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Working Paper
Monetary and exchange rate policy in Austria: an early example of policy coordination

This paper describes the evolution of Austrian exchange rate and monetary policy as an example of the benefits of policy coordination and credibility. This policy proved the performance of the Central Bank in achieving its twin objective of stabilizing the internal and external value of the currency. In this process, policymakers have sought to exploit the advantages of credibility by building a reputation for sticking to their policy. The evidence presented exhibits the increased coordination between Austrian and German nominal aggregates in the course of time. These accomplishments have ...
Working Papers , Paper 1992-005

Working Paper
The P-star model and Austrian prices

In the P-star model the price level is determined by the money stock per unit of potential output and the long-run equilibrium level of the velocity of money. This article applies this model to Austria. Problems in identifying permanent shocks to potential output and/or velocity lead to the rejection of such models of the price level, but their first-difference version is not so suspect. While evidence is found of a long-run relationship between Austria inflation and money growth, even the first-difference version of the P-star model is rejected for Austria. Since Austria is a small economy, ...
Working Papers , Paper 1992-001

Working Paper
Are there adverse real effects from monetary policy coordination? Some evidence from Austria, Belgium and the Netherlands

A central hypothesis and concern of some skeptics of European monetary union is that monetary policy coordination to secure a peg to the German mark (DM) will tie real economic performance, especially the unemployment rate, to that in Germany. Evidence on this hypothesis can be found in Austria, Belgium and the Netherlands, however, where currencies have been tightly pegged to the mark since 1979, 1986 and 1984, respectively. This paper reviews the theoretical link between a country's real performance and its coordination with foreign economic policy. It uses the three countries' Phillips ...
Working Papers , Paper 1994-018

Journal Article
EU + Austria + Finland + Sweden + ?

FRBSF Economic Letter

Working Paper
Identifying Austria's implicit monetary target: an alternative test of the \"hard currency\" policy

One simple test of the long-run viability of an exchange-rate peg, which complements tests based on market expectations, is to ask whether the implicit inflation target ofthe pegging country is the same as that of the anchor country. If the implicit inflation targets of the two countries are different, the peg's long-run credibility can be rejected. The implicit inflation target is defined as the policy-implied, trend rate of inflation. The proposed test is applied to the Austrian experience with a 'hard currency' policy aimed at targeting its exchange rate with the Deutsche mark.
Working Papers , Paper 1995-005



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Tatom, John A. 3 items

Proske, Dieter 2 items

Dueker, Michael J. 1 items

Fischer, Andreas M. 1 items

Gluck, Heinz 1 items

Zimmerman, Gary C. 1 items

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FILTER BY Keywords

Austria 5 items

Foreign exchange rates 2 items

Monetary policy - Austria 2 items

Belgium 1 items

European Union 1 items

Finland 1 items

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