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Journal Article
When States Default: Lessons from Law and History
This Commentary discusses how a severe fiscal crisis at the state level could impact the interests of the state?s public pension holders. Drawing lessons from the relevant laws, historical precedents, and the case of Arkansas after its default in 1933, I argue that in spite of the protections that exist, no public retirement system is completely immune to impairment if the money runs out.
Working Paper
Health, Health Insurance, and Retirement: A Survey
The degree to which retirement decisions are driven by health is a key concern for both academics and policymakers. In this paper we survey the economic literature on the health-retirement link in developed countries. We describe the mechanisms through which health affects labor supply and discuss how they interact with public pensions and public health insurance. The historical evidence suggests that health is not the primary source of variation in retirement across countries and over time. Furthermore, declining health with age can only explain a small share of the decline in employment ...
Retirements Surge for Older Workers during COVID-19
Though retirement decisions vary by different age groups, the COVID-19 pandemic increased retirement rates for those age 66 and older.
Journal Article
To Retire or Keep Working after a Pandemic?
Workers age 55 and older left the labor force in large numbers following the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Four years later, participation within this age group has yet to return to pre-pandemic levels, despite the strongest labor market in decades. This has resulted in an estimated shortfall of nearly 2 million workers. Analysis shows that the participation shortfall is concentrated among workers in this age group without a college degree and can be explained by increased and growing retirement rates for this group, above pre-pandemic trends.
Discussion Paper
The Post‑Pandemic Shift in Retirement Expectations in the U.S.
One of the most striking features of the labor market recovery following the pandemic recession has been the surge in quits from 2021 to mid-2023. This surge, often referred to as the Great Resignation, or the Great Reshuffle, was uncommonly large for an economic expansion. In this post, we call attention to a related labor market change that has not been previously highlighted—a persistent change in retirement expectations, with workers reporting much lower expectations of working full-time beyond ages 62 and 67. This decline is particularly notable for female workers and lower-income ...
Journal Article
Features: Rethinking Retirement Savings
How much is enough to live comfortably in retirement? Would $30,000 a year be enough? Maybe if you live in a low-cost area, and the house is paid off. How about $15,000? It would be a stretch, at best. Yet recent census numbers indicate millions of Americans over the age of 65 must figure out how to make ends meet on these incomes. A quarter of seniors, almost 14 million retirees, live on only $15,000, while a little over half, 29 million retirees, live on only $30,000 a year. For these Americans, the prospects of a comfortable retirement appear uncertain.
Journal Article
The COVID Retirement Boom
As of August 2021, during the COVID-19 pandemic, slightly more than 3 million people likely retired earlier than they would have otherwise.
Journal Article
Asset Returns and Labor Force Participation During COVID-19
Why did so many people retire during the pandemic?
Retirement Account Basics: Why You’re Never Too Young to Start Thinking About Retirement
In this February 2024 Issue of Page One Economics: Focus on Finance, we’ll explore the most common retirement savings plans and other things to consider as you begin thinking about retirement. We will compare employer-based defined-benefit and defined-contribution plans, as well as options available to individuals. Understanding the basics of retirement savings accounts can help you feel empowered to start making decisions today for your retirement!
Working Paper
Human Capital and Long-Run Labor Income Risk
This review article examines the role of labor income risk in determining the value of a person?s human capital. We draw on the existing literature to present a model that incorporates various types of shocks to earnings. Within this framework, we highlight the implications of different assumptions about the correlation between market returns and labor income growth for the value of human capital and its riskiness. Further, the article surveys other work that applies similar ideas to assess the value and risk of pension promises. Finally, we discuss how to enrich the environment with ...