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The Financial Crisis: perspectives from a decade on: remarks to the Administrative and Banking Law Committees of the Association of the Bar of the City of New York, New York City

Remarks to the Administrative and Banking Law Committees of the Association of the Bar of the City of New York, New York City.

Journal Article
“Bouncing Forward” from Disasters on Hawaiʻi’s Big Island: Lessons for Equitable Recovery and Future Resilience

Recovery planning and implementation on the island of Hawaiʻi following a federally declared disaster provides an example of equitable, forward-looking disaster preparation and resilience. Community development professionals in other geographies can learn from the way planners and nonprofits used a regional equity approach to improving household and community resilience, broke down silos to have flexible funding from multiple sources ready for future disasters, and worked to build community through “resilience hubs” that provide disaster-related and ongoing services that help promote ...
Community Development Research Brief , Volume 2022 , Issue 05 , Pages 27

Four questions on the state of cyber resilience and endpoint security: remarks at the Clearing House and Bank Policy Institute's 2018 Annual Conference, New York City

Remarks at the Clearing House and Bank Policy Institute's 2018 Annual Conference, New York City.
Speech , Paper 302

Journal Article
Resilience of Community Banks in the Time of COVID-19

Stress tests in December 2020 showed that the largest U.S. banks had strong capital levels and could continue to lend to households and businesses under hypothetical severe recessions. Assessing thousands of small community banks against similar criteria suggests that, while about one-fifth could fall below adequate capitalization, only a handful of those risk becoming insolvent. Overall, this is a reassuring view for small banks and their communities, suggesting that the risk of widespread bank failures leading to financial instability appears to be small.
FRBSF Economic Letter , Volume 2021 , Issue 06 , Pages 01-05

The importance of incentives in ensuring a resilient and robust financial system: remarks at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Washington, D.C.

Remarks at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Washington, D.C.
Speech , Paper 277

What Makes Supply Chains More Resilient to Economic Shocks?

The recent supply chain disruptions caused by COVID-19 lockdowns highlighted the importance of understanding supply chain resilience, which is the extent to which supply chains can resist, adapt to and recover from a sudden economic shock. We analyze the various COVID-19 lockdowns across India to understand which supply chains were more resilient to the lockdown disruptions. Firms that bought more complex products and that transacted with fewer and more important suppliers proved to be more resilient by maintaining buyer-supplier relationships through the lockdowns and exhibiting smaller ...
Richmond Fed Economic Brief , Volume 22 , Issue 46

Remarks on the panel Financial Regulation Nine Years on from the GFC – Where Do We Stand? at the G30’s 76th plenary session at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, New York City

Remarks on the panel Financial Regulation Nine Years on from the GFC ? Where Do We Stand? at the G30?s 76th plenary session at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, New York City.
Speech , Paper 229

Thrive in Any Environment: Strengthening Resilience Through Risk Management

Remarks at the Risk USA Conference, New York City.
Speech , Paper 334

Preparing for the Unknown

Remarks at the 2021 U.S. Treasury Market Conference (delivered via videoconference).

Journal Article
Recent Innovations in Reducing Home Energy Costs and Improving Resilience for Low- and Moderate-Income Renters and Homeowners

Community Development (CD) practitioners across the western U.S. are engaging in new efforts to reduce energy costs and improve resilience for low- and moderate-income (LMI) communities and other populations that face barriers to economic participation and household financial stability. Energy costs and resilience are factors in housing stability, which impacts economic participation. New federal and state funding sources, as well as growing involvement from philanthropy and Community Reinvestment Act (CRA)-motivated investors, have prompted growth in energy cost savings and resilience (ECSR) ...
Community Development Research Brief , Volume 2023 , Issue 04 , Pages 41


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