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Keywords:North Carolina 

Journal Article
North Carolina: Wall Street of the south

An aggressive economic plan and a restructuring of the state's manufacturing industry give North Carolina an edge in courting new trade.
Cross Sections , Volume 13 , Issue Fall , Pages 12-13

Journal Article
Regional News at a Glance

Econ Focus , Issue 1Q , Pages 2-2

Journal Article
Preparing Unemployment Insurance for a Downturn: The Carolinas

In the aftermath of the Great Recession, the United States saw unemployment rates rise to levels it had not seen since the early 1980s as employers shed workers by the millions. Workers who had lost their jobs could not find other work and flooded into unemployment offices around the nation applying for benefits to ease the shock to their household income. Unemployment insurance claims and payouts soared, straining programs from coast to coast.
Econ Focus , Issue 3Q , Pages 32-35

Discussion Paper
Creating a STEM Employment Pipeline in Eastern North Carolina Schools

The communities of eastern North Carolina are working to develop and maintain a workforce that will support existing employers and attract additional STEM industries to the region. NC East Alliance, an economic development organization representing 29 counties, is partnering with 29 school districts and 14 community colleges to train students in the skills needed for possible jobs in those fields.
Regional Matters

Journal Article
District economic developments

Econ Focus , Volume 7 , Issue Win , Pages 40-47

Journal Article
Community Effects of Climate Change in North Carolina

According to a 2021 report by the World Meteorological Organization, hurricanes, floods, heat waves, and droughts have increased in frequency and intensity around the world, accounting for 2 million deaths and $3.64 trillion in losses globally between 1970 and 2019. In the mid-Atlantic region, these events typically result in river and coastal flooding; several recent examples have devastated communities.
Econ Focus , Volume 22 , Issue 4Q , Pages 8-11

Journal Article
Furniture mart's impact on North Carolina's economy

Cross Sections , Volume 7 , Issue fall , Pages 2

Journal Article
Center for community self-help

Cross Sections , Issue Win , Pages 3-4

Discussion Paper
Shifting Populations: Results From 2021 Census Estimates

When the COVID-19 pandemic first began in the United States in 2020, many workers started working full time from home. The expansion of remote work allowed a growing number of people to see a future in which where they worked and where they lived did not have to be one in the same. As workers became less tethered to their offices in big cities, stories emerged, including from our own outreach, of workers moving away from urban cores in favor of more rural areas. But do the stories align with what the data tell us?
Regional Matters




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