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Keywords:quantitative tightening 

Working Paper
Quantifying "Quantitative Tightening" (QT): How Many Rate Hikes Is QT Equivalent To?

How many interest rate hikes is quantitative tightening (QT) equivalent to? In this paper, I examine this question based on the preferred-habitat model in Vayanos and Vila (2021). I define the equivalence between rate hikes and QT such that they both have the same impact on the 10-year yield. Based on the model calibrated to fit the nominal Treasury data between 1999 and 2022, I show that a passive roll-off of $2.2 trillion over three years is equivalent to an increase of 29 basis points in the current federal funds rate at normal times. However, during a crisis period with risk aversion ...
FRB Atlanta Working Paper , Paper 2022-8

Journal Article
How Many Rate Hikes Does Quantitative Tightening Equal?

In this article, I examine the question of how to quantify the equivalence between interest rate hikes and quantitative tightening (QT). Using a simple "preferred habit" model I estimate that a $2.2 trillion passive roll-off of nominal Treasury securities from the Federal Reserve's balance sheet over three years is equivalent to an increase of 29 basis points in the current federal funds rate at normal times, but 74 basis points during turbulent periods.
Policy Hub , Volume 2022 , Issue 11

Journal Article
The Mechanics of Fed Balance Sheet Normalization

As the Fed continues to normalize its balance sheet, lessons from past tightening episodes and projections of possible futures may help achieve the optimal amount of reserves in the banking system and avoid undo financial stress.
Economic Synopses , Issue 18 , Pages 3 pages

Bank Reserves since the Start of Quantitative Tightening

The Fed has been reducing its balance sheet since mid-2022, which also trims the overall level of bank reserves. What other factors might be affecting the demand for bank reserves?
On the Economy

Managing Monetary Policy Normalization

We propose a new framework for monetary policy analysis to study monetary policy normalization when exiting a liquidity trap. The optimal combination of reserves and interest rate policy requires an increase in liquidity (reserves) a few quarters after the policy rate is set at the effective lower bound. Removal of accommodation requires that quantitative tightening starts before the liftoff of the policy rate. Moreover, the withdrawal of liquidity takes place at a very slow pace relative to the normalization of the policy rate.
Staff Reports , Paper 1015

Managing Monetary Policy Normalization

We propose a new framework for monetary policy analysis to study monetary policy normalization when exiting a liquidity trap. The optimal combination of reserves and interest rate policy requires an increase in liquidity (reserves) a few quarters after the policy rate is set at the effective lower bound. Removal of accommodation requires that quantitative tightening starts before the liftoff of the policy rate. Moreover, the withdrawal of liquidity takes place at a very slow pace relative to the normalization of the policy rate.
Staff Reports , Paper 1015

How Abundant Are Reserves? Evidence from the Wholesale Payment System

Before the era of large central bank balance sheets, banks relied on incoming payments to fund outgoing payments in order to conserve scarce liquidity. Even in the era of large central bank balance sheets, rather than funding payments with abundant reserve balances, we show that outgoing payments remain highly sensitive to incoming payments. By providing a window on liquidity constraints revealed by payment behavior, our results shed light on thresholds for the adequacy of reserve balances. Our findings are timely, given the ongoing shrinking of central bank balance sheets around the world in ...
Staff Reports , Paper 1040

Journal Article
The Fed Is Shrinking Its Balance Sheet. What Does That Mean?

When the COVID-19 pandemic hit the United States in early March 2020, the Fed quickly stepped in to limit the economic fallout. It reduced its interest rate target to near zero and purchased large quantities of U.S. Treasury bonds and mortgage-backed securities (MBS) by injecting reserves into the banking system. As a result of these purchases, the size of the Fed's balance sheet more than doubled from about $4 trillion prior to the pandemic to nearly $9 trillion at the start of 2022.
Econ Focus , Volume 22 , Issue 3Q , Pages 4-7



Staff Reports 3 items

Econ Focus 1 items

Economic Synopses 1 items

FRB Atlanta Working Paper 1 items

On the Economy 1 items

Policy Hub 1 items

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