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Showing results 1 to 10 of approximately 172.
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Journal Article
Federal Open Market Committee directive (November 15, 2000)
Federal Reserve Bulletin
, Issue Jan
, Pages 15
Journal Article
Discrete policy changes and empirical models of the federal funds rate
Dueker, Michael J.; Rasche, Robert H.
Empirical models of the federal funds rate almost uniformly use the quarterly or monthly average of the daily rates. One empirical question about the federal funds rate concerns the extent to which monetary policymakers smooth this interest rate. Under the hypothesis of rate smoothing, policymakers set the interest rate this period equal to a weighted average of the rate inherited from the previous quarter and the rate implied by current economic conditions, such as the Taylor rule rate. Perhaps surprisingly, however, little attention has been given to measuring the interest rate inherited ...
, Volume 86
, Issue Nov
, Pages 61-72
Journal Article
Federal Open Market Committee directive (August 21, 2001)
Federal Reserve Bulletin
, Issue Oct
, Pages 661
Journal Article
Federal Open Market Committee statements (September 20, 2005)
Federal Reserve Bulletin
, Issue Aut
Journal Article
The discount rate, interest rates and foreign exchange rates: an analysis with daily data
Thornton, Daniel L.; Batten, Dallas S.
, Volume 67
, Issue Feb
, Pages 22-30
Working Paper
Market-based measures of monetary policy expectations
Sack, Brian P.; Swanson, Eric T.; Gürkaynak, Refet S.
A number of recent papers have used different financial market instruments to measure near-term expectations of the federal funds rate and the high-frequency changes in these instruments around FOMC announcements to measure monetary policy shocks. This paper evaluates the empirical success of a variety of financial market instruments in predicting the future path of monetary policy. All of the instruments we consider provide forecasts that are clearly superior to those of standard time series models at all of the horizons considered. Among financial market instruments, we find that federal ...
Working Paper Series
, Paper 2006-04
Journal Article
Measuring monetary policy inertia in target Fed funds rate changes
Dueker, Michael J.
Recent research has grappled with an apparent paradox: Why would a central bank that is focused primarily on inflation control exhibit signs of inertia when making policy adjustments? In this article, Michael Dueker argues that fully characterizing the policy inertia is a precondition towards resolving the apparent paradox. This article presents empirical estimates of adjustments to the target fed funds rate that take into account two facets of policy inertia: a partial-adjustment mechanism and thresholds for making discrete changes to the target fed funds rate. With a more complete picture ...
, Volume 81
, Issue Sep
, Pages 3-10
Journal Article
How Many Reserves Does the Federal Reserve Need to Supply?
Smith, Andrew Lee
The level of reserves the Federal Reserve needs to supply depends on the spread between the federal funds rate and the IOR rate. If policymakers choose to operate with a near-zero federal funds-IOR spread, then reserve balances of $1.5 trillion may be required to implement monetary policy. However, if policymakers opt for a higher federal funds-IOR spread, then reserve balances of about $1.1 trillion may suffice.
Macro Bulletin
The topology of the federal funds market
Bech, Morten L.; Atalay, Enghin
The recent turmoil in global financial markets underscores the importance of the federal funds market as a means of distributing liquidity throughout the financial system and a tool for implementing monetary policy. In this paper, we explore the network topology of the federal funds market. We find that the network is sparse, exhibits the small-world phenomenon, and is disassortative. In addition, reciprocity loans track the federal funds rate, and centrality measures are useful predictors of the interest rate of a loan.
Staff Reports
, Paper 354
Journal Article
Federal Open Market Committee directive (November 10, 2004)
Federal Reserve Bulletin
, Issue Win
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.) 51 items
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 51 items
Federal Reserve Bank of New York 24 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland 11 items
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco 10 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond 7 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City 6 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas 4 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta 3 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia 3 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago 2 items
show more (6)
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Federal Reserve Bulletin 39 items
Review 18 items
Speech 14 items
Working Papers 14 items
Monetary Trends 11 items
Economic Commentary 10 items
Finance and Economics Discussion Series 10 items
Staff Reports 9 items
Economic Review 6 items
Economic Synopses 6 items
Economic Quarterly 5 items
FRBSF Economic Letter 5 items
National Economic Trends 4 items
Working Paper Series 4 items
Financial Update 2 items
Liberty Street Economics 2 items
Macro Bulletin 2 items
Annual Report 1 items
Chicago Fed Letter 1 items
Current Issues in Economics and Finance 1 items
Economic Bulletin 1 items
Economic Letter 1 items
Economic Policy Review 1 items
FRB Atlanta Working Paper 1 items
International Finance Discussion Papers 1 items
Southwest Economy 1 items
Speeches and Essays 1 items
Working Paper 1 items
show more (23)
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FILTER BY Content Type
Journal Article 113 items
Working Paper 31 items
Speech 15 items
Report 10 items
Discussion Paper 2 items
Newsletter 1 items
show more (1)
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anonymous 42 items
Thornton, Daniel L. 21 items
Dudley, William 9 items
Bullard, James B. 5 items
Rasche, Robert H. 5 items
Sack, Brian P. 5 items
Swanson, Eric T. 5 items
Dueker, Michael J. 4 items
Demiralp, Selva 3 items
Gürkaynak, Refet S. 3 items
Kuttner, Kenneth N. 3 items
Poole, William 3 items
Rosa, Carlo 3 items
Rudebusch, Glenn D. 3 items
Smith, Andrew Lee 3 items
Wu, Tao 3 items
Altig, David E. 2 items
Anderson, Richard G. 2 items
Broaddus, Alfred 2 items
Bundick, Brent 2 items
Carlson, John B. 2 items
Carlstrom, Charles T. 2 items
Cook, Timothy Q. 2 items
Crump, Richard K. 2 items
Fuerst, Timothy S. 2 items
Hilton, R. Spence 2 items
Mehra, Yash P. 2 items
Melick, William R. 2 items
Nosal, Ed 2 items
Owyang, Michael T. 2 items
Raskin, Matthew 2 items
Sarno, Lucio 2 items
Tallman, Ellis W. 2 items
Watson, Mark W. 2 items
Wheelock, David C. 2 items
Anbil, Sriya 1 items
Armenter, Roc 1 items
Ashcraft, Adam B. 1 items
Atalay, Enghin 1 items
Bartolini, Leonardo 1 items
Batten, Dallas S. 1 items
Bauer, Michael D. 1 items
Bech, Morten L. 1 items
Bernanke, Ben S. 1 items
Bertola, Giuseppe 1 items
Bomfim, Antúlio N. 1 items
Booth, James R. 1 items
Booth, Lena Chua 1 items
Boyle, Jeremiah P. 1 items
Buol, Jason J. 1 items
Carlson, Mark A. 1 items
Carpenter, Seth B. 1 items
Chordia, Tarun 1 items
Chrystal, K. Alec 1 items
Clouse, James A. 1 items
Connolly, Michael 1 items
Craig, Ben R. 1 items
Doh, Taeyoung 1 items
Duca, John V. 1 items
Durham, J. Benson 1 items
Elmendorf, Douglas W. 1 items
Engemann, Kristie M. 1 items
Evans, Charles L. 1 items
Fisher, Richard W. 1 items
Gagnon, Joseph E. 1 items
Gavin, William T. 1 items
Gilbert, R. Alton 1 items
Guo, Hui 1 items
Hakkio, Craig S. 1 items
Hamilton, James D. 1 items
Hanes, Christopher 1 items
Harker, Patrick T. 1 items
Herriford, Trenton 1 items
Higgins, Patrick C. 1 items
Hrung, Warren B. 1 items
Humpage, Owen F. 1 items
Jordà, Òscar 1 items
Kliesen, Kevin L. 1 items
Koenig, Evan F. 1 items
Kozicki, Sharon 1 items
Krieger, Sandra C. 1 items
Kwan, Simon H. 1 items
Lang, Richard W. 1 items
Lange, Joe 1 items
Lansing, Kevin J. 1 items
Lester, Benjamin 1 items
Lopez, Jose A. 1 items
Lucca, David O. 1 items
McAndrews, James J. 1 items
Minton, Brian D. 1 items
Moench, Emanuel 1 items
Orphanides, Athanasios 1 items
Owens, Raymond E. 1 items
Pakko, Michael R. 1 items
Pande, Geetanjali 1 items
Pianalto, Sandra 1 items
Piazzesi, Monika 1 items
Piger, Jeremy M. 1 items
Plosser, Charles I. 1 items
Prati, Alessandro 1 items
Remache, Julie 1 items
Robertson, John C. 1 items
Sahinoz, Erkin Y. 1 items
Santoni, G. J. 1 items
Sarkar, Asani 1 items
Schulhofer-Wohl, Sam 1 items
Scotti, Chiara 1 items
Sellon, Gordon H. 1 items
Skeie, David R. 1 items
Stone, Courtenay C. 1 items
Stowe, Lisa 1 items
Subrahmanyam, Avanidhar 1 items
Taylor, John B. 1 items
Valente, Giorgio 1 items
Warsh, Kevin M. 1 items
Webb, Roy H. 1 items
Wen, Yi 1 items
Whitesell, William C. 1 items
Zaman, Saeed 1 items
Zobel, Patricia 1 items
show more (115)
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FILTER BY Jel Classification
FILTER BY Keywords
Federal funds rate 172 items
Federal Open Market Committee 63 items
Monetary policy 62 items
Interest rates 24 items
Inflation (Finance) 11 items
Open market operations 10 items
Monetary policy - United States 9 items
Federal funds market (United States) 8 items
Economic conditions 7 items
Liquidity (Economics) 7 items
Bank reserves 6 items
Federal Reserve System 6 items
Forecasting 6 items
Financial markets 5 items
Credit 4 items
Government securities 4 items
Stock - Prices 4 items
Treasury bonds 4 items
Employment 3 items
Gross domestic product 3 items
Labor market 3 items
Rational expectations (Economic theory) 3 items
Vector autoregression 3 items
Assets (Accounting) 2 items
Banks and banking, Central 2 items
Consumption (Economics) 2 items
FOMC 2 items
Federal Reserve Bank of New York 2 items
Financial leverage 2 items
Financial stability 2 items
Fiscal policy 2 items
Housing - Prices 2 items
International finance 2 items
Money market 2 items
Mortgages 2 items
Prices 2 items
Securities 2 items
Stock market 2 items
Taylor's rule 2 items
Unemployment 2 items
bond markets 2 items
real estate investments 2 items
Asset pricing 1 items
Asset-liability management 1 items
Balance of trade 1 items
Bank capital 1 items
Bank loans 1 items
Bank of England 1 items
Bank of Japan 1 items
Banks and banking 1 items
Bernanke, Ben S. 1 items
Bond premiums 1 items
Bonds 1 items
Bonds - Prices 1 items
Budget deficits 1 items
Business cycles 1 items
Call loan rate 1 items
Corporate bonds 1 items
Corporate profits 1 items
Corporations 1 items
Demand for money 1 items
Discount window 1 items
Econometric models 1 items
Economic indicators 1 items
Employment (Economic theory) 1 items
Equilibrium (Economics) 1 items
Excess reserves 1 items
Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) 1 items
Federal Reserve District, 2nd 1 items
Federal Reserve System - History 1 items
Federal Reserve banks - Costs 1 items
Federal Reserve banks - Profits 1 items
Federal Reserve monetary policy 1 items
Federal funds market 1 items
Financial crises 1 items
Foreign exchange 1 items
Futures 1 items
Greenspan, Alan 1 items
Households - Economic aspects 1 items
Index numbers (Economics) 1 items
Interbank market 1 items
Intermediation (Finance) 1 items
International economic integration 1 items
International economic relations 1 items
Inventories 1 items
Job creation 1 items
Monetary policy accommodation 1 items
Monetary theory 1 items
Money 1 items
Money supply 1 items
Mortgage-backed securities 1 items
Natural real rate of interest 1 items
Personal Consumption Expenditures Price Index 1 items
Petroleum products - Prices 1 items
Policy expectations 1 items
Portfolio management 1 items
Rate of return 1 items
Recessions 1 items
Reserve balances 1 items
Saving and investment 1 items
Survey of Market Participants 1 items
Survey of Primary Dealers 1 items
Transparency 1 items
Yield curve control 1 items
economic conditions - United States 1 items
inflation 1 items
options 1 items
seasonality 1 items
show more (106)
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