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Keywords:Bank competition 

Journal Article
Competitive forces and profit persistence in banking

FRBSF Economic Letter

Conference Paper
The superregional challenge

Proceedings , Paper 279

Journal Article
Applying the theory of probable future competition

Federal Reserve Bulletin , Issue Sep , Pages 527-534

Conference Paper
Maintaining comparative advantage in an information society

Proceedings , Paper 99

Journal Article
Bank diversification, economic diversification?

Business cycle volatility has fallen in the United States during the past two decades. Trehan (2005) explains some of the possible mechanisms behind our now more stable economy. Some researchers have argued, for instance, that businesses manage inventory better today than in the past, or that innovations in financial markets have helped smooth out business fluctuations; others have emphasized better economic policy; still a third camp argues for nothing more than good luck. ; This Economic Letter explores in some detail one aspect of better finance. Changes in regulations during the 1980s and ...
FRBSF Economic Letter

Journal Article
Interstate bank mergers and competition in banking

Business Review , Issue Jan , Pages 3-14

Journal Article
The changing nature of our financial structure: where are we headed? Where do we want to go?

An analysis of the changes taking place in the banking industry, with a discussion of four options for reforming the structure of our banking system, and a recommendation for the most effective action.
Economic Commentary , Issue Dec

Conference Paper
Crises in competitive versus monopolistic banking systems

We study a monetary, general equilibrium economy in which banks exist because they provide inter-temporal insurance to risk-averse depositors. A "banking crisis" is defined as a case in which banks exhaust their reserve assets. This may (but need not) be associated with liquidation of a storage asset. When such liquidation does occur, the result is a real resource loss to the economy and we label this a "costly banking crisis." There is a monetary authority whose only policy choice is the long-run, constant rate of growth of the money supply, and thus the rate of inflation. Under ...

Journal Article
Joint ventures: meeting the competition in banking

Business Review , Issue May , Pages 13-21

Journal Article
Location influences community banks' challenges

Fedgazette , Volume 10 , Issue Jul , Pages 2



FILTER BY Content Type

Journal Article 55 items

Conference Paper 47 items

Working Paper 41 items

Report 10 items

Discussion Paper 2 items

Monograph 2 items

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Cetorelli, Nicola 8 items

Shaffer, Sherrill 7 items

anonymous 7 items

Mester, Loretta J. 6 items

Berger, Allen N. 5 items

Whalen, Gary 5 items

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FILTER BY Jel Classification

G21 5 items

G34 4 items

L10 4 items

L20 4 items

L40 4 items

G20 1 items

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FILTER BY Keywords

Bank competition 158 items

Banking market 31 items

Bank mergers 18 items

Banks and banking 17 items

Bank loans 11 items

Banking structure 10 items

show more (111)