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Conference Paper
Income inequality : issues and policy options : a symposium, Jackson Hole, Wyoming, August 27-29, 1998

Proceedings - Economic Policy Symposium - Jackson Hole

Journal Article
A wealth effect

EconSouth , Volume 2 , Issue Q2 , Pages 2-6

Working Paper
Household portfolios in the United States

This paper investigates the composition of households' assets and liabilities in the United States. Using aggregate and survey data, we document major trends in household portfolios in the past 15 years. We show that, despite the broad array of financial products available, the portfolio of the typical household remains fairly simple and safe, consisting of a checking account, savings account, and tax-deferred retirement account; in 1998, less than half of all households owned some form of stock. We use pooled data from the Survey of Consumer Finances to investigate determinants of portfolio ...
Finance and Economics Discussion Series , Paper 2000-26

Working Paper
Why hasn't trade grown faster than income? Inter-industry trade over the past century

Over the past century, the ratio of international trade to GDP has not grown substantially for most major OECD economies. We conjecture that growth in intra-industry trade has been offset by a decline in intra-industry trade. Inter-industry trade may have declined either because of biased growth in factor inputs so that factor proportions have become more similar, or because preferences have become more similar with rising per capita income.
International Finance Discussion Papers , Paper 371

Working Paper
Buffer stock saving and the permanent income hypothesis

Working Paper Series / Economic Activity Section , Paper 114

Working Paper
Borrowing restrictions and wealth constraints: implications for aggregate consumption

Recent empirical studies have found that consumption is more sensitive to current income than simple versions of the life-cycle, permanent income hypothesis would predict. The present paper studies a model in which the fraction of consumers exhibiting excess sensitivity is endogenously determined. The presence of income uncertainty and restrictions on borrowing are shown to generate a distribution of consumption across individuals which is consistent with the recent empirical evidence. The aggregate fraction of consumers facing a binding borrowing constraint is shown to exhibit positive ...
Working Papers in Applied Economic Theory , Paper 86-06

Journal Article
How worrisome is a negative saving rate?

The U.S. personal saving rate's negative turn in 2005 has raised concerns that Americans may have to curtail their spending and accept a lower standard of living as they pay off rising debts. However, a closer look at saving trends suggests that the risks to household well-being are overstated. The surge in energy costs may have temporarily dampened saving, while the accounting of household income from stock holdings may be skewing saving estimates. Moreover, broad measures of saving have remained positive, and household wealth is on the rise.>
Current Issues in Economics and Finance , Volume 13 , Issue May

Intertemporal substitution in import consumption

Research Paper , Paper 8815

Financial Intermediary Balance Sheet Management

We consider a simple variant of the standard real business cycle model in which shareholders hire a self-interested executive to manage the firm on their behalf. A generic family of compensation contracts similar to those employed in practice is studied. When compensation is convex in the firm?s own dividend (or share price), a given increase in the firm?s output generated by an additional unit of physical investment results in a more than proportional increase in the manager?s income. Incentive contracts of sufficient yet modest convexity are shown to result in an indeterminate general ...
Staff Reports , Paper 531

Journal Article
Opportunity Zones: Understanding the Background and Potential Impact in Northeastern Illinois

This article offers a primer on: Opportunity Zones, highlighting the designation process for census tracts in northeastern Illinois; Qualified Opportunity Funds (QOF) ? the vehicle that will facilitate investment in designated areas; and finally, how QOFs will help facilitate the goals of the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning?s ON TO 2050 Plan.
Profitwise , Issue 1 , Pages 1-16



Working Papers 23 items

Working Paper Series 19 items

Finance and Economics Discussion Series 18 items

Review 13 items

Federal Reserve Bulletin 12 items

Economic Policy Review 11 items

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FILTER BY Content Type

Journal Article 119 items

Working Paper 82 items

Report 22 items

Conference Paper 18 items

Newsletter 10 items

Discussion Paper 2 items

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anonymous 16 items

Mazumder, Bhashkar 10 items

Carlino, Gerald A. 5 items

Coughlin, Cletus C. 4 items

De Nardi, Mariacristina 4 items

DiCecio, Riccardo 4 items

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D31 4 items

E21 4 items

D12 3 items

D14 2 items

H72 2 items

J15 2 items

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FILTER BY Keywords

Income 257 items

Consumption (Economics) 32 items

Income distribution 29 items

Saving and investment 22 items

Wages 21 items

Wealth 20 items

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