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Keywords:Tax incentives 

Journal Article
House bias : the economic consequences of subsidizing homeownership

Econ Focus , Volume 12 , Issue Fall , Pages 12-15

Working Paper
State investment tax incentives: a zero-sum game?

Though the U.S. federal investment tax credit (ITC) was permanently repealed in 1986, state-level ITCs have proliferated over the last few decades. The proliferation of state ITCs and other investment tax incentives raises two important questions: (1) Are these tax incentives effective in achieving their stated objective, to increase investment within the state?; and (2) To the extent these incentives raise investment within the state, how much of this increase is due to investment drawn away from other states? To begin to answer these questions, we construct a detailed panel data set for 50 ...
Working Paper Series , Paper 2006-47

Journal Article
Back-to-school bonanza of boondoggle? : Virginia joins sales-tax holiday bandwagon

Econ Focus , Volume 10 , Issue Sum , Pages 12-13

Working Paper
Investment, accounting, and the salience of the corporate income tax

This paper develops and tests the hypothesis that accounting rules mitigate the impact of tax policy on investment decisions by obscuring the timing of tax payments. I model a firm that maximizes a discounted weighted average of after-tax cash flows and accounting profits. The cost of capital and the impact of tax incentives for investment both depend on the weight placed on accounting profits. I estimate this weight by comparing the effectiveness of tax incentives that do and do not affect accounting profits. Investment tax credits, which do affect accounting profits, have more impact on ...
Finance and Economics Discussion Series , Paper 2011-20

Journal Article
Roll the credits … and the tax incentives

Cities, states and even countries spar for film production business, but at what cost?
Fedgazette , Volume 18 , Issue Sep , Pages 14-15

Working Paper
A retrospective evaluation of the effects of temporary partial expensing

This paper examines how business investment responded to temporary partial expensing, first enacted in 2002 and expanded in 2003. In principle, partial expensing boosted the incentive to invest which should have had a discernable impact on spending. However, the tax changes did not occur in a vacuum, so it is challenging to isolate their impact. Our empirical approach exploits a feature of the tax change which, under certain assumptions, allows us to cleanly estimate its impact. Specifically, partial expensing provided relatively generous tax treatment for long-lived assets. We use this ...
Finance and Economics Discussion Series , Paper 2006-19

Short-run fiscal policy: welfare, redistribution, and aggregate effects in the short and long run

This paper quantifies the effects of two short-run fiscal policies, a temporary tax cut and a temporary rebate transfer, that are intended to stimulate economic activity. A reduction in income taxation provides immediate incentives to work and save more, raising aggregate output and consumption. A temporary rebate is mostly saved and increases consumption marginally. Both policies improve the overall welfare of households, and the rebate policy especially benefits low-income households. In the long run, however, the debt accumulated to finance the stimulus and a higher tax to service the debt ...
Staff Reports , Paper 442

Working Paper
Analyzing a proposal to ban state tax breaks to businesses

Working Papers , Paper 544

Discussion Paper
State business tax incentives: examining evidence of their effectiveness

State governments commonly use business tax credits to promote economic development. Whether these incentives are successful at generating new economic activity - and whether they do so in a cost-effective manner - are important concerns, particularly in times of fiscal and economic stress. This paper explores the use and effectiveness of a selected group of incentives, namely tax credits geared toward capital investment, research and development, job creation, and film production. The paper examines the various credits offered by New England states and their structural features, and reviews ...
New England Public Policy Center Discussion Paper , Paper 09-3

Evaluating business tax credits: reading between the lines

This policy brief provides guidelines for critically evaluating and interpreting empirical studies of state business tax credits. This brief summarizes analysis in NEPPC discussion paper 09-3: State Business Tax Incentives: Examining Evidence of their Effectiveness.
New England Public Policy Center Policy Brief


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