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Keywords:Monetary policy 

Whose Wages Are Falling Behind the Least amid Surging Inflation?

For a majority of workers, wages didn’t increase as fast as inflation in the 12 months ended in second quarter 2022. Here, we dig deeper to see how outcomes may have differed across groups of workers.
Dallas Fed Economics

Journal Article
On the rotation of the earth, drunken sailors, and exchange rate policy

A growing number of observers seem to believe that official foreign exchange intervention offers a useful tool for managing the dollar?s descent. In particular situations, official transactions can sometimes produce temporary changes in exchange rates, but intervention does not permit countries to avoid or substantially modify trends in the movements of their exchange rates. At best, intervention is of very limited value.
Economic Commentary , Issue Feb

Conference Paper
Optimal monetary policy inertia


Journal Article
Financial innovation and monetary policy

Federal Reserve Bulletin , Issue Jul , Pages 393-400

Journal Article
Measuring the Stance of Monetary Policy on and off the Zero Lower Bound

Taeyoung Doh and Jason Choi propose a new ?shadow? short-term interest rate to measure the stance of policy when the federal funds rate was constrained by the zero lower bound.
Economic Review , Issue Q III , Pages 5-24

Conference Paper
The Fed at seventy-five


A singular achievement of recent monetary policy

September 20, 2012. Presentation. "A Singular Achievement of Recent Monetary Policy." Presented at Theodore and Rita Combs Distinguished Lecture Series in Economics, University of Notre Dame.
Speech , Paper 204

Money demand, transactions proxies, and the effects of fiscal policies in open economies

Research Paper , Paper 8602

Sound monetary policy for good times and bad: a speech at the Merk Investments/Stanford SIEPR Panel, Stanford University, Palo Alto, California, October 20, 2009

Presented by Charles I. Plosser, President and Chief Executive Officer, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Merk Investments/Stanford SIEPR Panel, Stanford University, Palo Alto, California, October 20, 2009
Speech , Paper 29

Journal Article
Rediscovering the value of honest money

Economic Insights , Volume 1 , Issue 1 , Pages 1



Speech 376 items

Review 264 items

Working Papers 242 items

Finance and Economics Discussion Series 223 items

Proceedings - Economic Policy Symposium - Jackson Hole 206 items

Proceedings 176 items

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FILTER BY Content Type

Journal Article 1050 items

Working Paper 923 items

Conference Paper 431 items

Speech 408 items

Report 146 items

Discussion Paper 22 items

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Williams, John C. 89 items

anonymous 89 items

Plosser, Charles I. 70 items

Bullard, James B. 69 items

Thornton, Daniel L. 61 items

Poole, William 58 items

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FILTER BY Jel Classification

E52 132 items

E58 60 items

E31 35 items

E32 26 items

E43 25 items

E44 23 items

show more (108)

FILTER BY Keywords

Monetary policy 3020 items

Inflation (Finance) 429 items

Interest rates 290 items

Fiscal policy 189 items

Banks and banking, Central 184 items

Econometric models 135 items

show more (495)