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Journal Article
The Russian Invasion, Oil and Gasoline Prices, and Recession

The Russian invasion of Ukraine has substantially increased commodity prices, increasing risk to global economic activity.
Economic Synopses , Issue 10 , Pages 1-2

Journal Article
Agriculture in the former Soviet Union: the long road ahead

Economic Review , Volume 77 , Issue Q IV , Pages 79-85

Journal Article
A case study of a currency crisis: the Russian default of 1998

This paper uses a currency crisis framework to analyze the currency devaluation and debt default of post-Soviet Russia in August 1998. The authors show that even though the Russian economy recorded positive growth immediately preceding the default, the atmosphere was reflective of an impending crisis. The authors then consider the symptoms of a currency crisis?specifically public and private debt responsibilities, devaluation expectations, and contractionary monetary policy?and show that they were present in Russia at that time. Three generations of currency crisis models are reviewed, ...
Review , Volume 84 , Issue Nov , Pages 7-18

Working Paper
The Impact of the 2022 Oil Embargo and Price Cap on Russian Oil Prices

This paper documents the effect of the oil embargo and price cap on Russian oil exports in the wake of the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. We show that the embargo forced Russia to accept a $32/bbl discount on its Urals crude in March 2023 relative to January 2022, nearly half of which is directly attributable to the higher cost of shipping crude oil over longer distances, as Russia diverted much of its crude oil exports to India. Based on a calibrated model of global oil supply and demand, the remainder ($17/bbl) can be explained by increased Indian bargaining power. We also ...
Working Papers , Paper 2401

The Arms Trade and Its Bearing on the Russia-Ukraine War

The arms trade links nations through their security interests, and its current patterns may be complicating a political resolution of the Russia-Ukraine war.
On the Economy

Reviewing the Impact of Energy Sanctions on Russia

So far, Western sanctions on Russian oil and gas exports appear to be working. But in the longer term, Russia may find ways to evade the price cap imposed on its oil sales.
On the Economy

Working Paper
Financial market reactions to the Russian invasion of Ukraine

This article analyzes financial market reactions to the Russia-Ukraine war with a focus on the opening weeks. Markets did not completely anticipate the war and asset price reactions strengthened from the first week—when there were hopes for a quick resolution—to the second week, when prices generally peaked and began to partially revert to pre-war values. Exposure to commodity trade and trade with Russia-Ukraine determined market perceptions of the riskiness of equity and foreign exchange assets. Credit default swap prices on sovereign debt and breakeven inflation rates indicate that ...
Working Papers , Paper 2022-032

Journal Article
Imperiled Russia needs West's help, Rice says

Economics Update , Issue Apr , Pages 8-9

Working Paper
International economic implications of the end of the Soviet Union

This paper quantifies roughly some potential economic developments in the former Soviet Union (FSU), if substantive economic reforms go forward, and assesses the likely implications of these developments for the rest of the world. It is assumed that a move to world prices for energy and other economic reforms result in a significant increase in FSU net oil exports. This paper develops and analyzes several alternative scenarios, including cases in which the FSU is specified to cooperate with OPEC. The simulations reported in this paper indicate that the FSU countries would be major ...
International Finance Discussion Papers , Paper 470

Journal Article
Could Russian have learned from China?

FRBSF Economic Letter


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