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Discussion Paper
Inequality in U.S. Homeownership Rates by Race and Ethnicity
Haughwout, Andrew F.; Lee, Donghoon; Scally, Joelle; Van der Klaauw, Wilbert
Homeownership has historically been an important means for Americans to accumulate wealth—in fact, at more than $15 trillion, housing equity accounts for 16 percent of total U.S. household wealth. Consequently, the U.S. homeownership cycle has triggered large swings in Americans’ net worth over the past twenty-five years. However, the nature of those swings has varied significantly by race and ethnicity, with different demographic groups tracing distinct trajectories through the housing boom, the foreclosure crisis, and the subsequent recovery. Here, we look into the dynamics underlying ...
Liberty Street Economics
, Paper 20200708a
Working Paper
The influence of gender and income on the household division of financial responsibility
Hitczenko, Marcin
This paper studies how gender and income dynamics influence the division of responsibility in two-adult households for various activities, including those tasks directly related to financial decisionmaking. The data, from the 2012 Survey of Consumer Payment Choice, consist of the respondents? categorical self-assessments of their individual levels of responsibility for various tasks. A data construct, in which some households have both adults participate in the survey, is exploited to develop a penalized latent variable model that accounts for systemic response errors. The data reveal that ...
Working Papers
, Paper 16-20
Discussion Paper
Just Released: Cleaning Up Collections
Haughwout, Andrew F.; Scally, Joelle; Van der Klaauw, Wilbert; Lee, Donghoon
Household debt balances continued their upward trend in the second quarter, with increases in mortgage, auto, and credit card balances, according to the latest Quarterly Report on Household Debt and Credit from the New York Fed?s Center for Microeconomic Data. Student loans were roughly flat, a typical seasonal pattern in the second quarter. The Quarterly Report contains summaries of the types of information that is covered in credit reports, sourced from the New York Fed Consumer Credit Panel (CCP). The CCP is based on anonymized Equifax credit reports and is the source for the analysis ...
Liberty Street Economics
, Paper 20180814
Discussion Paper
A Better Measure of First-Time Homebuyers
Lee, Donghoon; Tracy, Joseph
Much of the concern about affordable homeownership has focused on first-time buyers. These buyers, who are often making the transition from renting to owning, can find it difficult to save to meet down-payment requirements; this is particularly true in those areas where rent takes up a significant portion of a household's monthly income. In contrast to first-time buyers, repeat buyers can typically rely on the equity in their current house to help fund the down payment on a trade-up purchase; they also have an easier time qualifying for a new mortgage if they've successfully made payments on ...
Liberty Street Economics
, Paper 20190408
Discussion Paper
Consumer Credit Card Payment Deferrals During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Wilshusen, Stephanie M.
In response to the economic hardships stemming from COVID-19, many U.S. card-issuing banks offered measures to assist their customers who were financially affected by the pandemic. Unlike previous disaster assistance programs that were typically short in duration and localized, the COVID-19 pandemic affected millions of consumers across the country for a protracted period of time and required application of broad-based relief measures. These measures, along with federal and state stimulus and benefit payments, provided some stability to many consumers’ financial circumstances during ...
Consumer Finance Institute discussion papers
Disaster (over-)insurance: the long-term financial and socioeconomic consequences of Hurricane Katrina
Bleemer, Zachary; Van der Klaauw, Wilbert
Federal disaster insurance?in the form of national flood insurance, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), and other programs?is designed to nationally-distribute large geography-specific shocks like earthquakes and hurricanes. This study examines the local longrun net impact of Hurricane Katrina and the subsequent policy response on impacted residents. Using a unique fifteen-year panel of five percent of adult Americans? credit reports, we find higher rates of insolvency and lower homeownership among inundated residents of New Orleans ten years after the storm, relative to their ...
Staff Reports
, Paper 807
Discussion Paper
Mortgage Rates Decline and (Prime) Households Take Advantage
Lee, Donghoon; Scally, Joelle; Haughwout, Andrew F.; Van der Klaauw, Wilbert
Today, the New York Fed’s Center for Microeconomic Data reported that household debt balances increased by $206 billion in the fourth quarter of 2020, marking a $414 billion increase since the end of 2019. But the COVID pandemic and ensuing recession have marked an end to the dynamics in household borrowing that have characterized the expansion since the Great Recession, which included robust growth in auto and student loans, while mortgage and credit card balances grew more slowly. As the pandemic took hold, these dynamics were altered. One shift in 2020 was a larger bump up in mortgage ...
Liberty Street Economics
, Paper 20210217b
Discussion Paper
Just Released: Press Briefing on Student Loan Borrowing and Repayment Trends, 2015
Van der Klaauw, Wilbert; Haughwout, Andrew F.; Scally, Joelle; Lee, Donghoon
This morning, Jamie McAndrews, the Director of Research at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, spoke to the press about the economic recovery, and his speech was followed by a special briefing by New York Fed economists on student loans. Here, we provide a short summary of the student loan briefing.
Liberty Street Economics
, Paper 20150416
Working Paper
How important is variability in consumer credit limits?
Fulford, Scott L.
Credit limit variability is a crucial aspect of the consumption, savings, and debt decisions of households in the United States. Using a large panel, this paper first demonstrates that individuals gain and lose access to credit frequently and often have their credit limits reduced unexpectedly. Credit limit volatility is larger than most estimates of income volatility and varies over the business cycle. While typical models of intertemporal consumption fix the credit limit, I introduce a model with variable credit limits. Variable credit limits create a reason for households to hold both high ...
Working Papers
, Paper 14-8
Discussion Paper
Introducing the FRBNY Survey of Consumer Expectations: Measuring Price Inflation Expectations
Topa, Giorgio; Van der Klaauw, Wilbert; Zafar, Basit; Armantier, Olivier
In this second of a series of four blog postings, we discuss the data on inflationexpectationscollected in our new FRBNY Survey of Consumer Expectations (SCE). Inflation expectations are a key consideration for monetary policy as they are believed to influence consumer behavior, thereby affecting economic activity and actual inflation. The SCE data on inflation expectations represent a major innovation as they contain information not previously collected from consumers on a regular basis. In this post, we provide some background on the survey and presentsome initial findings.
Liberty Street Economics
, Paper 20131204a
Federal Reserve Bank of New York 33 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia 5 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston 3 items
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Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago 2 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas 2 items
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco 2 items
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.) 1 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland 1 items
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Liberty Street Economics 28 items
Working Papers 8 items
Staff Reports 5 items
Working Paper Series 3 items
FRB Atlanta Working Paper 2 items
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Consumer Finance Institute discussion papers 1 items
Dallas Fed Economics 1 items
Finance and Economics Discussion Series 1 items
On the Economy 1 items
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FILTER BY Content Type
Van der Klaauw, Wilbert 25 items
Scally, Joelle 23 items
Lee, Donghoon 22 items
Haughwout, Andrew F. 21 items
Armantier, Olivier 3 items
Mangrum, Daniel 3 items
Topa, Giorgio 3 items
Zafar, Basit 3 items
Barrot, Jean-Noël 2 items
Furlong, Frederick T. 2 items
Goss, Jacob 2 items
Hitczenko, Marcin 2 items
Lang, David 2 items
Loualiche, Erik 2 items
Plosser, Matthew 2 items
Sauvagnat, Julien 2 items
Takhtamanova, Yelena 2 items
Amaral, Francisco 1 items
An, Xudong 1 items
Argys, Laura 1 items
Berger, Allen N. 1 items
Bleemer, Zachary 1 items
Bouwman, Christa H. S. 1 items
Campbell, Graham 1 items
Chiang, Yu-Ting 1 items
Croux, Christophe 1 items
Dohmen, Martin 1 items
Dueholm, Mick 1 items
Elul, Ronel 1 items
Elvery, Joel 1 items
Friedson, Andrew 1 items
Fulford, Scott L. 1 items
Gabriel, Stuart A. 1 items
Gallagher, Justin 1 items
Gine, Xavier 1 items
Goldsmith-Pinkham, Paul 1 items
Gorbachev, Olga 1 items
Han, Song 1 items
Hartley, Daniel 1 items
Jagtiani, Julapa 1 items
Karger, Ezra 1 items
Kartashova, Katya 1 items
Keys, Benjamin J. 1 items
Kohl, Sebastian 1 items
Korivi, Tarunsai 1 items
Lambie-Hanson, Lauren 1 items
Lanning, Jonathan 1 items
Li, Geng 1 items
Luengo-Prado, Maria Jose 1 items
Norden, Lars 1 items
Payne, Aaron 1 items
Pinkovskiy, Maxim L. 1 items
Pitts, M. Melinda 1 items
Reid, Carolina 1 items
Rohlin, Shawn M. 1 items
Roman, Raluca A. 1 items
Rose, Jonathan D. 1 items
Schularick, Moritz 1 items
Schweitzer, Mark E. 1 items
Tello-Trillo, D. Sebastian 1 items
Thomas, Lauren 1 items
Tilson, Sebatian 1 items
Townsend, Robert M. 1 items
Tracy, Joseph 1 items
Tzur-Ilan, Nitzan 1 items
Udell, Gregory F. 1 items
Vickery, James 1 items
Vulanovic, Milos 1 items
Wallace, Jacob 1 items
Wang, Teng 1 items
Wilshusen, Stephanie M. 1 items
Zhou, Xiaoqing 1 items
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D14 21 items
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FILTER BY Keywords
household finances 52 items
consumer credit panel 13 items
CCP 10 items
mortgages 9 items
student loans 7 items
credit cards 7 items
COVID-19 4 items
auto loans 3 items
heterogeneity 3 items
inflation 3 items
Consumer Credit Panel (CCP) 2 items
adjustable-rate 2 items
bankruptcy 2 items
consumer credit 2 items
consumer expectations 2 items
debt 2 items
gender roles 2 items
homeownership 2 items
housing 2 items
mortgage choice 2 items
mortgage contracts 2 items
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fixedrate 1 items
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household debt 1 items
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