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Monetary Policy and the Economic Outlook
Remarks at Euromoney Real Return XIII: The Inflation-Linked Products Conference 2019, New York City.
A House Divided: Geographic Disparities in 21st Century America
Eric Rosengren’s comments were delivered as part of the opening remarks at the Boston Fed’s 63rd economic conference in Boston, Mass.
The Outlook for the Economy and Federal Reserve Policy
I have the pleasure of serving on the council’s board so I have seen firsthand the important work the council is doing to increase economic and financial literacy in the country. As the council’s mission statement explains, equipping students with this knowledge can help them make better decisions for themselves, their families, and their communities. It is noteworthy that despite the burdens of the pandemic, the council has found creative ways to carry on its mission, including its support of teachers, the National Economics Challenge, and this speakers’ series. Today, before we open ...
An Economic Outlook - Temple University
The United States is and has been an economic powerhouse for most of the past century. We?re the world?s largest economy, and we have consistently been a source of innovation and invention. If we want to keep our global edge, it?s time to think about broad policies that look to where we?ll be in the future. When I was playing football, we ran where the ball was headed to catch it; that?s how we have to look at policy ? monetary, fiscal, and other ? not where we are on the field but where we?re headed.
Journal Article
Policy Instability and the Risk-Return Trade-Off
What is the impact of large swings in economic policy on the risk-return trade-off faced by investors? What is the impact of changes in policy regimes on investment strategies? In this paper we study the impact on returns of switches between periods of market-friendly economic policies and periods of populist policies. To quantify the impact of policy instability, we use data from Argentina—a country that has experienced frequent and very large regime changes—and find that the risk-return for individual assets and minimum variance portfolios are quite different across regimes. We then ...
Economic Policy in the United States
Dallas Fed President Bob McTeer delivered remarks at the Institute of Economic Affairs International State of the Economy Conference: Which Way the World Economy?, London, England.