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Journal Article
Fourth war loan drive
Journal Article
President's message
Journal Article
Spotlight on Research: The Impact of Government Subsidized Lending: Community Development Financial Institutions Fund
Access to credit in all segments of the population not only enhances the financial viability of individuals and their communities but also contributes to a robust economy. However, for various reasons, the private sector might not supply an adequate amount of credit or capital to meet the demand in certain areas. In these instances, the government might step in and bridge the gap. One approach taken by the federal government is to provide funds from the Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFI) Fund to financial intermediaries such as community development financial institutions ...
Journal Article
Foreign housing finance: America’s unique mortgage finance system is facing renovation. The approaches of other developed nations may provide some guidance for reform.
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Editor's introduction
Working Paper
Rent seeking bureaucracies and oversight in a simple growth model
Following recent cross-country empirical work, research on public policy and growth has come to examine the impact of inefficient or corrupt bureaucracies. Most of this work has emphasized the interactions of bureaucracies with private markets. By contrast, this paper focuses on the relationship between rent-seeking bureaucracies and their political authority. We show that when oversight is relatively costly, as in many developing economies, the political authority exercises little monitoring of its agencies which reduces the effectiveness of productive government spending. Moreover, when the ...
Working Paper
Entrepreneurship and government subsidies under capital constraints: a general equilibrium analysis
This paper studies the interaction of capital constraints with business formation, growth and destruction, and the policy implications of this interaction. A dynamic general equilibrium model is constructed and shown to be consistent with recent empirical finding on this subject. In the model, agents face uninsurable income risk and costly financial intermediation, and they choose to be either a worker or an entrepreneur. A calibrated version of the model is used to examine two government assistance programs: loan guarantees and grants. The main findings are that both programs can improve ...
Journal Article
War loan drive and the money market
Journal Article
Government loan, guarantee, and grant programs: an evaluation