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Keywords:Bank capital 

Journal Article
Capital standards for banks: the evolving Basel Accord

The Basel Capital Accord has served as the framework for capital adequacy standards for internationally active banks since 1988. The agreement is widely viewed as having achieved its main objectives, including the promotion of stability in world financial markets. In recent years, however, it has become less appropriate for the world's largest banks, which are increasingly complex and engage in financial transactions unimagined when the agreement was adopted. Now proposals are being considered to refine the framework to take account of the changes in banking and the banking system over the ...
Federal Reserve Bulletin , Issue Sep

Conference Paper
Small business access to capital and credit

Proceedings , Paper 755

Conference Paper
Reforming bank capital requirements: a rating agency perspective

Proceedings , Paper 671

Journal Article
Commentary on 3 papers on incentive-compatible regulation: views on the precommitment approach

Economic Policy Review , Volume 4 , Issue Oct , Pages 155-159

Why did thrift goodwill matter in 1989?

The Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery, and Enforcement Act of 1989 limits thrift goodwill that can be counted as regulatory capital. This paper examines if and why the goodwill clause adversely affected the market value of thrifts. The main findings are that goodwill had a large negative effect on the stock returns of low-capital thrifts in 1989 and that the negative effect persisted in the following two years. These findings suggest that a reduced put option value accounted for a large portion of the stock-price decline. The role of asymmetric information appears to have been small.
Staff Reports , Paper 51

Are there "bank effects" in borrowers' costs of funds? Evidence from a matched sample of borrowers and banks

We use a large matched sample of individual loans, borrowers, and banks to investigate whether bank financial health affects terms of lending, holding constant proxies for borrower risk and information costs. In particular, we focus on measuring effects of borrower and bank characteristics on loan interest rates; we also investigate implications of borrower and bank characteristics for indirect measures of credit availability. ; Our principal findings are six. First, even after controlling for proxies for borrower risk and information costs, the cost of borrowing from low-capital banks is ...
Staff Reports , Paper 78

Journal Article
Measuring the relative marginal cost of debt and capital for banks (summary)

Economic Policy Review , Volume 4 , Issue Oct , Pages 45

Journal Article
Risk-based capital standards and bank portfolios

FRBSF Economic Letter

Journal Article
Wealth effects of bank holding company securities issuance and loan growth under the risk-based capital requirements

This paper tests a two-part hypothesis: first, that during the period between publication of the risk-based capital requirements in early 1989 and the end of 1992, bank holding companies (BHCs) faced a statistically significant decrease in stock returns if they issued new common stock; second, that this discouraged new common stock issuance and therefore, in effect, forced BHCs with Tier 1 and/or leverage capital-to-assets ratios below the regulatory minima to decrease loans outstanding more than did BHCs deficient only in their total capital ratios. Empirical evidence supporting both parts ...
Economic Review



Proceedings 67 items

Economic Policy Review 42 items

Federal Reserve Bulletin 38 items

Finance and Economics Discussion Series 34 items

Speech 27 items

FRBSF Economic Letter 21 items

show more (38)

FILTER BY Content Type

Journal Article 163 items

Working Paper 106 items

Conference Paper 70 items

Speech 27 items

Report 19 items

Discussion Paper 2 items

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anonymous 42 items

Dudley, William 16 items

Furlong, Frederick T. 14 items

Keeley, Michael C. 14 items

Wall, Larry D. 13 items

Rosengren, Eric S. 12 items

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FILTER BY Jel Classification

G21 8 items

G28 4 items

F34 2 items

F65 2 items

G15 2 items

G18 2 items

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FILTER BY Keywords

Bank capital 388 items

Risk 89 items

Bank supervision 67 items

Bank loans 37 items

Deposit insurance 30 items

Bank holding companies 27 items

show more (201)