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Keywords:Government employees 

GASB 45 and other post-employment benefit promises : the fog is clearing

It is often said that you won?t get rich working for the government, but you can?t beat the benefits. One form of these benefits is ?Other Post-Employment Benefits"(OPEB), which represent government promises to employees to provide health care and other non-pension benefits after retirement. Government employers commonly use these benefits to attract talent in lieu of large salaries or bonuses and to provide future security to employees. Until now, governments have also been able to apply preferential accounting treatment to OPEB plans, which allowed deferral of the costs of today?s ...
New England Public Policy Center Policy Brief

Journal Article
Every sixth worker

FRBSF Economic Letter

Working Paper
Government employment and the dynamic effects of fiscal policy shocks

Since World War II, about 75 percent of government consumption in the U.S. economy has been spent on labor services. I distinguish the goods and the employment compensation components of government consumption in assessing the effects of fiscal shocks on main macroeconomic variables. Identifying exogenous fiscal shocks with the onset of military buildups, I show that they lead to a significant increase in hours worked and output in the government sector. Allowing for the distinction between the two components of government consumption improves the quantitative performance of the neoclassical ...
Working Paper Series , Paper 2005-16

The national and regional economic outlook

Remarks at the University at Albany, Albany, New York.
Speech , Paper 70