Barber, William J. 1 items
Barsamian, Nicole 1 items
Bassett, John 1 items
Bates, Timothy 1 items
Bator, Francis 1 items
Bauer, Paul W. 1 items
Baughman, Garth 1 items
Baughman, Reagan 1 items
Becker, Beate 1 items
Becker, Krista J. 1 items
Belanger, Ashley 1 items
Benay, Jeff 1 items
Benjamin, Daniel J. 1 items
Bennett, Gretchen 1 items
Benston, George J. 1 items
Benz, Matthias 1 items
Berger, Suzanne 1 items
Bergman, U. Michael 1 items
Berke, Sarah 1 items
Berkowitz, Edward D. 1 items
Berlinger, Nancy 1 items
Berry, Michael 1 items
Bertaut, Carol C. 1 items
Bewley, Truman 1 items
Bhagwati, Jagdish 1 items
Billingham, Chase 1 items
Bishop, Tara 1 items
Bisson, Keith 1 items
Black, Krystl 1 items
Blair, Krista 1 items
Blank, Rebecca M. 1 items
Blasques, Francisco 1 items
Blau, Francine D. 1 items
Blinder, Alan S. 1 items
Bliss, Ashley 1 items
Block, William 1 items
Blum, Barbara B. 1 items
Boasberg, Margaret 1 items
Bodenschatz, Hope 1 items
Boersch-Supan, Axel H. 1 items
Bohn, Henning 1 items
Bohnet, Iris 1 items
Bolmatis, Athanasios 1 items
Boorman, Jack 1 items
Bordo, Michael D. 1 items
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FILTER BY Jel Classification
G21 60 items
D14 57 items
E52 52 items
D12 45 items
E21 34 items
E31 29 items
E58 26 items
G28 26 items
E24 25 items
E32 24 items
E42 22 items
E44 21 items
J24 20 items
J21 18 items
E43 17 items
G23 17 items
G12 16 items
F31 15 items
G32 15 items
D31 14 items
G15 14 items
E41 13 items
G51 13 items
I18 11 items
G01 10 items
J22 10 items
E37 9 items
E4 9 items
F41 9 items
G11 9 items
I12 9 items
J15 9 items
R21 9 items
D63 8 items
D91 8 items
E62 8 items
G18 8 items
H81 8 items
I22 8 items
R31 8 items
D15 7 items
G20 7 items
H71 7 items
H75 7 items
I24 7 items
J11 7 items
J23 7 items
J63 7 items
R23 7 items
E66 6 items
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F44 6 items
G10 6 items
G14 6 items
H77 6 items
J31 6 items
J64 6 items
C83 5 items
D24 5 items
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F34 5 items
F42 5 items
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H31 5 items
H7 5 items
H72 5 items
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J32 5 items
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C32 4 items
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D84 4 items
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F36 4 items
H2 4 items
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R50 1 items
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FILTER BY Keywords
Monetary policy 173 items
New England 135 items
COVID-19 69 items
Inflation (Finance) 64 items
Labor market 59 items
Unemployment 52 items
Taxation 49 items
Education 48 items
Interest rates 48 items
Economic conditions 46 items
Employment (Economic theory) 37 items
International trade 37 items
Labor supply 36 items
financial stability 36 items
Bank supervision 35 items
Risk management 34 items
Financial crises 34 items
Housing 34 items
inflation 32 items
Consumer behavior 31 items
Credit cards 31 items
fiscal policy 30 items
Demography 29 items
Monetary policy - United States 29 items
state finances 29 items
Economic development 28 items
Housing - Prices 28 items
Wages 28 items
Bank loans 27 items
Economic conditions - New England 27 items
Community development 27 items
Pensions 27 items
Income distribution 26 items
Phillips curve 26 items
Econometric models 25 items
Massachusetts 25 items
Business cycles 24 items
Federal Reserve District, 1st 24 items
Payment systems 24 items
Risk 24 items
Saving and investment 24 items
Technology 24 items
Social security 24 items
Mortgage loans 23 items
NEPPC 22 items
Foreclosure 21 items
Investments 21 items
Productivity 21 items
Banks and banking, Central 20 items
Health care reform 20 items
Small business 20 items
Bank capital 20 items
Banks and banking 19 items
International finance 19 items
Mortgages 19 items
Real property 19 items
Recessions 19 items
maximum employment 19 items
Forecasting 18 items
Foreign exchange rates 18 items
Human behavior 18 items
Public policy 18 items
Women - Employment 18 items
Debt 18 items
employment 18 items
Banks and banking - New England 17 items
Macroeconomics 17 items
Bank failures 16 items
Community development - Massachusetts 16 items
Electronic funds transfers 16 items
Stock - Prices 16 items
Stock market 16 items
price stability 16 items
Credit 16 items
Financial markets 16 items
Economic policy 15 items
economic outlook 15 items
Balance of trade 14 items
Capital 14 items
Consolidation and merger of corporations 14 items
Corporations - Finance 14 items
Economic conditions - Massachusetts 14 items
Infrastructure (Economics) 14 items
Insurance industry 14 items
Labor market - Massachusetts 14 items
Main Street Lending Program 14 items
Public welfare 14 items
Regional economics 14 items
Rhode Island 14 items
Women executives 14 items
Checks 14 items
Bankruptcy 13 items
Consumer credit 13 items
Economics 13 items
Foreclosure - Massachusetts 13 items
Global financial crisis 13 items
Local government 13 items
Securities 13 items
Tax reform 13 items
dual mandate 13 items
labor markets 13 items
Debit cards 13 items
Unbanked 13 items
Baby boom generation 12 items
Corporations 12 items
Credit scoring systems 12 items
Gross domestic product 12 items
Survey of Consumer Payment Choice 12 items
consumption 12 items
Balance of payments 11 items
College graduates - New England 11 items
Connecticut 11 items
Deposit insurance 11 items
Housing - Massachusetts 11 items
Housing - New England 11 items
Income tax 11 items
Manufactures 11 items
Subprime mortgage 11 items
consumer payments 11 items
pandemic 11 items
Labor supply - New England 10 items
Medical care 10 items
Municipal finance - Massachusetts 10 items
Prices 10 items
Welfare 10 items
exchange rates 10 items
Banks and banking - Customer services 9 items
Cities and towns - Massachusetts 9 items
Housing - Finance 9 items
Insurance, Health 9 items
International Monetary Fund 9 items
Local finance 9 items
Municipal finance 9 items
New Hampshire 9 items
Revenue 9 items
uncertainty 9 items
Boston (Mass.) 8 items
Capital investments 8 items
Capital movements 8 items
Discrimination in mortgage loans 8 items
Federal Open Market Committee 8 items
Housing - Boston 8 items
Immigrants 8 items
Immigrants - New England 8 items
Medical care, Cost of 8 items
Mortgage loans - New England 8 items
New England - Population 8 items
Poverty 8 items
Sex discrimination against women 8 items
Systemic risk 8 items
federal funds rate 8 items
inequality 8 items
money market mutual funds 8 items
small business finance 8 items
checking accounts 8 items
Bonds 7 items
Canada 7 items
Consumers' preferences 7 items
Consumption (Economics) 7 items
Diary of Consumer Payment Choice 7 items
Discrimination in employment 7 items
Education - Economic aspects 7 items
Finance, Public 7 items
Foreclosure - New England 7 items
Foreign exchange 7 items
High technology industries 7 items
Housing - Prices - Massachusetts 7 items
Immigrants - Massachusetts 7 items
Industries - New England 7 items
Japan 7 items
Loans 7 items
Money 7 items
Mortgage loans - Massachusetts 7 items
Mortgage-backed securities 7 items
Municipal bonds 7 items
Retirement 7 items
Vermont 7 items
economic conditions - United States 7 items
electronic payments 7 items
inclusive economy 7 items
older people 7 items
public health 7 items
recovery 7 items
Crime 7 items
working places 7 items
Altruism 6 items
Bank holding companies 6 items
Bank mergers 6 items
Career development - Sex differences 6 items
Cities and towns 6 items
College graduates 6 items
Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 6 items
Consumer protection 6 items
Developing countries 6 items
Economic conditions - New Hampshire 6 items
Emigration and immigration 6 items
Financial market regulatory reform 6 items
Free trade 6 items
Game theory 6 items
Home Mortgage Disclosure Act 6 items
Home ownership 6 items
Households - Economic aspects 6 items
Income 6 items
Investments, Foreign - United States 6 items
Local finance - Massachusetts 6 items
Medicaid 6 items
Money market funds 6 items
Mutual funds 6 items
Poverty - New England 6 items
Retirement income 6 items
Rural areas 6 items
Tax Reform Act of 1986 6 items
Universities and colleges 6 items
buprenorphine 6 items
cash 6 items
demand 6 items
liquidity 6 items
methadone 6 items
opioid use disorder 6 items
payment preferences 6 items
payments 6 items
prepaid cards 6 items
supply 6 items
survey design 6 items
Bank investments 5 items
Bank stocks 5 items
Budget deficits 5 items
CPI 5 items
Cash transactions 5 items
Check collection systems 5 items
Clearinghouses (Banking) 5 items
Community banks 5 items
Community development - Connecticut 5 items
Community development - Maine 5 items
Community development - New England 5 items
Consumer surveys 5 items
Current Population Survey 5 items
Deficit financing - New England 5 items
Derivative securities 5 items
Economic development - Maine 5 items
Economic history 5 items
Economic indicators 5 items
Emigrant remittances 5 items
Employees, Training of 5 items
Employment - New England 5 items
Environmental protection 5 items
Federal Reserve System 5 items
Financial institutions 5 items
Financial services industry 5 items
Fiscal policy - New England 5 items
Home ownership - Massachusetts 5 items
Keynesian economics 5 items
Labor mobility 5 items
Maine 5 items
Municipal finance - New England 5 items
Obesity 5 items
Paycheck Protection Program 5 items
Retail trade 5 items
Revenue - New England 5 items
Small business - New England 5 items
State finance - New England 5 items
Stocks 5 items
Transparency 5 items
Universities and colleges - Massachusetts 5 items
capital asset pricing model 5 items
economic recovery 5 items
global economy 5 items
higher education 5 items
inflation expectations 5 items
inflationary trends 5 items
liquidity transformation 5 items
markets 5 items
monetary policy transmission 5 items
nonprofit organizations 5 items
small business lending 5 items
Accounting 4 items
Agriculture - New England 4 items
Asia 4 items
Bank competition 4 items
Banking structure - New England 4 items
Banks and banking - Japan 4 items
Banks and banking, International 4 items
Capital market 4 items
Cities and towns - New England 4 items
Commercial loans 4 items
Community development corporations 4 items
Contracting out 4 items
Corporations - Taxation 4 items
Default (Finance) 4 items
Economic conditions - Connecticut 4 items
Economic conditions - Maine 4 items
Economic development - New England 4 items
Employment - Vermont 4 items
Environmental policy 4 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston 4 items
Gambling industry 4 items
Gross national product 4 items
Home equity loans 4 items
Hours of labor 4 items
Housing - New Hampshire 4 items
Housing - Prices - New England 4 items
Housing policy - Massachusetts 4 items
Industries 4 items
Information technology 4 items
Insurance 4 items
International business enterprises 4 items
Inventories 4 items
Migration, Internal 4 items
Pricing 4 items
Property tax 4 items
Rational expectations (Economic theory) 4 items
Rental housing 4 items
Rental housing - New England 4 items
Research and development 4 items
Service industries 4 items
Small business - Maine 4 items
Small business - Massachusetts 4 items
Swaps (Finance) 4 items
Tax incentives 4 items
Taxation - Massachusetts 4 items
Unemployment - Massachusetts 4 items
Unemployment insurance 4 items
Venture capital 4 items
Wages - Women 4 items
all-payer claims database 4 items
commercial real estate 4 items
consumer preferences 4 items
credit card debt 4 items
financial crisis 4 items
financial frictions 4 items
financial intermediation 4 items
immigration 4 items
money demand 4 items
raking 4 items
reaching for yield 4 items
risks 4 items
runs 4 items
stablecoins 4 items
stress tests 4 items
tariffs 4 items
zero lower bound 4 items
Airlines 3 items
American Indian 3 items
Antitrust law 3 items
Asset pricing 3 items
Automated tellers 3 items
Automobile industry and trade 3 items
Bank assets 3 items
Bank liquidity 3 items
Bank management 3 items
Banking law 3 items
Banking market 3 items
Banks and banking - Accounting 3 items
Banks and banking - Massachusetts 3 items
Banks and banking, Foreign - United States 3 items
Books - Reviews 3 items
Budget - Connecticut 3 items
Budget - Maine 3 items
Budget - Massachusetts 3 items
Budget - New Hampshire 3 items
Budget - Rhode Island 3 items
Budget - Vermont 3 items
Charitable bequests 3 items
Commercial credit 3 items
Commercial loans - New England 3 items
Community development corporations - Massachusetts 3 items
Competition 3 items
Computers 3 items
Defense contracts 3 items
Defense industries 3 items
Deflation (Finance) 3 items
Discount 3 items
Dollar, American 3 items
Early childhood education 3 items
Economic conditions - Rhode Island 3 items
Economic conditions - Vermont 3 items
Economic policy - Massachusetts 3 items
Education - Massachusetts 3 items
Education - New England 3 items
Education - New Hampshire 3 items
Electric utilities - New England 3 items
Electronic commerce 3 items
Emerging markets 3 items
Europe 3 items
FOMC 3 items
FedNow 3 items
Federal funds market (United States) 3 items
Finance 3 items
Finance, Personal 3 items
Financial crises - Asia 3 items
Financial literacy 3 items
Financial modernization 3 items
Housing - Connecticut 3 items
Housing - Maine 3 items
Housing - Rhode Island 3 items
Housing policy 3 items
Individual development accounts 3 items
International economic relations 3 items
Internet 3 items
Interpersonal relations 3 items
Investments, Foreign 3 items
Job analysis 3 items
Job creation - Massachusetts 3 items
Labor productivity 3 items
Liquidity (Economics) 3 items
Loans - Maine 3 items
Local finance - New England 3 items
Margins (Security trading) 3 items
Medically uninsured persons 3 items
Microeconomics 3 items
Occupational training 3 items
Petroleum industry and trade 3 items
Predatory lending 3 items
Privatization 3 items
Professional employees 3 items
Property tax - Massachusetts 3 items
Public housing - New England 3 items
Regulation E: Electronic Fund Transfers 3 items
Regulation Z: Truth in Lending 3 items
Rural development - Maine 3 items
Small business - New Hampshire 3 items
Social choice 3 items
Stochastic analysis 3 items
Supply and demand 3 items
Tariff 3 items
Tax incentives - New England 3 items
Taxation - New England 3 items
Tobacco industry 3 items
Urban economics 3 items
Wealth 3 items
bank examinations 3 items
banking 3 items
college costs 3 items
cost-price pass-through 3 items
credit supply 3 items
crypto assets 3 items
education costs 3 items
education funding 3 items
emergency lending facilities 3 items
exporters 3 items
financial stability 3 items
forward guidance 3 items
gig economy 3 items
global banks 3 items
household finances 3 items
housing supply 3 items
inflation persistence 3 items
inflation target 3 items
informal work 3 items
inheritance 3 items
input-output tables 3 items
inverted yield curve 3 items
labor market 3 items
labor demand 3 items
labor force participation 3 items
larceny thresholds 3 items
lifetime earnings 3 items
medication-assisted treatment 3 items
military spending 3 items