Search Results
Journal Article
Office flu shots, anyone?
Mahon, Joe
Some district office markets still recovering from downturn, but some never got sick in the first place
, Volume 16
, Issue Mar
, Pages 22-23
Journal Article
How to save gas
Davies, Phil
Pricing mechanisms, not fuel-economy standards, offer the best hope for reducing motor fuel consumption
The Region
, Volume 22
, Issue Dec
, Pages 30-37
Issues in macroeconomic policy : [speech by] / Gary H. Stern, President ... Europen Economics and Financial Centre, London, March 27, 2008.
Stern, Gary H.
, Paper 20
International trade and income differences
Waugh, Michael E.
I develop a novel view of the trade frictions between rich and poor countries by arguing that to reconcile bilateral trade volumes and price data within a standard gravity model, the trade frictions between rich and poor countries must be systematically asymmetric, with poor countries facing higher costs to export relative to rich countries. I provide a method to model these asymmetries and demonstrate the merits of my approach relative to alternatives in the trade literature. I then argue that these trade frictions are quantitatively important to understanding the large differences in ...
Staff Report
, Paper 435
Journal Article
Stadiums and convention centers as community loss leaders
Wirtz, Ronald A.
, Volume 13
, Issue Mar
, Pages 5-7
Journal Article
Interview with Donald E. Powell
Stern, Gary H.
The chairman of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. shares his thoughts on regulatory reform, the value of market data and other issues
The Region
, Volume 17
, Issue Jun
, Pages 26-35
Journal Article
Urban legends
Clement, Douglas
For centuries, economists have struggled to explain why people and businesses gather in cities.
The Region
, Volume 18
, Issue Sep
, Pages 10-13, 54-59
Can the Fed compete? / by E. Gerald Corrigan ... presented at the American Bankers Association 1980 Convention, Chicago, Illinois, October 13, 1980.
Corrigan, E. Gerald
, Paper 6
Supplementary appendix: Careers in firms: estimating a model of learning, job assignment, and human capital aquisition
Pastorino, Elena
In this appendix I present details of the model and of the empirical analysis and results of counterfactual experiments omitted from the paper. In Section 1 I describe a simple example that illustrates how, even in the absence of (technological) human capital acquisition, productivity shocks, or separation shocks, the learning component of the model can naturally generate mobility between jobs within a firm and turnover between firms. I also present omitted details of the proofs of Propositions 1, 2, and 3 in the paper. In Section 2 I provide an overview of the numerical solution of the ...
Staff Report
, Paper 470
Global imbalances and structural change in the United States
Kehoe, Timothy J.; Ruhl, Kim J.; Steinberg, Joe
Since the early 1990s, as the United States has borrowed from the rest of the world, employment in U.S. goods-producing sectors has fallen. Using a dynamic general equilibrium model, we find that rapid productivity growth in goods production, not U.S. borrowing, has been the most important driver of the decline in goods-sector employment. As the United States repays its debt, its trade balance will reverse, but goods-sector employment will continue to fall. A sudden stop in foreign lending in 2015?2016 would cause a sharp trade balance reversal and painful reallocation across sectors, but ...
Staff Report
, Paper 489
Staff Report 665 items
Fedgazette 503 items
Working Papers 368 items
The Region 356 items
Quarterly Review 268 items
Speech 192 items
Discussion Paper / Institute for Empirical Macroeconomics 145 items
Opportunity and Inclusive Growth Institute Working Papers 110 items
Economic Policy Paper 55 items
Annual Report 32 items
Community Affairs Report 5 items
Center for Indian Country Development series 4 items
Banking and Policy Studies 2 items
Monograph 1 items
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FILTER BY Content Type
Journal Article 1127 items
Report 702 items
Working Paper 482 items
Discussion Paper 202 items
Speech 192 items
Monograph 1 items
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Wirtz, Ronald A. 183 items
Kocherlakota, Narayana R. 147 items
Clement, Douglas 117 items
Kehoe, Patrick J. 116 items
Stern, Gary H. 114 items
McGrattan, Ellen R. 88 items
anonymous 87 items
Chari, V. V. 83 items
Prescott, Edward C. 75 items
Kehoe, Timothy J. 58 items
Atkeson, Andrew 57 items
Rolnick, Arthur J. 57 items
Wallace, Neil 55 items
Madden, Tobias 53 items
Weber, Warren E. 53 items
Christiano, Lawrence J. 52 items
Nicolini, Juan Pablo 50 items
Sargent, Thomas J. 49 items
Miller, Preston J. 46 items
Grunewald, Rob 45 items
Fettig, David 43 items
Davies, Phil 41 items
Feldman, Ron J. 38 items
Cole, Harold L. 35 items
Mahon, Joe 34 items
Holmes, Thomas J. 33 items
Aiyagari, S. Rao 32 items
Perri, Fabrizio 31 items
Schmitz, James A. 31 items
Wright, Randall 31 items
Ohanian, Lee E. 29 items
Lotterman, Edward 27 items
Bianchi, Javier 25 items
Boyd, John H. 25 items
Heathcote, Jonathan 25 items
Cobb, Kathy 23 items
Smith, Bruce D. 23 items
Todd, Richard M. 23 items
Bryant, John 21 items
Schulhofer-Wohl, Sam 21 items
Arellano, Cristina 19 items
Corrigan, E. Gerald 19 items
Dahl, David S. 19 items
Guvenen, Fatih 19 items
Keane, Michael P. 19 items
Luttmer, Erzo G. J. 19 items
Runkle, David E. 19 items
Litterman, Robert B. 18 items
Phelan, Christopher 18 items
Rios-Rull, Jose-Victor 18 items
Schmidt, Jason 18 items
Jagannathan, Ravi 17 items
Alvarez, Fernando 15 items
Fitzgerald, Terry J. 15 items
Hansen, Lars Peter 15 items
De Nardi, Mariacristina 14 items
Eichenbaum, Martin S. 14 items
Jossi, Frank 14 items
Lagos, Ricardo 14 items
Teles, Pedro 14 items
Bai, Yan 13 items
Green, Edward J. 13 items
Kaplan, Greg 13 items
Levine, David K. 13 items
Ruhl, Kim J. 13 items
Supel, Thomas M. 13 items
Violante, Giovanni L. 13 items
Amador, Manuel 12 items
Karabarbounis, Loukas 12 items
Levy, David 12 items
Pastorino, Elena 12 items
Rogerson, Richard 12 items
Boldrin, Michele 11 items
Graham, Stanley L. 11 items
Jones, Larry E. 11 items
Kareken, John H. 11 items
Kashkari, Neel 11 items
Stutzer, Michael J. 11 items
Cataldo, Rosie 10 items
Geweke, John F. 10 items
Greenwood, Jeremy 10 items
Sims, Christopher A. 10 items
Bassetto, Marco 9 items
Braun, R. Anton 9 items
Conesa, Juan Carlos 9 items
Geweke, John 9 items
Kleiner, Morris M. 9 items
Krueger, Dirk 9 items
Kuhn, Moritz 9 items
Kydland, Finn E. 9 items
Lucas, Robert E. 9 items
Midrigan, Virgiliu 9 items
Malin, Benjamin A. 8 items
Mongey, Simon 8 items
Roberds, William 8 items
Wright, Mark L. J. 8 items
Aggeler, Heidi Taylor 7 items
Ayres, Joao Luiz 7 items
Backus, David K. 7 items
Brissett, Jane 7 items
Hevia, Constantino 7 items
Manuelli, Rodolfo E. 7 items
Moser, Christian 7 items
Ríos-Rull, José-Víctor 7 items
Williamson, Stephen D. 7 items
Anderson, Paul A. 6 items
Benati, Luca 6 items
Bengui, Julien 6 items
Colas, Mark 6 items
Coulibaly, Louphou 6 items
Diebold, Francis X. 6 items
Eckstein, Zvi 6 items
Fisher, Jonas D. M. 6 items
Fogli, Alessandra 6 items
Imrohoroglu, Ayse 6 items
MacLaury, Bruce K. 6 items
Storesletten, Kjetil 6 items
Thomas, Julia K. 6 items
Willardson, Niel D. 6 items
Yogo, Motohiro 6 items
Aguiar, Mark 5 items
Albanesi, Stefania 5 items
Allen, Beth 5 items
Bhandari, Anmol 5 items
Bocola, Luigi 5 items
Borella, Margherita 5 items
Burstein, Ariel 5 items
Cooper, Russell W. 5 items
Corbae, Dean 5 items
Diaz-Gimenez, Javier 5 items
Eckert, Fabian 5 items
Fitzgerald, Doireann 5 items
Gao, Han 5 items
Glover, Andrew 5 items
Golosov, Mikhail 5 items
Hayashi, Fumio 5 items
Heggeness, Misty 5 items
Herkenhoff, Kyle F. 5 items
Huo, Zhen 5 items
Klenow, Peter J. 5 items
Koijen, Ralph S. J. 5 items
Kulish, Mariano 5 items
Kuruscu, Burhanettin 5 items
Liu, Zheng 5 items
Marimon, Ramon 5 items
Mehra, Rajnish 5 items
Mercenier, Jean 5 items
Michaud, Amanda M. 5 items
Nath, Anusha 5 items
Nelson, Clarence W. 5 items
Neumeyer, Pablo Andrés 5 items
Quadrini, Vincenzo 5 items
Rossi-Hansberg, Esteban 5 items
Song, Jae 5 items
Townsend, Robert M. 5 items
Waugh, Michael E. 5 items
Wozniak, Abigail 5 items
Bils, Mark 4 items
Bridgman, Benjamin 4 items
Buera, Francisco J. 4 items
Cagetti, Marco 4 items
Correia, Isabel 4 items
Duprey, James N. 4 items
Eisfeldt, Andrea L. 4 items
Evans, Charles L. 4 items
Feir, Donna 4 items
Gertler, Mark 4 items
Gorajek, Adam 4 items
Grover, Michael 4 items
Haller, Stephanie 4 items
Hansen, Gary D. 4 items
Huggett, Mark 4 items
Imrohoroglu, Selahattin 4 items
Khan, Aubhik 4 items
Kiyotaki, Nobuhiro 4 items
Kondo, Illenin O. 4 items
Marcet, Albert 4 items
McKay, Alisdair 4 items
Mihalache, Gabriel 4 items
Mitchell, Matthew F. 4 items
Nakajima, Makoto 4 items
Ordonez, Guillermo L. 4 items
Page, Dave 4 items
Parente, Stephen L. 4 items
Rocheteau, Guillaume 4 items
Schneider, Martin 4 items
Schoellman, Todd 4 items
Schularick, Moritz 4 items
Stokey, Nancy L. 4 items
Sullivan, Colbey 4 items
Tsyvinski, Aleh 4 items
Velde, Francois R. 4 items
Yang, Fang 4 items
Afonso, Gara M. 3 items
Altug, Sumru 3 items
Aoki, Masanao 3 items
Arce, Fernando 3 items
Athey, Susan 3 items
Baxter, Marianne 3 items
Berger, David W. 3 items
Bergoeing, Raphael 3 items
Boerma, Job 3 items
Burstein, Melvin 3 items
Chang, Chun 3 items
Chiappori, Pierre-Andre 3 items
Chin, Daniel M. 3 items
Chodorow-Reich, Gabriel 3 items
Costa, Daniela 3 items
D'Erasmo, Pablo 3 items
Del Negro, Marco 3 items
Erickson, Kathleen 3 items
Gomme, Paul 3 items
Guler, Bulent 3 items
Hornstein, Andreas 3 items
Huang, Kevin X. D. 3 items
Hur, Sewon 3 items
Krusell, Per 3 items
Lopez, Pierlauro 3 items
Lyon, James M. 3 items
Mailath, George J. 3 items
Matsuyama, Kiminori 3 items
Mehrotra, Neil 3 items
Menzio, Guido 3 items
Merlo, Antonio 3 items
Monnet, Cyril 3 items
Mookherjee, Dilip 3 items
Mukherji, Arijit 3 items
Navarro, Gaston 3 items
Ozkan, Serdar 3 items
Pecenka, Clint 3 items
Persson, Torsten 3 items
Piazzesi, Monika 3 items
Piguillem, Facundo 3 items
Postlewaite, Andrew 3 items
Pujolas, Pau S. 3 items
Qi, Shi 3 items
Quah, Danny 3 items
Raveendranathan, Gajen 3 items
Redish, Angela 3 items
Rossbach, Jack 3 items
Samphantharak, Krislert 3 items
Schlagenhauf, Don E. 3 items
Schotman, Peter C. 3 items
Siu, Henry E. 3 items
Sojourner, Aaron 3 items
Steinberg, Joe 3 items
Turner, Thomas H. 3 items
Uhlig, Harald 3 items
Wallenius, Johanna 3 items
Walsh, Conor 3 items
Weill, Pierre-Olivier 3 items
Werning, Ivan 3 items
Wiczer, David 3 items
Willes, Mark H. 3 items
Wrase, Jeffrey M. 3 items
Yi, Kei-Mu 3 items
Zha, Tao 3 items
Zhang, Jing 3 items
Ai, Hengjie 2 items
Ales, Laurence 2 items
Amol, Amol 2 items
Asturias, Jose 2 items
Bajona, Claustre 2 items
Bank, Joel 2 items
Bardhan, Pranab 2 items
Benhabib, Jess 2 items
Betts, Caroline M. 2 items
Bigio, Saki 2 items
Birinci, Serdar 2 items
Birkeland, Kathryn 2 items
Cai, Zhifeng 2 items
Carroll, Evelyn F. 2 items
Cavalcanti, Ricardo de O. 2 items
Champ, Bruce A. 2 items
Cho, Jang-Ok 2 items
Cooley, Thomas F. 2 items
Crucini, Mario J. 2 items
Cui, Wei 2 items
Danforth, John P. 2 items
De Santis, Giorgio 2 items
Derenoncourt, Ellora 2 items
Diamond, Douglas W. 2 items
Dingel, Jonathan 2 items
Dinkelman, Taryn 2 items
Doepke, Matthias 2 items
Dovis, Alessandro 2 items
Engbom, Niklas 2 items
English, William B. 2 items
Esquivel, Carlos 2 items
Farhi, Emmanuel 2 items
Farrell, Chris 2 items
Fella, Giulio 2 items
Fernandez de Cordoba, Gonzalo 2 items
Fernandez, Raquel 2 items
Fernelius, Leonard W. 2 items
Findeisen, Sebastian 2 items
Fitchett, Hamish 2 items
Franco, April 2 items
French, Eric 2 items
Galdon Sanchez, Jose E. 2 items
Ganapati, Sharat 2 items
Garrido, Miguel 2 items
Glosten, Lawrence R. 2 items
Gopinath, Gita 2 items
Granger, Clive W. J. 2 items
Gregory, Victoria 2 items
Guerrieri, Veronica 2 items
Hall, Robert E. 2 items
Hassler, John 2 items
Hendricks, Lutz 2 items
Hercowitz, Zvi 2 items
Hinich, Melvin 2 items
Holland, Mark 2 items
Huffman, Gregory W. 2 items
Jessup, Paul F. 2 items
Joines, Douglas H. 2 items
Kempf, Hubert 2 items
Kim, Chi Hyun 2 items
King, Robert G. 2 items
Kleineberg, Tatjana 2 items
Knelman, Benjamin 2 items
Kopecky, Karen A. 2 items
Kortum, Samuel 2 items
Labadie, Pamela 2 items
Lagakos, David 2 items
Lin, Ping 2 items
Ljungqvist, Lars 2 items
Lorenzoni, Guido 2 items
Lueck, Mark 2 items
MacGee, James 2 items
Marshall, David A. 2 items
Martellini, Paolo 2 items
Martin, Antoine 2 items
Maziero, Pricila 2 items
McCandless, George T. 2 items
McGee, Rory 2 items
Mendoza, Enrique G. 2 items
Michalopoulos, Stelios 2 items
Mileo Gorzig, Marina 2 items
Miller, Robert A. 2 items
Mitman, Kurt 2 items
Mitra, Sandip 2 items
Mulligan, Casey B. 2 items
Nakamura, Emi 2 items
Ndiaye, Abdoulaye 2 items
Neiman, Brent 2 items
Nix, Emily 2 items
Nygaard, Vegard 2 items
Oh, Soo-Nam 2 items
Osotimehin, Sophie 2 items
Pakonen, Rodney 2 items
Perez, Luis 2 items
Ponder, Mark 2 items
Popov, Latchezar 2 items
Prasad, Eswar S. 2 items
Presno, Ignacio 2 items
Riascos, Álvaro José 2 items
Rinz, Kevin 2 items
Rivlin, Alice M. 2 items
Romer, Paul M. 2 items
Rudebusch, Glenn D. 2 items
Ruffini, Krista 2 items
Rupert, Peter 2 items
Sachs, Dominik 2 items
Santos, Manuel S. 2 items
Saracoglu, Rusdu 2 items
Schivardi, Fabiano 2 items
Schorfheide, Frank 2 items
Schwartz, Anna J. 2 items
Shourideh, Ali 2 items
Singer, Ethan 2 items
Skoog, Gary R. 2 items
Smith, Anthony 2 items
Smith, Laura 2 items
Sosa-Padilla, César 2 items
Soto, Raimundo 2 items
Stacchetti, Ennio 2 items
Staib, Andrew 2 items
Stefanidis, Georgios 2 items
Steins, Ulrike I. 2 items
Steinsson, Jon 2 items
Stevens, John J. 2 items
Stevens, Luminita 2 items
Teixeira, Arilton 2 items
Tertilt, Michele 2 items
Tsujiyama, Hitoshi 2 items
Veldkamp, Laura 2 items
Ventura, Gustavo 2 items
Voorheis, John 2 items
Walstad, William 2 items
Walter, Dave 2 items
Wang, Zhenyu 2 items
Wessel, Ryan 2 items
Whiteman, Charles H. 2 items
Wolpin, Kenneth I. 2 items
Yedid-Levi, Yaniv 2 items
Young, Peter C. 2 items
Zhang, Yuzhe 2 items
Zhou, Ruilin 2 items
Abram, Ross 1 items
Adam, Klaus 1 items
Adams-Prassl, Abi 1 items
Adão, Bernardino 1 items
Adão, Rodrigo 1 items
Ait Lahcen, Mohammed 1 items
Aizawa, Naoki 1 items
Akee, Randall 1 items
Akitoby, Bernardin 1 items
Alam, Manal 1 items
Albright, Alex 1 items
Almagro, Milena 1 items
Almeida, Victor 1 items
Alonso, Irasema 1 items
Altig, David E. 1 items
Altonji, Joseph 1 items
Alviarez, Vanessa 1 items
Ambler, Steve 1 items
Amirizadeh, Hossain 1 items
Anderson, Eric 1 items
Anderson, Evan W. 1 items
Andolfatto, David 1 items
Annan, Francis 1 items
Araujo, Aloisio 1 items
Archibong, Belinda 1 items
Armitage, Peter 1 items
Arnoud, Antoine 1 items
Aruoba, S. Boragan 1 items
Attanasio, Orazio 1 items
Auerbach, K. 1 items
Auld, Chris 1 items
Autor, David H. 1 items
Avenancio-León, Carlos 1 items
Ayres, Joao 1 items
Azariadis, Costas 1 items
Azzimonti-Renzo, Marina 1 items
Ba, Bocar A. 1 items
Babina, Tania 1 items
Baker, Michael T. 1 items
Ball, Elizabeth 1 items
Balsvik, Ragnhild 1 items
Bandiera, Oriana 1 items
Barbosa-Alves, Mauricio 1 items
Barsness, Robert N. 1 items
Bartik, Timothy J. 1 items
Bartscher, Alina K. 1 items
Batra, Honey 1 items
Baughman, Garth 1 items
Bayer, Christian 1 items
Beauchemin, Kenneth 1 items
Beaudry, Paul 1 items
Beers, David T. 1 items
Bencivenga, Valerie R. 1 items
Benjamin, David 1 items
Benson, Alan 1 items
Benzoni, Luca 1 items
Berkowitz, Jeremy 1 items
Berliant, Marcus 1 items
Bilal, Adrien 1 items
Blanco, Andres 1 items
Bland, David 1 items
Blandin, Adam 1 items
Bloom, Nicholas 1 items
Blume, Andreas 1 items
Bodenstein, Martin 1 items
Bolt, Uta 1 items
Bond, Philip 1 items
Brandt, Loren 1 items
Braxton, John Carter 1 items
Brendler, Pavel 1 items
Brinca, Pedro 1 items
Broaddus, Alfred 1 items
Brunmeier, Jackie 1 items
Buchholz, Todd G. 1 items
Budd, Anitra 1 items
Bullano, Francisco 1 items
Bullard, James B. 1 items
Burdett, Kenneth 1 items
Bush, Malcolm 1 items
Calsamiglia, Caterina 1 items
Calvo, Guillermo A. 1 items
Camargo, Braz 1 items
Campbell, Jeffrey R. 1 items
Capatina, Elena 1 items
Caplin, Andrew 1 items
Carapella, Francesca 1 items
Carlson, John B. 1 items
Carlstrom, Charles T. 1 items
Carter, Susan P. 1 items
Caselli, Francesco 1 items
Cattaneo, Laura 1 items
Caucutt, Elizabeth M. 1 items
Cavallo, Michele 1 items
Chahrour, Ryan 1 items
Chatterjee, Satyajit 1 items
Chatzikonstantinou, Manolis 1 items
Chen, Daphne 1 items
Chen, Peter 1 items
Cheung, Yin-Wong 1 items
Chiu, Jonathan 1 items
Choi, Sangmok 1 items
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FILTER BY Jel Classification
E24 42 items
E52 39 items
E32 37 items
E44 37 items
E21 35 items
F41 29 items
J31 26 items
F34 25 items
E62 24 items
E58 22 items
E20 19 items
E60 17 items
E61 16 items
E63 16 items
J64 16 items
J15 15 items
J24 15 items
F32 14 items
D31 13 items
E31 13 items
E41 13 items
G01 13 items
H20 13 items
E22 12 items
F30 12 items
E51 11 items
G21 11 items
J22 11 items
E40 10 items
F31 10 items
J20 10 items
J30 10 items
D10 9 items
G12 9 items
H31 9 items
L11 9 items
O10 9 items
E23 8 items
G28 8 items
H21 8 items
I18 8 items
I24 8 items
J62 8 items
J63 8 items
O33 8 items
R23 8 items
D83 7 items
E13 7 items
E30 7 items
H63 7 items
J16 7 items
R12 7 items
R13 7 items
D12 6 items
D30 6 items
D91 6 items
E43 6 items
F40 6 items
I13 6 items
J11 6 items
J38 6 items
J44 6 items
J60 6 items
K0 6 items
O40 6 items
C78 5 items
D22 5 items
D42 5 items
E25 5 items
E50 5 items
F10 5 items
F23 5 items
G33 5 items
H40 5 items
H51 5 items
H75 5 items
I12 5 items
J10 5 items
J21 5 items
J23 5 items
J61 5 items
J65 5 items
L0 5 items
L12 5 items
N16 5 items
O11 5 items
O15 5 items
A11 4 items
C13 4 items
C32 4 items
D14 4 items
D15 4 items
D82 4 items
E00 4 items
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E69 4 items
F14 4 items
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O47 4 items
P48 4 items
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R11 4 items
C62 3 items
D57 3 items
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F13 3 items
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H41 3 items
H76 3 items
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C63 2 items
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J08 2 items
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J48 2 items
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B40 1 items
C0 1 items
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