Search Results

Bank:Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis 

Journal Article
Office flu shots, anyone?

Some district office markets still recovering from downturn, but some never got sick in the first place
Fedgazette , Volume 16 , Issue Mar , Pages 22-23

Journal Article
How to save gas

Pricing mechanisms, not fuel-economy standards, offer the best hope for reducing motor fuel consumption
The Region , Volume 22 , Issue Dec , Pages 30-37

International trade and income differences

I develop a novel view of the trade frictions between rich and poor countries by arguing that to reconcile bilateral trade volumes and price data within a standard gravity model, the trade frictions between rich and poor countries must be systematically asymmetric, with poor countries facing higher costs to export relative to rich countries. I provide a method to model these asymmetries and demonstrate the merits of my approach relative to alternatives in the trade literature. I then argue that these trade frictions are quantitatively important to understanding the large differences in ...
Staff Report , Paper 435

Journal Article
Stadiums and convention centers as community loss leaders

Fedgazette , Volume 13 , Issue Mar , Pages 5-7

Journal Article
Interview with Donald E. Powell

The chairman of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. shares his thoughts on regulatory reform, the value of market data and other issues
The Region , Volume 17 , Issue Jun , Pages 26-35

Journal Article
Urban legends

For centuries, economists have struggled to explain why people and businesses gather in cities.
The Region , Volume 18 , Issue Sep , Pages 10-13, 54-59

Supplementary appendix: Careers in firms: estimating a model of learning, job assignment, and human capital aquisition

In this appendix I present details of the model and of the empirical analysis and results of counterfactual experiments omitted from the paper. In Section 1 I describe a simple example that illustrates how, even in the absence of (technological) human capital acquisition, productivity shocks, or separation shocks, the learning component of the model can naturally generate mobility between jobs within a firm and turnover between firms. I also present omitted details of the proofs of Propositions 1, 2, and 3 in the paper. In Section 2 I provide an overview of the numerical solution of the ...
Staff Report , Paper 470

Global imbalances and structural change in the United States

Since the early 1990s, as the United States has borrowed from the rest of the world, employment in U.S. goods-producing sectors has fallen. Using a dynamic general equilibrium model, we find that rapid productivity growth in goods production, not U.S. borrowing, has been the most important driver of the decline in goods-sector employment. As the United States repays its debt, its trade balance will reverse, but goods-sector employment will continue to fall. A sudden stop in foreign lending in 2015?2016 would cause a sharp trade balance reversal and painful reallocation across sectors, but ...
Staff Report , Paper 489



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Journal Article 1127 items

Report 702 items

Working Paper 482 items

Discussion Paper 202 items

Speech 192 items

Monograph 1 items

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Wirtz, Ronald A. 183 items

Kocherlakota, Narayana R. 147 items

Clement, Douglas 117 items

Kehoe, Patrick J. 116 items

Stern, Gary H. 114 items

McGrattan, Ellen R. 88 items

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E24 42 items

E52 39 items

E32 37 items

E44 37 items

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F41 29 items

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