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Working Paper
Common drifting volatility in large Bayesian VARs
Marcellino, Massimiliano; Clark, Todd E.; Carriero, Andrea
The estimation of large vector autoregressions with stochastic volatility using standard methods is computationally very demanding. In this paper we propose to model conditional volatilities as driven by a single common unobserved factor.> This is justified by the observation that the pattern of estimated volatilities in empirical analyses is often very similar across variables. Using a combination of a standard natural conjugate prior for the VAR coefficients and an independent prior on a common stochastic volatility factor, we derive the posterior densities for the parameters of the ...
Working Papers (Old Series)
, Paper 1206
Journal Article
Forecasting inflation and output: comparing data-rich models with simple rules
Gavin, William T.; Kliesen, Kevin L.
There has been a resurgence of interest in dynamic factor models for use by policy advisors. Dynamic factor methods can be used to incorporate a wide range of economic information when forecasting or measuring economic shocks. This article introduces dynamic factor models that underlie the data-rich methods and also tests whether the data-rich models can help a benchmark autoregressive model forecast alternative measures of inflation and real economic activity at horizons of 3, 12, and 24 months ahead. The authors find that, over the past decade, the data-rich models significantly improve the ...
, Volume 90
, Issue May
, Pages 175-192
Journal Article
A monetary perspective on underground economic activity in the United States
Porter, Richard D.; Bayer, Amanda S.
Federal Reserve Bulletin
, Issue Mar
Economic Outlook Symposium: summary of 2010 results and forecasts for 2011
Wang, Norman; Strauss, William A.
According to participants in the Chicago Fed?s annual Economic Outlook Symposium, solid economic growth is forecasted for the nation in 2011, following a year with moderate growth; inflation is expected to edge higher in 2011; and the unemployment rate is predicted to remain elevated this year.
Chicago Fed Letter
, Issue Feb
Journal Article
Forecasters expect solid growth, low inflation in 2011
Kliesen, Kevin L.
The Regional Economist
, Issue Jan
, Pages 11
Working Paper
Multi-step ahead forecasting of vector time series
McCracken, Michael W.; McElroy, Tucker S.
This paper develops the theory of multi-step ahead forecasting for vector time series that exhibit temporal nonstationarity and co-integration. We treat the case of a semi-infinite past, developing the forecast filters and the forecast error filters explicitly, and also provide formulas for forecasting from a finite-sample of data. This latter application can be accomplished by the use of large matrices, which remains practicable when the total sample size is moderate. Expressions for Mean Square Error of forecasts are also derived, and can be implemented readily. Three diverse data ...
Working Papers
, Paper 2012-060
Working Paper
Univariate and multivariate ARIMA versus vector autoregression forecasting
Bagshaw, Michael L.
The purposes of this study are two: 1) to compare the forecasting abilities of the three methods: univariate autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA), multivariate autoregressive integrated moving average (MARIMA), and vector autoregression (both unconstrained ? VAR ? and Bayesian ? BVAR) and 2) to study the idea that one advantage of vector autoregressions is that the models can easily and inexpensively be reestimated after each additional data point. All of these methods have been shown to provide forecasts that are more accurate than many econometric methods, which require more ...
Working Papers (Old Series)
, Paper 8706
Working Paper
Evaluating the forecasting performance of commodity futures prices
Reeve, Trevor A.; Vigfusson, Robert J.
Commodity futures prices are frequently criticized as being uninformative for forecasting purposes because (1) they seem to do no better than a random walk or an extrapolation of recent trends and (2) futures prices for commodities often trace out a relatively flat trajectory even though global demand is steadily increasing. In this paper, we attempt to shed light on these concerns by discussing the theoretical relationship between spot and futures prices for commodities and by evaluating the empirical forecasting performance of futures prices relative to some alternative benchmarks. The key ...
International Finance Discussion Papers
, Paper 1025
Working Paper
Forecast disagreement among FOMC members
Banternghansa, Chanont; McCracken, Michael W.
This paper presents empirical evidence on the disagreement among Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) forecasts. In contrast to earlier studies that analyze the range of FOMC forecasts available in the Monetary Policy Report to the Congress, we analyze the forecasts made by each individual member of the FOMC from 1992 to 1998. This newly available dataset, while rich in detail, is short in duration. Even so, we are able to identify a handful of patterns in the forecasts related to i) forecast horizon; ii) whether the individual is a Federal Reserve Bank president, governor, and/or Vice ...
Working Papers
, Paper 2009-059
Economic Outlook Symposium: summary of 2005 results and forecasts for 2006
Engel, Emily; Strauss, William A.
The nation?s economic growth will soften slightly in 2006, inflation will decrease, and the unemployment rate will remain stable, according to the median forecast of participants at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago?s most recent Economic Outlook Symposium.
Chicago Fed Letter
, Issue Mar
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.) 55 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia 45 items
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 37 items
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco 19 items
Federal Reserve Bank of New York 15 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland 11 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta 10 items
Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis 9 items
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Speech 77 items
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Speech 78 items
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Working Paper 54 items
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Plosser, Charles I. 36 items
McCracken, Michael W. 19 items
Clark, Todd E. 16 items
Bernanke, Ben S. 9 items
Kliesen, Kevin L. 8 items
Kohn, Donald L. 8 items
Yellen, Janet L. 8 items
Grunewald, Rob 7 items
Madden, Tobias 7 items
Strauss, William A. 7 items
Engel, Emily 6 items
Potter, Simon M. 5 items
Rudebusch, Glenn D. 5 items
Gavin, William T. 4 items
Pianalto, Sandra 4 items
Sill, Keith 4 items
anonymous 4 items
Banternghansa, Chanont 3 items
Engemann, Kristie M. 3 items
Leduc, Sylvain 3 items
Owyang, Michael T. 3 items
Rich, Robert W. 3 items
Tetlow, Robert J. 3 items
Amstad, Marlene 2 items
Bagshaw, Michael L. 2 items
Bruine de Bruin, Wändi 2 items
Bullard, James B. 2 items
Clement, Douglas 2 items
Del Negro, Marco 2 items
Dobrev, Dobrislav 2 items
Duke, Elizabeth A. 2 items
Edge, Rochelle M. 2 items
Gumbau-Brisa, Fabia 2 items
Hernandez-Murillo, Ruben 2 items
Kiley, Michael T. 2 items
Laforte, Jean-Philippe 2 items
Lie, Denny 2 items
Mandal, Rachel J. 2 items
Olivei, Giovanni P. 2 items
Olson, Mark W. 2 items
Orphanides, Athanasios 2 items
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Schorfheide, Frank 2 items
Szerszen, Pawel J. 2 items
Topa, Giorgio 2 items
Trehan, Bharat 2 items
Tulip, Peter 2 items
Van der Klaauw, Wilbert 2 items
Williams, John C. 2 items
Wright, Jonathan H. 2 items
Alexeenko, Galina 1 items
Ang, Andrew 1 items
Armesto, Michelle T. 1 items
Barnes, Michelle L. 1 items
Bauer, Andrew 1 items
Bayer, Amanda S. 1 items
Behravesh, Nariman 1 items
Bekaert, Geert 1 items
Bryan, Michael F. 1 items
Campbell, Doug 1 items
Campbell, Sean D. 1 items
Carriero, Andrea 1 items
Carvalho, Carlos 1 items
Chauvet, Marcelle 1 items
Chung, Hess T. 1 items
Clouse, James A. 1 items
Coughlin, Cletus C. 1 items
Craig, Ben R. 1 items
Croushore, Dean 1 items
D'Amico, Stefania 1 items
Dudley, William 1 items
Dwyer, Gerald P. 1 items
Eggertsson, Gauti B. 1 items
Eisenbeis, Robert A. 1 items
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Eusepi, Stefano 1 items
Ferguson, Roger W. 1 items
Fernald, John G. 1 items
Fernandez, Andres 1 items
Feroli, Michael 1 items
Ferraro, Domenico 1 items
Fischer, Andreas M. 1 items
Fisher, Richard W. 1 items
Garfield, Frank R. 1 items
Ghysels, Eric 1 items
Giannone, Domenico 1 items
Gorton, Gary 1 items
Greenspan, Alan 1 items
Grisse, Christian 1 items
Gürkaynak, Refet S. 1 items
Haubrich, Joseph G. 1 items
Huang, Wayne 1 items
Ironside, Brian 1 items
Keller, Jason 1 items
Keller, Joachim G. 1 items
Kim, Don H. 1 items
King, Thomas B. 1 items
Kollen, Sandra 1 items
Koop, Gary 1 items
Kroszner, Randall S. 1 items
Lacker, Jeffrey M. 1 items
Lang, Richard W. 1 items
Lansing, Kevin J. 1 items
Levin, Andrew T. 1 items
Linder, M. Henry 1 items
Manski, Charles F. 1 items
Marcellino, Massimiliano 1 items
Maurer, Samuel 1 items
McCallum, Andrew H. 1 items
McElroy, Tucker S. 1 items
Mishkin, Frederic S. 1 items
Moench, Emanuel 1 items
Molloy, Linsey 1 items
Mulhern, John J. 1 items
Nalewaik, Jeremy J. 1 items
Neely, Christopher J. 1 items
Ng, Serena 1 items
Ott, Lesli S. 1 items
Peach, Richard 1 items
Perli, Roberto 1 items
Pesaran, M. Hashem 1 items
Porter, Richard D. 1 items
Pruitt, Seth 1 items
Ravazzolo, Francesco 1 items
Reeve, Trevor A. 1 items
Reichlin, Lucrezia 1 items
Reifschneider, David L. 1 items
Robertson, John C. 1 items
Robotti, Cesare 1 items
Rogoff, Kenneth S. 1 items
Rosenberg, Joshua V. 1 items
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Sack, Brian P. 1 items
Schnorbus, Robert H. 1 items
Schuermann, Til 1 items
Sharpe, Steven A. 1 items
Small, David H. 1 items
Smith, L. Vanessa 1 items
Song, Joseph 1 items
Stock, James H. 1 items
Svensson, Lars E. O. 1 items
Swanson, Eric T. 1 items
Swanson, Norman R. 1 items
Thornton, Daniel L. 1 items
Tracy, Joseph 1 items
Vigfusson, Robert J. 1 items
Waggoner, Daniel F. 1 items
Wang, Norman 1 items
Watson, Mark W. 1 items
Wei, Min 1 items
Weidner, Justin 1 items
Wheelock, David C. 1 items
Wohar, Mark E. 1 items
Wu, Tao 1 items
Yu, Chengxuan 1 items
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Economic forecasting 217 items
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