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Keywords:regional economy 

Presentation by Andrew F. Haughwout at the Greater Valley Chamber of Commerce

Presentation on the economic outlook delivered by Andrew F. Haughwout, Director of Household and Public Policy Research at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. This presentation was delivered at the Greater Valley Chamber of Commerce Economic Outlook 2024 meeting in Shelton, Connecticut.

Presentation by Andrew F. Haughwout at the 2024 New York Fed Regional and Community Banking Conference

Presentation on the economic overview delivered by Andrew F. Haughwout, Director of Household and Public Policy Research at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. This presentation was delivered at the 2024 New York Fed Regional and Community Banking Conference.

Consequences of state disinvestment in public higher education: lessons for the New England states

Public higher education produces many benefits that are vital to the New England economy, but it is increasingly at risk following years of state budget cuts. States have reduced funding for higher education to address short-term budget gaps caused by recessions and long-term budget gaps attributed to the growing costs of Medicaid and public pensions. Research in this report shows that reductions in state appropriations have resulted in higher tuition and fees, greater student loan debt, decreased resources for education and research, and fewer graduates and approved patent applications from ...
New England Public Policy Center Research Report , Paper 19-1

The Economic Health of the Region

Remarks at the Waterfront Alliance Regional Symposium: Recovery and Resiliency in a New Era (delivered via videoconference).

Journal Article
Regional Spotlight: Purchasing Power Across the U.S.

Where you live can determine how far a dollar goes. But pay varies regionally, too. To get a true picture of an area?s affordability, it helps to understand regional price parities.
Regional Spotlight , Issue Q4 , Pages 1-6

Understanding Migration Trends to Prepare for the Post-Pandemic Future

As the country has emerged from the pandemic, the places where people have traditionally lived and spent their money have shifted. Considering how our region has fared relative to the rest of the nation, this analysis reveals the region’s strengths and weaknesses and points to seven key insights that should guide policy decisions as we prepare for the post-pandemic years.
Cleveland Fed Regional Policy Report , Issue 20230801 , Pages 32

Perspectives on the Economic Outlook and Monetary Policy in the Coming Year: 02-04-2019; The 50 Club, Cleveland, Ohio

I thank Barbara Snyder and The 50 Club for inviting me to speak tonight about the economy and monetary policy. I am especially looking forward to the question and answer portion of the program because as we navigate through the year, we will need to be particularly attuned to what is happening on the ground. The Federal Reserve System is actually well structured to do that. The Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, right up the street, is one of 12 regional Reserve Banks distributed across the country that, along with the Board of Governors in Washington, D.C., comprise the Federal Reserve ...
Speech , Paper 103

Monetary Policy Listening Tour

During opening remarks at a listening session at the Philadelphia Fed, President Patrick T. Harker told the audience, which included Fed Vice Chair Richard H. Clarida, that while data are important to setting monetary policy, ?the views and experiences of people and businesses across our communities are also crucial components of how we measure the health of the American economy.? The session is part of Fed Listens, a Federal Reserve effort to review how to best pursue its mandate of maximum employment and price stability.
Speech , Paper 166

Declining access to health care in northern New England

Access to health care is a major concern across the northern New England states?Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont?where rising operating costs and population loss threaten the stability of hospitals and other medical facilities that serve their surrounding rural communities. New analysis of financial data shows that many rural hospitals are operating at losses that are predictive of financial distress or even closure. Consequently, the communities served by these hospitals may be at risk of losing the benefits they provide to public health and the local economy. Addressing the financial ...
New England Public Policy Center Regional Brief , Paper 19-1