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Keywords:Credit unions 

Working Paper
The impact of credit unions on the rates offered for retail deposits by banks and thrift institutions

Because of the increasing significance of credit unions as potential competitors for consumer deposits, this paper examines the impact of the market presence of credit unions, variously measured, on the rates for three different types of consumer deposits offered by banks and thrift institutions. In contrast to previous studies, the sample employed covers the nation as a whole, incorporates all large urban areas, and employs survey data on deposit rates for a substantially larger number of institutions than previously employed. Despite circumstance that are argued to militate against the ...
Finance and Economics Discussion Series , Paper 2003-06

Journal Article
Credit unions: What's the fuss?

Financial Update , Volume 11 , Issue Oct , Pages 4

Journal Article
Economies of scale and continuing consolidation of credit unions

This Economic Letter shows that, in contrast to banks, larger credit unions, on average, have decidedly lower average costs and higher net incomes, as we might expect in the presence of important economies of scale. It further notes that these economies of scale put pressure on the credit union industry to continue consolidating into fewer, larger credit unions. It also describes how some recent legislation may have further added to the pressures on both the banking and credit union industries to consolidate.
FRBSF Economic Letter

Working Paper
Banks vs. credit unions: dynamic competition in local markets

One interesting aspect of the financial services industry is that for-profit institutions such as commercial banks compete directly with not-for-profit financial intermediaries such as credit unions. In this article, we analyze competition among banks and between banks and credit unions using a dynamic model of spatial competition. The model allows for the co-existence of (for-profit) banks and (not-for-profit) credit unions. Using annual county-level data on banking market concentration and credit-union participation rates for the period 1989-96, we find empirical evidence of two-way ...
Supervisory Policy Analysis Working Papers , Paper 2002-10

Journal Article
Financial co-ops

FRBSF Economic Letter

Working Paper
Are credit unions too small?

Since 1985, the share of U.S. depository institution assets held by credit unions has nearly doubled, and the average (inflation-adjusted) size of credit unions has increased over 600 percent. We use a non-parametric local-linear estimator to estimate a cost relationship for credit unions and derive estimates of ray-scale and expansion-path scale economies. We employ a dimension-reduction technique to reduce estimation error, and bootstrap methods for inference. We find substantial evidence of increasing returns to scale across the range of sizes observed among credit unions, suggesting that ...
Working Papers , Paper 2008-033

Journal Article
Changes in the depository industry in Tenth District states

Recent development in Congress and the courts have focused attention on the relative roles of commercial banks, thrifts, and credit unions. As concern mounted last year about the state of the thrift deposit insurance fund, Congress required commercial banks to share the burden of recapitalizing the fund. In return, Congress promised to come up with a plan for merging the bank and thrift charters, a move the banking industry has long favored. About the same time, a federal appeals court ruled against a major source of credit union growth since the early 1980s - the acceptance of new members ...
Economic Review , Volume 82 , Issue Q III , Pages 55-76

Journal Article
Mortgage applicants turn to credit unions after the crisis

The Regional Economist , Issue July

Journal Article
Outsourcing, firm size, and product complexity: evidence from credit unions

Outsourcing business services is a key concern in the modern economy. Focusing on data processing services for credit unions from 1994 to 2003, the authors find that both credit union size and the diversity of their product offerings influence the propensity to outsource. The results suggest that simple scale-economy-based explanations for outsourcing may be inadequate.
Economic Perspectives , Volume 29 , Issue Q I

Journal Article
A bank by any other name

Fedgazette , Volume 16 , Issue Nov , Pages 6


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