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Keywords:quality of life OR Quality of life 

Working Paper
Voting with your feet in the United Kingdom: using cross-migration rates to estimate relative living standards

This paper reexamines and extends the literature on the use of migration rates to estimate compensating differentials as measures of regional quality of life. I estimate an interregional migration regression for the UK and use the results to measure regional quality of life and standard of living. The results suggest a North-South divide within England, and that Scotland and Wales have relatively high levels of both. The results also lead to a rejection of regional standard-of-living equivalence (long-run regional equilibrium) in the UK
Working Papers , Paper 1999-006

Working Paper
Moving to high quality of life

The U.S. population has been migrating to places with high perceived quality of life. A calibrated general-equilibrium model shows that such migration follows from broad-based technological progress. Rising national wages increase demand for consumption amenities. Under a baseline parameterization, a place with amenities for which individuals would pay 5 percent of their income grows 0.3 percent faster than an otherwise identical place. Productivity is shown to be a decreasingly important determinant of local population. The faster growth of high-amenity places is considerably strengthened if ...
Research Working Paper , Paper RWP 07-02

Journal Article
How accurate are quality-of-life rankings across cities?

Business Review , Issue Mar , Pages 3-14

Working Paper
Measuring relative quality of life from a cross-migration regression, with an application to Canadian provinces

We discuss specification of regression models for using migration data to infer the living standards of different regions, and for observing how much of the standard of living is determined by economic opportunities versus non-pecuniary amenities. We estimate a regression using Canadian data from 1976-95, which results in rankings of the provinces with respect to overall living standards and amenities, with different rankings for different age groups. The regression also uncovers some interesting evidence as to the existence of equilibrium
Working Papers , Paper 1999-007

Working Paper
Compensating differentials and evolution of the quality-of-life among U.S. states

This paper provides the first application of the compensating differential paradigm to the evaluation of the extent and sources of evolution in quality-of-life among U.S. states. In addition to providing estimates of quality-of-life rankings for U.S. states over the 1981-1990 period, we use estimated implicit prices on place-specific amenities to calculate the contributions of various factors to evolution in the quality-of-life. Our findings indicate that the quality-of-life rankings are relatively stable across model specifications and over time for certain poorly ranked, densely-populated ...
Working Papers in Applied Economic Theory , Paper 96-07

Journal Article
The dismal science tackles happiness data

While many believe that money does buy happiness, research shows that richer people aren't necessarily happier people, especially in the United States.
The Regional Economist , Issue Jan , Pages 14-15

Working Paper
Freeway Revolts! The Quality of Life Effects of Highways

Why do freeways affect spatial structure? We identify and quantify the local disamenity effects of freeways. Freeways cause slower growth in central neighborhoods (where local disamenities exceed regional accessibility benefits) compared with outlying neighborhoods (where access benefits exceed disamenities). A quantitative model calibrated to Chicago attributes one-third of the effect of freeways on central-city decline to reduced quality of life. Barrier effects are a major factor in the disamenity value of a freeway. Local disamenities from freeways, as opposed to their regional ...
Working Papers , Paper 22-24

Journal Article
Are we underestimating the gains from globalization for the United States?

Over the last three decades, trade has more than tripled the variety of international goods available to U.S. consumers. Although an increased choice of goods clearly enhances consumer well-being, standard national measures of welfare and prices do not assign a value to variety growth. This analysis-the first effort to measure such gains-finds that the value to consumers of global variety growth in the 1972-2001 period was roughly $260 billion.
Current Issues in Economics and Finance , Volume 11 , Issue Apr

Working Paper
Leaving Los Angeles: migration, economic opportunity and the quality-of-life

Working Papers in Applied Economic Theory , Paper 96-10

Working Paper
A simple model of city crowdedness

Population density varies widely across U.S. cities. A calibrated general equilibrium model in which productivity and quality-of-life differ across locations can account for such variation. Individuals derive utility from consumption of a traded good, a nontraded good, leisure, and quality-of-life. The traded and nontraded goods are produced by combining mobile labor, mobile capital, and non-mobile land. An eight-fold increase in population density requires an approximate 50 percent productivity differential or an approximate 20 percent compensating differential. A thirty-two-fold increase in ...
Research Working Paper , Paper RWP 04-12


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