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Keywords:services inflation OR Services Inflation 

Discussion Paper
Drilling Down into Core Inflation: Goods versus Services

Among the measures of core inflation used to monitor the inflation outlook, the series excluding food and energy prices is probably the best known and most closely followed by policymakers and the public. While the conventional ?ex food and energy? measure is a composite of the price changes of a large number of different products and services, almost all models developed to explain and forecast its behavior do not distinguish between the goods and services categories. Is the distinction important? Here, we highlight the different behavior and determinants of goods inflation and services ...
Liberty Street Economics , Paper 20130605

Journal Article
Historical Disinflation Episodes: Which Falls First, Goods or Services?

What does it take to bring inflation back down to target? Historically, goods inflation slows first, followed by a longer period in which services inflation slows.
Economic Synopses , Issue 9 , Pages 2 pages

Discussion Paper
A Turning Point in Wage Growth?

The surge in wage growth experienced by the U.S. economy over the past two years is showing some tentative signs of moderation. In this post, we take a closer look at the underlying data by estimating a model designed to isolate the persistent component—or trend—of wage growth. Our central finding is that this trend may have peaked in early 2022, having experienced an earlier rise and subsequent moderation that were broad-based across sectors. We also find that wage growth seems to be moderating more slowly than the trend in services inflation.
Liberty Street Economics , Paper 20230223



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