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Keywords:swing pricing 

Discussion Paper
Pricing Liquidity without Preemptive Runs

Prime money market funds (MMFs) are vulnerable to runs. This was dramatically illustrated in September 2008 and March 2020, when massive outflows from prime MMFs worsened stress in the short-term funding markets and eased only after taxpayer-supported interventions by the Treasury and the Federal Reserve. In this post, we describe how mechanisms like swing pricing that charge a price for liquidity can reduce the vulnerability of prime MMFs without triggering preemptive runs.
Liberty Street Economics , Paper 20220131

Swing Pricing Calibration: A Simple Thought Exercise Using ETF Pricing Dynamics to Infer Swing Factors for Mutual Funds

This note uses pricing dynamics for exchange-traded funds that invest primarily in short-term debt to provide rough estimates of a range of swing-factor-proxies for mutual funds that invest in similar assets. These proxies could be useful for benchmarking stress-period swing factors in which mutual funds that invest substantially in short-term debt experience large net redemptions.
Supervisory Research and Analysis Notes , Issue 2022-06 , Pages 18

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swing pricing 2 items

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first-mover advantage 1 items

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