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Journal Article
The benefits of GATT for the U.S. and world economies: a round table discussion by Dallas Fed Economists
Dallas Fed Economists discuss the GATT.
Journal Article
Tokyo Round
Working Paper
The agreement on subsidies and countervailing measures: tying one's hands through the WTO
Why would governments agree to restrict their own discretion in setting domestic policies as part of a trade agreement? This paper examines the welfare consequences of the GATT's Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures (SCM). If countries which join a trade agreement are given free reign over the use of domestic production subsidies, then after negotiating tariff reductions, governments could undermine the agreement by introducing production subsidies to import-competing producers that effectively act as trade barriers. The SCM restricts the use of domestic subsidies by countries ...
Journal Article
So what if GATT isn't NAFTA?
Journal Article
The new protectionism
Journal Article
Agriculture: key to the Uruguay round
Journal Article
Is GATT a good deal?
Journal Article
Tokyo Round in Geneva
Journal Article
Agriculture and the GATT: the link to U.S. farm policy