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Working Paper
Limited (Energy) Supply, Monetary Policy, and Sunspots
In a simple New Keynesian open economy setting, we analyze how local input shortages influence policy transmission and equilibrium determinacy. Shortages increase the elasticity of the local price of the scarce factor to domestic economic activity, affecting the cyclicality of marginal costs and incomes. As a result, the slope of both the Phillips and the IS curve is altered, crucially influencing monetary and fiscal policy transmission. These changes are affected by factor ownership and propensities to consume. Theoretically, shortages can also raise the risk of self-fulfilling fluctuations ...
Quantifying the Inflationary Impact of Fiscal Stimulus under Supply Constraints
This paper builds on Baqaee and Farhi (2022) and di Giovanni et al. (2022) to quantify thecontribution of fiscal policy to U.S. inflation over the December 2019-June 2022 period. Modelcalibrations show that aggregate demand shocks explain roughly two-thirds of total model-basedinflation, and that the fiscal stimulus contributed half or more of the total aggregate demand effect.