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Keywords:Commercial loans 

Conference Paper
Small business access to capital and credit

Proceedings , Paper 755

Conference Paper
Deal complexity, loan performances, and the pricing of commercial mortgage-backed securities

Proceedings , Paper 1124

Evidence of a credit crunch?: results from the 2010 survey of first district community banks

This policy brief summarizes the findings of the Survey of Community Banks conducted by the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston in May 2010. This survey seeks to understand how the supply of, and demand for, bank business loans changed in the period following the financial crisis. The survey design focuses on assessing how much community banks were willing and able to lend to local businesses that used to be customers of large banks but lost access to credit in the aftermath of the financial crisis. The survey responses provide some evidence that lending standards for commercial loans have ...
Public Policy Brief

Conference Paper
The science of pricing in middle market commercial lending

Proceedings , Paper 986

Conference Paper
The loan asset sales market, what lies ahead?

Proceedings , Paper 286

Journal Article
Changing thrifts: what makes them choose commercial lending?

Economic Review , Issue Jun , Pages 24-39

Conference Paper
Recent changes in retail lending

Proceedings , Paper 1004

Journal Article
When will business lending pick up?

The recent declines in tightening of lending standards suggest that business lending may be poised for a rebound.
Economic Synopses

Conference Paper
The originate-to-distribute model and refi waves

Proceedings , Paper 1127

Journal Article
The persistence of the prime rate

FRBSF Economic Letter



FILTER BY Content Type

Journal Article 38 items

Conference Paper 24 items

Working Paper 8 items

Monograph 4 items

Report 3 items

Briefing 1 items

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anonymous 6 items

Berger, Allen N. 3 items

English, William B. 3 items

Frame, W. Scott 3 items

Nelson, William R. 3 items

Strahan, Philip E. 3 items

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FILTER BY Jel Classification

G21 2 items

E22 1 items

E44 1 items

G32 1 items

FILTER BY Keywords

Commercial loans 79 items

Bank loans 35 items

Small business 14 items

Credit 9 items

Mortgage loans 6 items

Credit scoring systems 5 items

show more (65)