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Fed Releases Proposal for CRA Reform, Seeks Comments
White, Carl
The Fed and the OCC have both issued proposals for reforming CRA regulations. How do they differ?
On the Economy
Bank Supervision Adapts to Pandemic Challenges
White, Carl
Communication between bank management and bank supervisors will remain vital to understanding the challenges banks are facing.
On the Economy
Treasuries’ allure as safe haven noted in short maturities, not in long bonds
Davis, J. Scott
The United States has a large negative net-foreign-asset position, especially in safe assets. In times of crisis, U.S. government debt, especially short-term Treasuries, are viewed as a safe haven. As a result, the U.S. is a net debtor. It is more leveraged and tends to hold more risky assets (mostly equities) and finance those positions by selling safe-asset debt to the rest of the world.
Dallas Fed Economics
Anatomy of the Bank Runs in March 2023
Cipriani, Marco; Eisenbach, Thomas M.; Kovner, Anna
Runs have plagued the banking system for centuries and returned to prominence with the bank failures in early 2023. In a traditional run — such as depicted in classic photos from the Great Depression — depositors line up in front of a bank to withdraw their cash. This is not how modern bank runs occur: Today, depositors move money from a risky to a safe bank through electronic payment systems. In a recently published staff report, we use data on wholesale and retail payments to understand the bank run of March 2023.1 Which banks were run on? How were they different from other banks? And ...
Richmond Fed Economic Brief
, Volume 24
, Issue 39
Working Paper
Audit Partners and Loan Loss Provisioning: Evidence from U.S. Bank Holding Companies
Bhat, Gauri; Desai, Hemang; Koch, Christoffer; Mayer, Erik J.; Tzur-Ilan, Nitzan
This paper uses confidential data on audit engagement partner names from regulatory filings of bank holding companies (BHC) to investigate whether partners display individual style that affects the financial reporting of the BHCs. We focus on loan loss provisioning. We construct an audit partner-BHC matched panel data set that enables us to track different partners across different BHCs over time. We employ two empirical approaches to investigate partner style. The first approach tests whether partner fixed effects are statistically significant in loan loss provisioning models. The second ...
Working Papers
, Paper 2209
Journal Article
Is the Era of Overdraft Fees Over?
Neely, Michelle Clark
Some U.S. banks are cutting back overdraft fees and offering lower-cost alternatives in response to pressure from consumers, competitors and regulators.
The Regional Economist
Dallas Fed, Latin American central banks explore financial stability risks
Ossandon Busch, Matias; Frame, W. Scott; Müller, Carola
The COVID-19 pandemic, recent monetary tightening and a strengthening U.S. dollar were the themes explored during a recent conference organized by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas and the Center for Latin American Monetary Studies (CEMLA) and held at CEMLA’s Mexico City headquarters.
Dallas Fed Economics
Journal Article
District banks meet challenging times from position of strength
Munyan, Ben
Texas banks confront an increasingly challenging operating environment, as the state’s usually strong economic growth is predicted to slow later this year and the Federal Reserve’s rapidly rising interest rate environment pressures some institutions’ profitability.
Southwest Economy
Discussion Paper
Income Evolution at BHCs: How Big BHCs Differ
Copeland, Adam
As noted in the introduction to this series, over the past two decades financial intermediation has evolved from a traditional, bank-centered system to one where nonbanks play an increasing role. For my contribution to the series, I document how the sources of bank holding companies? (BHC) income have evolved. I find that the largest BHCs have changed the most; they?ve shifted their mix of income toward providing new financial services and are earning an increasing share of income outside of their commercial bank subsidiaries. In this post, I summarize my study?s key findings.
Liberty Street Economics
, Paper 20120723a
Journal Article
Measuring Cov-Lite Right
Yu, Edison
More business loans today lack traditional covenants governing borrowers. Does that leave banks with fewer tools to ward off default?
Banking Trends
, Issue 3
, Pages 1-8
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas 28 items
Federal Reserve Bank of New York 19 items
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 15 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia 7 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond 6 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland 4 items
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco 4 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta 3 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston 3 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago 2 items
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Dallas Fed Economics 19 items
Liberty Street Economics 8 items
On the Economy 7 items
Staff Reports 7 items
Working Papers 6 items
Southwest Economy 4 items
Speech 4 items
Banking Trends 3 items
Economic Policy Review 3 items
FRB Atlanta Working Paper 3 items
Richmond Fed Economic Brief 3 items
Econ Focus 2 items
Economic Insights 2 items
Economic Synopses 2 items
FRBSF Economic Letter 2 items
Globalization Institute Working Papers 2 items
The Regional Economist 2 items
Working Paper Series 2 items
Working Papers (Old Series) 2 items
Current Policy Perspectives 1 items
Economic Commentary 1 items
Economic Quarterly 1 items
Monograph 1 items
Page One Economics Newsletter 1 items
Review 1 items
Speeches and Essays 1 items
Supervisory Research and Analysis Working Papers 1 items
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FILTER BY Content Type
Journal Article 23 items
Working Paper 16 items
Discussion Paper 8 items
Report 8 items
Speech 5 items
Briefing 3 items
Monograph 1 items
Newsletter 1 items
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White, Carl 7 items
Hirtle, Beverly 5 items
Faria-e-Castro, Miguel 4 items
Frame, W. Scott 4 items
Kovner, Anna 4 items
Luck, Stephan 4 items
Bräuning, Falk 3 items
DiSalvo, James 3 items
Prescott, Edward Simpson 3 items
Saretto, Alessio 3 items
Chodorow-Reich, Gabriel 2 items
Chudik, Alexander 2 items
Correia, Sergio A. 2 items
Darmouni, Olivier M. 2 items
Davis, J. Scott 2 items
Dempsey, Kyle 2 items
Fringuellotti, Fulvia 2 items
Jordan-Wood, Samuel 2 items
Kroen, Thomas 2 items
Martinez-Garcia, Enrique 2 items
Mayer, Erik J. 2 items
McCormick, Matthew 2 items
Orrenius, Pia M. 2 items
Ossandon Busch, Matias 2 items
Ozdagli, Ali 2 items
Plosser, Matthew 2 items
Sagnanert, Pon 2 items
Schulhofer-Wohl, Sam 2 items
Yu, Edison 2 items
Andolfatto, David 1 items
Auer, Raphael 1 items
Bacchetta, Philippe 1 items
Berger, Allen N. 1 items
Bhat, Gauri 1 items
Blickle, Kristian S. 1 items
Bordo, Michael D. 1 items
Byun, SungJe 1 items
Cañas, Jesus 1 items
Choi, Chi-Young 1 items
Cipriani, Marco 1 items
Clark Neely, Michelle 1 items
Copeland, Adam 1 items
Craig, Ben R. 1 items
Daly, Mary C. 1 items
Davis, Douglas 1 items
Desai, Hemang 1 items
Eisenbach, Thomas M. 1 items
Fillat, Jose 1 items
Fuster, Andreas 1 items
Gao, Eric 1 items
Gerardi, Kristopher 1 items
Goodman, Laurie 1 items
Grochulski, Borys 1 items
Grossman, Valerie 1 items
Gu, Chao 1 items
Harker, Patrick T. 1 items
Harry, Cooperman 1 items
Hou, David 1 items
Hur, Sewon 1 items
Ivashina, Victoria 1 items
Johnston, Ryan 1 items
Kalkunte, Prithvi 1 items
Kapinos, Pavel 1 items
Klitgaard, Thomas 1 items
Kneip, Joe 1 items
Koch, Christoffer 1 items
Kumar, Anil 1 items
Kwan, Simon H. 1 items
Li, Lindsay 1 items
Logan, Lorie 1 items
Lucca, David O. 1 items
Madar, Laurel 1 items
Martinez, Zinnia 1 items
Molloy, Linsey 1 items
Monnet, Cyril 1 items
Monnet, Eric 1 items
Moskow, Michael H. 1 items
Munyan, Ben 1 items
Müller, Carola 1 items
Narron, James 1 items
Neely, Michelle Clark 1 items
Nosal, Ed 1 items
Nunes, Ricardo 1 items
Nurisso, George 1 items
Ortega, Cristina 1 items
Owen, Jackson 1 items
Paul, Pascal 1 items
Pritsker, Matthew 1 items
Puria, Kovid 1 items
Robino, Nathan 1 items
Roman, Raluca 1 items
Ryder Perlmeter, Emily 1 items
Ryfe, Dylan 1 items
Saldias Zambrana, Martin 1 items
Schwam, Daniel 1 items
Singh, Japji 1 items
Skeie, David R. 1 items
Smallwood, Aaron 1 items
Spiegel, Mark M. 1 items
Spits, Lauren 1 items
Stiroh, Kevin J. 1 items
Suiter, Mary 1 items
Sundaresan, Suresh 1 items
Tang, Jenny 1 items
Torres, Luis 1 items
Trachter, Nicholas 1 items
Tzur-Ilan, Nitzan 1 items
Van Wincoop, Eric 1 items
Velde, Francois R. 1 items
Vickery, James 1 items
Wall, Larry D. 1 items
Wang, Zhenyu 1 items
Wang, Zhu 1 items
Wells, Matthew 1 items
White, Lawrence J. 1 items
Willen, Paul S. 1 items
Wright, Randall 1 items
Xu, Billy 1 items
Yousuf, Mariam 1 items
Zhang, Yuzhe 1 items
Zhao, Lawrence 1 items
Zhou, Lily 1 items
Zhou, Xiaoqing 1 items
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banking 91 items
finance 24 items
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financial crises 5 items
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interest rates 5 items
real estate 5 items
regulation 5 items
supervising financial institutions 4 items
supervision 4 items
banks 3 items
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financial stability 3 items
stress testing 3 items
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accounting 1 items
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bank credit 1 items
bank examinations 1 items
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bank holding company 1 items
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