Search Results
Fed’s Mortgage-Backed Securities Purchases Sought Calm, Accommodation During Pandemic
Frame, W. Scott; Greene, Brian; Hull, Cindy E.; Zorsky, Josh
We explore the Federal Reserve’s purchases of agency MBS—mortgage bonds guaranteed by Ginnie Mae, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac—and related market dynamics during the pandemic, including why mortgage rates fell to historic lows.
Dallas Fed Economics
Working Paper
Inequality in the Welfare Costs of Disinflation
Rubinton, Hannah; Pugsley, Benjamin
We use an incomplete markets economy to quantify the distribution of welfare gains and losses of the US “Volcker” disinflation. In the long run households prefer low inflation, but disinflation requires a transition period and a redistribution from net nominal borrowers to net nominal savers. Welfare costs may be significant for households with nominal liabilities. When calibrated to match the micro and macro moments of the early 1980s high-inflation environment and the actual changes in the nominal interest rate and inflation during the Volcker disinflation, nearly 60 percent of all ...
Working Papers
, Paper 2020-021
The Rise of Intangible Investment and the Transmission of Monetary Policy
David, Joel M.; Gourio, François
Monetary policy acts on the economy primarily through its effects on investment spending. But the nature of investment has evolved over time: “Intangible assets”—such as intellectual property or software—play an increasingly important role in the modern economy. In this Chicago Fed Letter, we study the implications of this change for the transmission of monetary policy. We show that investment in intangible assets is less sensitive to interest rates than investment in tangible assets. This suggests that the secular shift toward intangibles has reduced the responsiveness of aggregate ...
Chicago Fed Letter
, Volume no 482
, Pages 8
Working Paper
Ties That Bind: Estimating the Natural Rate of Interest for Small Open Economies
Zhang, Ren; Wynne, Mark A.; Martinez-Garcia, Enrique; Grossman, Valerie
This paper estimates the natural rate of interest for six small open economies (Australia, Canada, South Korea, Sweden, Switzerland and the U.K.) with a structural New Keynesian model using Bayesian techniques. Our empirical analysis establishes the following four main findings: First, we show that the open economy framework provides a better fit of the data than its closed economy counterpart for the six countries we investigate. Second, we also show that, in all six countries, a Taylor (1993)-type monetary policy rule that tracks the Wicksellian short-term natural rate fits the data better ...
Globalization Institute Working Papers
, Paper 359
Working Paper
Optimal Taxes Under Private Information: The Role of the Inflation Tax
Gomis-Porqueras, Pedro; Waller, Christopher J.
We consider an overlapping generation framework with search and private information to study optimal taxation. Agents sequentially trade in markets that are characterized by different frictions and trading protocols. In frictional decentralized markets, agents receive shocks that determine if they are going to be consumers or producers. Shocks are private information. Mechanism design is used to solve for the constrained optimal allocation. We then study whether a government can replicate the constrained optimal allocation with an array of policy instruments including fiat money. We show that ...
Working Papers
, Paper 2017-14
Real-Time Market Monitoring Finds Signs of Brewing U.S. Housing Bubble
Coulter, Jarod; Grossman, Valerie; Martinez-Garcia, Enrique; Phillips, Peter C.B.; Shi, Shuping
There is growing cause for concern that U.S. house prices are again becoming unhinged from fundamentals.
Dallas Fed Economics
Discussion Paper
The Macro Effects of the Recent Swing in Financial Conditions
Smith, Micah; Giannoni, Marc; Del Negro, Marco
Credit conditions tightened considerably in the second half of 2015 and U.S. growth slowed. We estimate the extent to which tighter credit conditions last year were responsible for the slowdown using the FRBNY DSGE model. We find that growth would have slowed substantially more had the Federal Reserve not delayed liftoff in the federal funds rate.
Liberty Street Economics
, Paper 20160525
Life Insurers’ Preference for Familiar Bond Issuers Limits COVID-19 Shock Transmission
Almeida, Alex; Barbosa, Monica; Ozdagli, Ali K.
Despite regulations that encourage diversification and informational symmetry among buyers, insurance companies tend to lend to their current borrowers. This bondholder–issuer relationship moderates the effect of transitory economic shocks such as those associated with the onset of COVID-19.
Dallas Fed Economics
Global Perspectives: Donald Kohn on Greenspan and Bernanke, the Global Financial Crisis and the COVID-19 Challenge
Wynne, Mark A.
Kohn and Dallas Fed President Rob Kaplan discussed Kohn’s career at the Fed, his experience during the Global Financial Crisis and his thoughts on the Fed’s reaction to the current crisis.
Dallas Fed Economics
The Outlook for the Economy and Monetary Policy; 02.13.19; University of Kentucky Gatton College of Business and Economics, 2019 Economic Outlook Conference, Lexington, KY
Mester, Loretta J.
The Cleveland Fed is one of 12 regional Reserve Banks distributed across the country that, along with the Board of Governors in Washington, D.C., comprise the Federal Reserve System. This regional structure helps us to collect information from around the country so that our monetary policy decisions can take into account the diversity of the American economy and its people. I am very grateful for the many contacts throughout our District who generously share with us their insights into business activity, labor markets, and financial conditions. This timely information is collected through our ...
, Paper 105
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas 45 items
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.) 27 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland 26 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City 20 items
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 14 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond 8 items
Federal Reserve Bank of New York 6 items
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco 6 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago 3 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia 3 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta 1 items
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Dallas Fed Economics 37 items
Speech 21 items
Working Papers 19 items
Finance and Economics Discussion Series 14 items
International Finance Discussion Papers 13 items
Globalization Institute Working Papers 8 items
Working Paper Series 8 items
Research Working Paper 7 items
Liberty Street Economics 6 items
Proceedings - Economic Policy Symposium - Jackson Hole 5 items
Macro Bulletin 4 items
Econ Focus 3 items
Richmond Fed Economic Brief 3 items
Economic Bulletin 2 items
Economic Commentary 2 items
Economic Review 2 items
Chicago Fed Letter 1 items
Macroblog 1 items
On the Economy 1 items
Working Paper 1 items
Working Papers (Old Series) 1 items
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FILTER BY Content Type
Working Paper 71 items
Speech 21 items
Journal Article 13 items
Discussion Paper 6 items
Conference Paper 5 items
Briefing 3 items
Newsletter 1 items
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Mester, Loretta J. 19 items
Martinez-Garcia, Enrique 15 items
Wynne, Mark A. 10 items
Queraltó, Albert 8 items
Caldara, Dario 7 items
Ferrante, Francesco 7 items
Iacoviello, Matteo 7 items
Kiley, Michael T. 7 items
Prestipino, Andrea 7 items
Atkinson, Tyler 6 items
Coulter, Jarod 6 items
Bundick, Brent 5 items
Grossman, Valerie 5 items
Kaplan, Robert S. 5 items
Koenig, Evan F. 5 items
Kozlowski, Julian 4 items
McInish, Thomas H. 4 items
Neely, Christopher J. 4 items
Planchon, Jade 4 items
Smith, Andrew Lee 4 items
Cole, Stephen J. 3 items
Espino, Emilio 3 items
Frame, W. Scott 3 items
Giannoni, Marc 3 items
Kahn, George A. 3 items
Martin, Fernando M. 3 items
Pugsley, Benjamin 3 items
Rubinton, Hannah 3 items
Sanchez, Juan M. 3 items
Almeida, Alex 2 items
Barbosa, Monica 2 items
Boehm, Christoph E. 2 items
Boyarchenko, Nina 2 items
Davis, J. Scott 2 items
Del Negro, Marco 2 items
Dilts Stedman, Karlye 2 items
Dolmas, Jim 2 items
Jia, Chengcheng 2 items
Kansas City, Federal Reserve Bank 2 items
Kim, Sungil 2 items
Knotek, Edward S. 2 items
Koby, Yann 2 items
Kroner, Niklas 2 items
Ozdagli, Ali K. 2 items
Paul, Pascal 2 items
Petrosky-Nadeau, Nicolas 2 items
Powell, Jerome H. 2 items
Richter, Alexander W. 2 items
Ulate, Mauricio 2 items
Wells, Matthew 2 items
Wong, Russell 2 items
Zhang, Ren 2 items
Abadi, Joseph 1 items
Ahn, Hie Joo 1 items
Airaudo, Marco 1 items
Arias, Jonas E. 1 items
Athreya, Kartik B. 1 items
Balloch, Cynthia 1 items
Barkin, Tom 1 items
Basu, Susanto 1 items
Bernhardt, Robert 1 items
Bi, Huixin 1 items
Brunnermeier, Markus K. 1 items
Burke, Mary A. 1 items
Campbell, John 1 items
Cox, Lydia 1 items
Crawford, Jackson 1 items
Croushore, Dean 1 items
Crump, Richard K. 1 items
Curfman, Christopher 1 items
D'Amico, Stefania 1 items
Danziger, Jonah 1 items
David, Joel M. 1 items
Doh, Taeyoung 1 items
Dong, Feng 1 items
Duncan, Roberto 1 items
Ebsim, Mahdi 1 items
Erceg, Christopher J. 1 items
Eusepi, Stefano 1 items
Faria-e-Castro, Miguel 1 items
Farmer, Leland E. 1 items
Favara, Giovanni 1 items
Ferreira, Thiago Revil T. 1 items
Fuster, Andreas 1 items
Garciga, Christian 1 items
Gavin, William T. 1 items
Glover, Andrew 1 items
Goernemann, Nils 1 items
Gomis-Porqueras, Pedro 1 items
Gornemann, Nils M. 1 items
Gourio, François 1 items
Greene, Brian 1 items
Greenwald, Daniel L. 1 items
Gulati, Chaitri 1 items
Hajdini, Ina 1 items
Harker, Patrick T. 1 items
Hasegawa, Raiden B. 1 items
Herriford, Trenton 1 items
Hoesch, Lukas 1 items
Howes, Cooper 1 items
Hull, Cindy E. 1 items
Kandrac, John 1 items
Keen, Benjamin D. 1 items
Kilian, Lutz 1 items
Kim, Sooji 1 items
King, Thomas B. 1 items
Koch, Christoffer 1 items
Krainer, John 1 items
Kuester, Keith 1 items
Kurozumi, Takushi 1 items
Lee, Helene 1 items
Lucca, David O. 1 items
Lunsford, Kurt Graden 1 items
Manning, Steven 1 items
Marsh, W. Blake 1 items
Marsten, Katherine 1 items
Max, Ezra 1 items
McCartney, Brendan 1 items
Mertens, Karel 1 items
Moench, Emanuel 1 items
Moran, Patrick Donnelly 1 items
Morelli, Juan M. 1 items
Muller, Gernot J. 1 items
Mustre-del-Rio, Jose 1 items
Nakajima, Makoto 1 items
Nakata, Taisuke 1 items
Oksol, Amy 1 items
Ortiz, Julio L. 1 items
Palacios, Santiago I. Sordo 1 items
Palmer, Andrew 1 items
Pasten, Ernesto 1 items
Pavlidis, Efthymios 1 items
Paya, Ivan 1 items
Phelps, Hailey 1 items
Phillips, Keith R. 1 items
Phillips, Peter C.B. 1 items
Plante, Michael D. 1 items
Plosser, Matthew 1 items
Pollard, Emily 1 items
Rezende, Marcelo 1 items
Robertson, John C. 1 items
Rossi, Barbara 1 items
Ruge-Mucia, Francisco J. 1 items
Sablik, Timothy 1 items
Sarkar, Asani 1 items
Schmidt, Sebastian 1 items
Schoenle, Raphael 1 items
Schorfheide, Frank 1 items
Schularick, Moritz 1 items
Sekhposyan, Tatevik 1 items
Sengupta, Rajdeep 1 items
Shi, Shuping 1 items
Smith, Micah 1 items
Steiner, Eva 1 items
Styczynski, Mary-Frances 1 items
Takats, Elod 1 items
Temesvary, Judit 1 items
Throckmorton, Nathaniel A. 1 items
Trabandt, Mathias 1 items
Tracy, Joseph 1 items
Valcarcel, Victor J. 1 items
Van Nieuwerburgh, Stijn 1 items
Van Zandweghe, Willem 1 items
Vasilopoulos, Kostas 1 items
Verbrugge, Randal 1 items
Vickery, James 1 items
Vojtech, Cindy M. 1 items
Waller, Christopher J. 1 items
Wen, Yi 1 items
Wolman, Alexander L. 1 items
Yang, Shu-Kuei X. 1 items
Zhou, Xiaoqing 1 items
Zorsky, Josh 1 items
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FILTER BY Jel Classification
E52 58 items
E58 30 items
E44 22 items
E32 19 items
F42 12 items
E31 11 items
E43 11 items
F41 9 items
E37 8 items
G21 8 items
C33 7 items
E50 7 items
E62 7 items
E5 6 items
G15 6 items
C11 5 items
E12 5 items
E4 5 items
D84 4 items
E60 4 items
F34 4 items
G18 4 items
E22 3 items
E30 3 items
G1 3 items
G14 3 items
C13 2 items
D1 2 items
D83 2 items
E21 2 items
E24 2 items
E40 2 items
E51 2 items
E65 2 items
G01 2 items
G12 2 items
G28 2 items
G32 2 items
G51 2 items
H74 2 items
J64 2 items
A1 1 items
A10 1 items
C14 1 items
C22 1 items
C52 1 items
C53 1 items
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E17 1 items
E2 1 items
E2;E5 1 items
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E59 1 items
E61 1 items
F31 1 items
F40 1 items
F44 1 items
F47 1 items
G10 1 items
G20 1 items
G38 1 items
H21 1 items
J30 1 items
R3 1 items
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FILTER BY Keywords
Monetary Policy 160 items
Inflation 37 items
Economic Conditions 23 items
COVID-19 17 items
FOMC 9 items
Discretion 8 items
Financial Frictions 8 items
Rules 8 items
Economic Growth 8 items
International Spillovers 8 items
Asymmetric loss function 7 items
Fiscal Policy 7 items
Labor Markets 7 items
Open Economy Macroeconomics 7 items
Panel Data Estimation 7 items
Symmetric loss function 7 items
Banking 6 items
Economy 6 items
Federal Open Market Committee 6 items
Finance 6 items
Quantitative Easing 5 items
Real Estate 5 items
Forward Guidance 5 items
Agency securities 4 items
Bayesian Estimation 4 items
Essay 4 items
Large-Scale Asset Purchases (LSAP) 4 items
Treasury bond short interest 4 items
Treasury securities 4 items
Zero Lower Bound 4 items
Bank Profitability 3 items
Central Bank Credibility 3 items
Emerging Markets 3 items
Energy 3 items
Expectations 3 items
Great Recession 3 items
Inequality 3 items
Latin America 3 items
Redistribution 3 items
Sovereign Debt 3 items
Investment 3 items
Asset Prices 2 items
Banks 2 items
Capital Flows 2 items
Country Risk 2 items
Crises 2 items
DSGE 2 items
Default 2 items
Equilibrium Unemployment 2 items
Exchange Rate 2 items
Financial Conditions 2 items
Inflation Expectations 2 items
Inflation Targeting 2 items
Labor 2 items
Liquidity Trap 2 items
Natural Rate 2 items
Negative Interest Rates 2 items
Nominal Rigidities 2 items
Open-Economy New Keynesian Model 2 items
Seigniorage 2 items
Stock Market 2 items
Survey Expectations 2 items
Trade 2 items
Unemployment 2 items
Wicksellian Natural Rate 2 items
independence 2 items
Business Cycles 2 items
Central Banks 2 items
Disinflation 2 items
Federal Funds Rate 2 items
Information Effects 2 items
Intangible Capital 2 items
Labor Market 2 items
Small Open Economy Model 2 items
Balance Sheet 1 items
Bank Failure 1 items
Bank Lending 1 items
Basel III 1 items
Bond Market 1 items
Bonds 1 items
Brexit 1 items
Business Cycle 1 items
COVID 1 items
Capital 1 items
Central Bank Communication 1 items
Central Banking 1 items
China 1 items
College access 1 items
Communication 1 items
Communications 1 items
Consumer Lending 1 items
Consumption Risk 1 items
Coronavirus 1 items
Corporate Bonds 1 items
Credit 1 items
Credit Lines 1 items
Credit Risk 1 items
Cross-Border Claims 1 items
Currency 1 items
DSGE Model 1 items
Diff-In-Diff Analysis 1 items
Disagreement 1 items
ELB 1 items
Economics 1 items
Effective Lower Bound 1 items
Endogenous Technology 1 items
Event Study 1 items
Evolutionary Games 1 items
Excess Reserves 1 items
Excess Savings 1 items
Exchange Rates 1 items
FOMC Statements 1 items
Federal Funds 1 items
Federal Funds Futures 1 items
Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) 1 items
Federal Procurement 1 items
Federal Reserve 1 items
Federal Reserve Balance Sheet 1 items
Financial Crises 1 items
Financial Institutions and Regulation 1 items
Financial Markets 1 items
Financial Stability 1 items
Firms 1 items
Fiscal Policy Transmission 1 items
Flexible Average Inflation Targeting 1 items
Forecasting 1 items
General Equilibrium 1 items
Global Financial Cycle 1 items
Global Solution Method 1 items
Government Bonds 1 items
Government Spending 1 items
Granularity 1 items
Greenspan, Alan 1 items
Guidance 1 items
Heterogeneous Agents 1 items
High-frequency Identification 1 items
High-frequency event study 1 items
Household Finance 1 items
Information Channel of Monetary Policy 1 items
Instabilities 1 items
Interest Rate Risk 1 items
Interest rate 1 items
Interest rates 1 items
International Economics 1 items
Investments 1 items
Leverage 1 items
Limited Participation 1 items
Limited commitment 1 items
Liquidity 1 items
Liquidity Coverage Ratio 1 items
Liquidity Effect 1 items
Liquidity Preference 1 items
Liquidity Regulation 1 items
Local Government Bonds 1 items
Lower Bound 1 items
Macroeconomic announcements 1 items
Macroprudential Policy 1 items
Markups 1 items
Maturity Transformation 1 items
Mexico 1 items
Minimum Wage 1 items
Model Combination 1 items
Model Uncertainty 1 items
Money Demand 1 items
Mortgages 1 items
Municipal Bonds 1 items
Natural language processing 1 items
Negative Rates 1 items
Neo-Fisherianism 1 items
New Keynesian 1 items
Open Economy Model 1 items
Output Forecasts 1 items
Pandemic 1 items
Pittsburgh PA 1 items
Policy Delegation 1 items
Policy Effects 1 items
Precautionary Savings 1 items
Prices 1 items
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Quantitative Tightening 1 items
Real-Time Data 1 items
Required Reserves 1 items
Risk Premia 1 items
Search and Matching 1 items
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Security Markets 1 items
Small Business 1 items
Small Businesses 1 items
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Spreads 1 items
Stabilization 1 items
Standing Lending Facility 1 items
Sticky-Price Models 1 items
Stock returns 1 items
Structural Breaks 1 items
Structural VAR 1 items
Sunspot Equilibria 1 items
Survey Forecasts 1 items
Survey of Professional Forecasters (SPF) 1 items
Surveys 1 items
Tail Risk 1 items
Taper Tantrum 1 items
Taylor Rule 1 items
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Term Premium 1 items
Term Structure 1 items
Term Structure of Interest Rates 1 items
Time Variation 1 items
Uncertainty 1 items
Uncertainty Shocks 1 items
User cost of capital 1 items
VIX 1 items
Wages 1 items
Wealth Effects 1 items
Yield Spread 1 items
ZLB 1 items
Zero Lower Bound on Nominal Interest Rates 1 items
capacity 1 items
employment 1 items
inflation shortfall 1 items
information frictions 1 items
negative nominal interest rates 1 items
policy commitment 1 items
policy rules 1 items
professional forecasts 1 items
racial equity 1 items
racial wealth gap 1 items
sectoral shocks 1 items
zero lower bound (ZLB) 1 items
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