Search Results
TARGET2: symptom, not cause, of eurozone woes
Rhodes, Karl; Lubik, Thomas A.
In recent years, large positive and negative balances have arisen in TARGET2, the interbank settlement and payments system of the Eurozone. These balances show that the Deutsche Bundesbank, the central bank of Germany, has become a large net creditor to the European Central Bank (ECB). Conversely, they show that central banks in the periphery nations of Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece, and Spain have become significant net debtors to the ECB. Critics of the Eurosystem have portrayed these balances as a "stealth bailout" of the periphery nations, but TARGET2 merely reflects persistent ...
Richmond Fed Economic Brief
, Issue Aug
Journal Article
Small business: Big lending to small businesses
Kezar, Michelle L.
Cross Sections
, Volume 12
, Issue Spr
, Pages 28
Journal Article
A summary of the International Banking Act of 1978
Segala, John P.
An abstract for this article is not available
Economic Review
, Volume 65
, Issue Jan
, Pages 16-21
Journal Article
Opinion: Moral Hazard and Measurement Hazard
Weinberg, John A.
Econ Focus
, Issue 2Q
, Pages 44-44
Working Paper
On the Measurement of Large Financial Firm Resolvability
Jarque, Arantxa; Walter, John R.; Evert, Jackson
We say that a large financial institution is "resolvable" if policymakers would allow it to go through unassisted bankruptcy in the event of failure. The choice between bankruptcy or bailout trades off the higher loss imposed on the economy in a potentially disruptive resolution against the incentive for excessive risk-taking created by an assisted resolution or a bailout. The resolution plans ("living wills") of large financial institutions contain information needed to evaluate this trade-off. In this paper, we propose a tool to complement the living will review process: an impact score ...
Working Paper
, Paper 18-6
Working Paper
Some not so unpleasant monetarist arithmetic
Dotsey, Michael
This paper analyzes the quantitative significance of Sargent and Wallace's (1981) "Some Unpleasant Monetarist Arithmetic" in a model that is parameterized to correspond with U.S. data. The major result is that the monetarist arithmetic is not overly unpleasant and that the nominal side of the economy is not very sensitive to whether money growth does or does not respond to government debt.
Working Paper
, Paper 95-02
Journal Article
Loan lending magic
Fortunato, Laura
New technology revolutionizes the loan process as automatic loan machines spark the interest of the banking community.
Cross Sections
, Volume 13
, Issue Win
, Pages 12-15
The role of interchange fees on debit and credit card transactions in the payments system
Mead, Tim; Haltom, Renee Courtois; Blackwell, Margaretta
When consumers use debit or credit cards to make purchases, merchants are assessed fees for processing the transactions, the largest of which is called an "interchange" fee. Rising interchange fees, along with the growing dominance of card transactions in the payments system, have brought increasing scrutiny from regulators on the appropriate level of interchange fees and the competitive aspects of card networks. A look at the trends, mechanics, and economic role of interchange fees indicates that the issue is more complicated than it may initially appear.
Richmond Fed Economic Brief
, Issue May
The Pandemic, Child Care and Women’s Labor Force Participation
Latham, Sierra; Athreya, Kartik B.
The pandemic has changed how households work, spend and care for children. In this Economic Brief, we highlight economic research that examines the patterns seen in women's work experiences in particular. We look at both the pandemic and, more generally, how shocks to the economy affect women's work decisions. Throughout, we will try to connect what we observe to households' broader economic environments and will emphasize — in the case of the pandemic — the role of away-from-home child care.
Richmond Fed Economic Brief
, Volume 22
, Issue 16
Journal Article
Taxing the Behemoths: Many policymakers say that corporations aren’t paying their fair share, but corporate taxes may have hidden costs
Sablik, Timothy
Econ Focus
, Issue 3Q
, Pages 28-30
Econ Focus 1286 items
Working Paper 472 items
Economic Quarterly 391 items
Richmond Fed Economic Brief 335 items
Economic Review 302 items
Cross Sections 228 items
Regional Matters 156 items
Monograph 24 items
Annual Report 20 items
Proceedings 9 items
Research Digest 9 items
Speech 3 items
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FILTER BY Content Type
Journal Article 2207 items
Working Paper 472 items
Briefing 344 items
Discussion Paper 156 items
Monograph 24 items
Report 20 items
Conference Paper 9 items
Speech 3 items
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Nash, Betty Joyce 139 items
Sablik, Timothy 132 items
Gerena, Charles 125 items
Steelman, Aaron 105 items
Romero, Jessica Sackett 91 items
Price, David A. 82 items
Haltom, Renee Courtois 80 items
Lacker, Jeffrey M. 75 items
Weinberg, John A. 73 items
Humphrey, Thomas M. 70 items
Campbell, Doug 68 items
Hornstein, Andreas 67 items
Athreya, Kartik B. 66 items
Hetzel, Robert L. 63 items
Lubik, Thomas A. 62 items
Sarte, Pierre-Daniel G. 61 items
Walter, John R. 58 items
Rhodes, Karl 57 items
Waddell, Sonya Ravindranath 57 items
Goodfriend, Marvin 55 items
Ennis, Huberto M. 50 items
Wolman, Alexander L. 46 items
Dotsey, Michael 42 items
Owens, Raymond E. 42 items
Fessenden, Helen 39 items
Mehra, Yash P. 39 items
Kudlyak, Marianna 36 items
Matthes, Christian 35 items
Prescott, Edward Simpson 34 items
Cook, Timothy Q. 32 items
Schwartzman, Felipe 32 items
Trachter, Nicholas 32 items
Broaddus, Alfred 31 items
Wang, Zhu 31 items
anonymous 31 items
Pinto, Santiago 30 items
Slivinski, Stephen 30 items
Webb, Roy H. 30 items
Grochulski, Borys 29 items
Mullin, John 29 items
Sumo, Vanessa 29 items
Scavette, Adam 27 items
Wells, Matthew 26 items
Courtois, Renee 25 items
Jones, John Bailey 25 items
Kenney, Lisa 25 items
Phan, Toan 25 items
Hatchondo, Juan Carlos 24 items
Ullrich, Laura Dawson 24 items
Cullison, William E. 22 items
Kosakow, Jason 22 items
Lacy, Robert L. 22 items
Barkin, Tom 21 items
Karabarbounis, Marios 21 items
Martinez, Leonardo 21 items
Mengle, David L. 21 items
Neelakantan, Urvi 21 items
Sultanum, Bruno 21 items
Tucker, James F. 21 items
Mengedoth, Joseph 20 items
Summers, Bruce J. 20 items
Gordon, Grey 19 items
Graboyes, Robert F. 19 items
Jarque, Arantxa 19 items
King, Robert G. 18 items
Latham, Sierra 18 items
Ho, Paul 17 items
Clarke, Sada L. 16 items
Sapriza, Horacio 16 items
Wong, Russell 16 items
Carpenter, Surekha 15 items
Chmura, Christine 15 items
Kuprianov, Anatoli 15 items
Norris, Stephanie 15 items
Sanchez, Juan M. 15 items
Van Den Berg, David 15 items
Wiemken, James 15 items
Chang, Yongsung 14 items
Haltom, Nicholas 13 items
Ireland, Peter N. 13 items
Morales, Nicolas 13 items
Price, David 13 items
Schreft, Stacey L. 13 items
Bechter, Dan M. 12 items
Higgins, Judy 12 items
Holland, Andrea 12 items
Kessler, Marla L. 12 items
Krusell, Per 12 items
McCallum, Bennett T. 12 items
McCord, Roisin 12 items
Parrish, Russell V. 12 items
Phelps, Hailey 12 items
Stanley, Michael 12 items
Taylor, Sam Louis 12 items
Lawler, Thomas A. 11 items
Li, Wenli 11 items
Macaluso, Claudia 11 items
Foerster, Andrew T. 10 items
Humphrey, David B. 10 items
Martin, Matthew 10 items
Nielsen, Eric R. 10 items
Varvel, Walter A. 10 items
Bauer, Andrew 9 items
Crouse, Jacob 9 items
Edwards, Zach 9 items
Fortunato, Laura 9 items
Macheras, Ann 9 items
Stanley, Stephen 9 items
Zhang, Yuzhe 9 items
Balla, Eliana 8 items
Corcoran, Emily Waverling 8 items
Johnsen, Rebecca 8 items
Keister, Todd 8 items
Kovner, Anna 8 items
LaRose, Eric 8 items
Mullen, Katrina 8 items
Pellerin, Sabrina 8 items
Price, Cynthia 8 items
Waddy, Joseph 8 items
Azzimonti-Renzo, Marina 7 items
Black, Robert P. 7 items
Carlock, Craig 7 items
Duarte, Margarida 7 items
French, Eric 7 items
Hahn, Thomas K. 7 items
Marre, Alexander W. 7 items
Reilly, Devin 7 items
Rossi-Hansberg, Esteban 7 items
Violante, Giovanni L. 7 items
Walker, Jacob 7 items
Yeh, Chen 7 items
Borovickova, Katrina 6 items
Brooks, Daniel 6 items
Conner, Matthew 6 items
Ennis, B. Gayle 6 items
Henry, Erin 6 items
Holmes, Andrea 6 items
Jackson, William D. 6 items
Kaglic, Richard E. 6 items
Krause, Michael U. 6 items
O'Trakoun, John 6 items
Parthemos, James 6 items
Restuccia, Diego 6 items
Richardson, Gary 6 items
Tam, Xuan S. 6 items
Watson, Mark W. 6 items
Barnichon, Regis 5 items
Benati, Luca 5 items
Bethune, Zachary 5 items
Bryan, Kevin A. 5 items
De Nardi, Mariacristina 5 items
Erosa, Andres 5 items
Finn, Mary G. 5 items
Ghent, Andra C. 5 items
Gilbert, Hugh 5 items
LaRoche, Robert K. 5 items
Lawrence, Ross 5 items
Lazaryan, Nika 5 items
Mao, Ching-Sheng 5 items
McGee, Rory 5 items
Morrison, Wendy 5 items
Moyon, Lucas 5 items
Robinson, Breck L. 5 items
Romero, Jessie 5 items
Spinozza, Dawn M. 5 items
Tatar, Daniel D. 5 items
Townsend, Robert M. 5 items
Waddle, Andrea L. 5 items
Wang, Jennifer 5 items
Wescott, Patricia E. 5 items
Abdalla, Khalid 4 items
Broga, Clayton 4 items
Darin, Robert 4 items
Diamond, Douglas W. 4 items
Duffield, Jeremy G. 4 items
Feik, Jamie 4 items
Gortz, Christoph 4 items
Gunn, Christopher 4 items
Harnish, Molly 4 items
Hong, Jay H. 4 items
Ionescu, Felicia 4 items
Li, Lindsay 4 items
Li, Yue 4 items
Mahoney, Ellen 4 items
Malysheva, Nadezhda 4 items
Mandaleris, Elaine 4 items
Mullinix, Mark 4 items
Rich, Georg 4 items
Schnorbus, Robert H. 4 items
Siciliano, Ernie 4 items
Smith, Brent C. 4 items
Snellings, Aubrey N. 4 items
Tan, Caroline 4 items
Taper, Steven 4 items
Tobin, Elliot 4 items
Wallich, Henry C. 4 items
Welker, Donald L. 4 items
Young, Eric 4 items
Amir-Ahmadi, Pooyan 3 items
Brinatti, Agostina 3 items
Carmody, Kody 3 items
Carpenter, Robert E. 3 items
Chiu, Jonathan 3 items
Davidson, Philip H. 3 items
Davis, Douglas 3 items
Debbaut, Peter 3 items
Dolkart, Peter 3 items
Foerster, Andrew 3 items
Friedman, Milton 3 items
Gholami, Samira 3 items
Gupta, Arun 3 items
Henly, Samuel E. 3 items
Hollin-Wright, Tiffany 3 items
Hopenhayn, Hugo A. 3 items
Janicki, Hubert P. 3 items
Jump, Robert Calvert 3 items
Kezar, Michelle L. 3 items
Khanna, Guarav 3 items
Kim, Sun-Bin 3 items
Ko, Richard K. 3 items
Kurmann, Andre 3 items
Lange, Fabian 3 items
Lantz, Carl D. 3 items
Lecznar, Jonathan 3 items
Lee, Munseob 3 items
Martorana, Megan 3 items
Menzio, Guido 3 items
Merone, Brennan 3 items
Mulloy, Conner 3 items
Mustre-del-Rio, Jose 3 items
Nikolov, Alexander 3 items
O'Keefe, Eamon 3 items
Otrok, Christopher 3 items
Owens, Andrew 3 items
Porter, Richard D. 3 items
Robino, Nathan 3 items
Rodgers, Rachel 3 items
Rubinstein, Seth 3 items
Sabol, Steven 3 items
Sears, Louis 3 items
Segala, John P. 3 items
Sharp, Robert 3 items
Simpson, Nicole B. 3 items
Sparger, Jennifer 3 items
Stockman, Alan C. 3 items
Taylor, Jack 3 items
Taylor, Julia R. 3 items
Teo, Wing Leong 3 items
Tutterow, Sam 3 items
Vaughan, Mark D. 3 items
Vidangos, Ivan 3 items
Wang, Mu-Chun 3 items
Watson, Aileen 3 items
Whelpley, William 3 items
Williamson, Stephen D. 3 items
Zajicek, Christina 3 items
Zeuli, Kimberly 3 items
Abken, Peter A. 2 items
Ackon, Felix P. 2 items
Akyol, Ahmet 2 items
Bakkensen, Laura 2 items
Banerjee, Abhimanyu 2 items
Bhandari, Anmol 2 items
Blackwood, Jake 2 items
Blandin, Adam 2 items
Borovicka, Jaroslav 2 items
Boyarchenko, Nina 2 items
Buera, Francisco J. 2 items
Burns, Arthur F. 2 items
Cahill, Julie 2 items
Canon, Maria E. 2 items
Canova, Fabio 2 items
Chaumont, Gaston 2 items
Cipriani, Marco 2 items
Colacito, Riccardo 2 items
Conzelmann, Claire 2 items
Couper, Elise A. 2 items
Crews, Joseph M. 2 items
Crockett, Abigail 2 items
Cronin, Bridget 2 items
Davis, Steven J. 2 items
DeVaro, Jed L. 2 items
Devon, Gorry 2 items
Dewald, William G. 2 items
Diao, Xinshen 2 items
Dupor, Bill 2 items
Dyskant, Lucas 2 items
Eisenbach, Thomas M. 2 items
Evert, Jackson 2 items
Fisher, Jonas D. M. 2 items
Fulford, Scott L. 2 items
Fuller, Brandon 2 items
Fuster, Luisa 2 items
Gaines, Brian 2 items
Gervais, Martin 2 items
Gibson, Amanda White 2 items
Gorry, Aspen 2 items
Greene, Bethany 2 items
Greenwood, Jeremy 2 items
Guerrón-Quintana, Pablo 2 items
Gunn, Sarah 2 items
Haddad, Valentin 2 items
Han, Pengfei 2 items
Hargraves, Monica 2 items
Hedlund, Aaron 2 items
Herrington, Christopher 2 items
Hirtle, Beverly 2 items
Ho, Sara 2 items
Hoffman, Bridget 2 items
Hollmayr, Josef 2 items
Ikeda, Daisuke 2 items
Khan, Aubhik 2 items
Kidd, Robert W. 2 items
Kirk, Kyler 2 items
Korenok, Oleg 2 items
Korn, Steve 2 items
Lale, Etienne 2 items
Leach, Ralph F. 2 items
Liu, Laura 2 items
Lkhagvasuren, Damba 2 items
Loualiche, Erik 2 items
Lumpkin, Stephen A. 2 items
Lupoletti, William M. 2 items
Macnamara, Patrick 2 items
Malek, H. S. 2 items
Mather, Ryan 2 items
McAndrews, James J. 2 items
McCarthy, F. Ward 2 items
McDermott, John 2 items
McTeer, Robert D. 2 items
Mehkari, M. Saif 2 items
Melton, James 2 items
Minter, Jeff 2 items
Minton, Brian D. 2 items
Mo, Ching Sheng 2 items
Moin, Nashat F. 2 items
Mullen, Katrina N. 2 items
Naqvi, Akbar 2 items
Norman, Peter 2 items
O'Brien, Kevin J. 2 items
Offenbacher, Edward 2 items
Ozdagli, Ali K. 2 items
Pandalai-Nayar, Nitya 2 items
Patel, Kushal 2 items
Perez-Quiros, Gabriel 2 items
Petrova, Katerina 2 items
Picou, Glenn C. 2 items
Piskorski, Tomasz 2 items
Ponce de Leon, Franco 2 items
Pradhan, Avani 2 items
Ramachandran, David 2 items
Rocheteau, Guillaume 2 items
Rose, Morgan J. 2 items
Rowe, Timothy D. 2 items
Ruge-Murcia, Francisco J. 2 items
Rupasingha, Anil 2 items
Sanchez, Alvaro 2 items
Schorfheide, Frank 2 items
Schwam, Daniel 2 items
Shen, Luna 2 items
Silva, André F. 2 items
Smith, Bruce 2 items
Soares, Jorge 2 items
Stone, Suzanne J. 2 items
Sullivan, Richard J. 2 items
Tompkins, Jonathan 2 items
Turner, Sarah 2 items
Vellodi, Nikhil 2 items
Verona, Fabio 2 items
Villamil, Anne P. 2 items
Vital, Christian 2 items
Wang, Cheng 2 items
Waters, Keith 2 items
Weiss, Joshua 2 items
Wright, Julian 2 items
Wright, Randall 2 items
Yankov, Vladimir 2 items
Yeldan, Erinc 2 items
Young, Eric R. 2 items
Yuan, Mingwei 2 items
Zakrajšek, Egon 2 items
Abdymomunov, Azamat 1 items
Adams, Robert M. 1 items
Alfriend, Malcolm C. 1 items
Allison, Theodore E. 1 items
Altschul, B. J. 1 items
Alvarez-Parra, Fernando 1 items
Anderson, Gary S. 1 items
Anvari, Mohsen 1 items
Archer, Wayne R. 1 items
Atencio De Leon, Andrea 1 items
Baker, Sandra D. 1 items
Banerjee, Manyu 1 items
Becker, Gary S. 1 items
Bell, Erika 1 items
Bengui, Julien 1 items
Bennett, Rosalind L. 1 items
Beranek, William 1 items
Berger, Allen N. 1 items
Berger, David W. 1 items
Bhattarai, Saroj 1 items
Bianchi, Javier 1 items
Biswas, Siddhartha 1 items
Blackwell, Margaretta 1 items
Blinder, Alan S. 1 items
Bond, Philip 1 items
Bordo, Michael D. 1 items
Boyd, John H. 1 items
Brimmer, Andrew 1 items
Broadbent, Elijah 1 items
Brooks, Carl 1 items
Burnett, Anne 1 items
Cabral, Luis 1 items
Caliendo, Lorenzo 1 items
Calomiris, Charles W. 1 items
Carr, Selena 1 items
Carvalho, Carlos 1 items
Castro-Vincenzi, Juanma 1 items
Cavalcanti, Ricardo de O. 1 items
Chari, Anusha 1 items
Chen, Mingyu 1 items
Cogley, Timothy 1 items
Coibion, Olivier 1 items
Cook, Carrie 1 items
Cook, Emily E. 1 items
Corrigan, E. Gerald 1 items
Cox, Judy R. 1 items
Craney, Bridgette 1 items
Crump, Richard K. 1 items
Cuadra, Gabriel 1 items
Daniluk, Katie 1 items
Davis, Caroline 1 items
Davlin, Anne 1 items
Day, Stephen 1 items
De Francisco, Eva 1 items
Desch, T. Stuart 1 items
Ding, Fan 1 items
Divringi, Eileen 1 items
Duan, Zheng 1 items
Dunchick, John 1 items
Dureja, Disha 1 items
Dutta, Caitlin 1 items
Dvorkin, Maximiliano 1 items
Eberly, Janice 1 items
Ellul, Andrew 1 items
Eraslan, Hulya 1 items
Espino, Emilio 1 items
Faberman, R. Jason 1 items
Faulhaber, Gerald R. 1 items
Femlee, Alice 1 items
Ferroni, Filippo 1 items
Finnegan, Michael 1 items
Forneris, Julia Ralston 1 items
Friedman, Benjamin M. 1 items
Fuller, David L. 1 items
Gangopadhyay, Kausik 1 items
Garvey, Nick 1 items
Gawande, Kishore 1 items
George, Aubrey 1 items
Giannone, Domenico 1 items
Gilbert, R. Alton 1 items
Gilman, Matt 1 items
Goldstein, Itay 1 items
Goodman, Allen C. 1 items
Goodwin, Keith 1 items
Gorodnichenko, Yuriy 1 items
Graczyk, Andrew 1 items
Green, Edward J. 1 items
Green, Emily 1 items
Guerron-Quintana, Pablo 1 items
Gup, Benton E. 1 items
Guvenen, Fatih 1 items
Hansbrough, Brooke 1 items
Hanson, Andrew 1 items
Harless, Doris E. 1 items
Harris, Matthew 1 items
Hayashi, Fumiko 1 items
Hejkal, John P. 1 items
Heller, H. Robert 1 items
Hendershott, Patric H. 1 items
Hoffman, Jeremy 1 items
Holland, Suzanne 1 items
Horton, Barbara 1 items
House, Mark 1 items
Hoy, Tammie 1 items
Hui, Anthony 1 items
Hursey, Tim 1 items
Huther, Jeff W. 1 items
Ihrig, Jane E. 1 items
Jack, William 1 items
Janet Hua, Jiang, 1 items
Jaremski, Matthew 1 items
Jia, Lawrence 1 items
John, A. Andrew 1 items
John, Muth 1 items
Johnson, Joseph R. 1 items
Johnson, Rowena 1 items
Jovanovic, Boyan 1 items
Kaplan, Greg 1 items
Karp, Daniel A. 1 items
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FILTER BY Jel Classification
E32 20 items
G21 18 items
E21 16 items
E44 13 items
E52 12 items
E24 11 items
C32 10 items
D82 9 items
E58 9 items
G01 9 items
G28 9 items
E31 6 items
F22 6 items
F34 6 items
F41 6 items
E51 5 items
J24 5 items
J64 5 items
R23 5 items
D53 4 items
D83 4 items
D86 4 items
E2 4 items
E23 4 items
E3 4 items
E30 4 items
E62 4 items
F44 4 items
G11 4 items
G12 4 items
G14 4 items
G2 4 items
G32 4 items
J61 4 items
C11 3 items
C51 3 items
C61 3 items
D14 3 items
D31 3 items
E10 3 items
E4 3 items
E43 3 items
E5 3 items
E50 3 items
F16 3 items
G33 3 items
H24 3 items
J21 3 items
J22 3 items
J31 3 items
N22 3 items
Q54 3 items
R51 3 items
C10 2 items
C22 2 items
C50 2 items
C63 2 items
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D43 2 items
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D72 2 items
D80 2 items
E12 2 items
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E41 2 items
F14 2 items
G15 2 items
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H55 2 items
I21 2 items
I38 2 items
J15 2 items
J63 2 items
L11 2 items
L14 2 items
M52 2 items
N12 2 items
O3 2 items
R11 2 items
A11 1 items
A23 1 items
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B22 1 items
C14 1 items
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D90 1 items
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