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Keywords:purchasing power OR Purchasing power OR Purchasing Power 

Journal Article
Is purchasing power parity a useful guide to the dollar?

Economic Review , Volume 77 , Issue Q III , Pages 37-51

Journal Article
Income: up or down?

FRBSF Economic Letter

Journal Article
The inflation tax and the marginal welfare cost in a world of currency and deposits

Review , Issue Jul , Pages 67-71

Journal Article
Supersize me

Consumption trends suggest middle class continuing to get ahead.
Fedgazette , Volume 20 , Issue Sep , Pages 6-8

Journal Article
Purchasing power parity within the United States

Economics has many articles of faith. One of the most dearly held is Purchasing Power Parity, which posits that the price of the same good in different regions should be equivalent when no barriers to arbitrage exist. Because Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) is an important assumption in much of international economic theory, this article examines empirical evidence testing this proposition. ; Instead of analyzing international data, this study analyzes PPP between regions of the United States. By comparing regions within a country, it eliminates many of the hypotheses offered to explain the ...
New England Economic Review , Issue Jul , Pages 15-24

Journal Article
Falling off the fiscal cliff

Some suggest the best alternative strategy may be to combine short-term spending with longer-term fiscal consolidation?though such a strategy may be easier said than done.
Economic Letter , Volume 7 , Issue 14

Journal Article
Hidden value: how consumer learning boosts output

Iphones. Ipads. Wikipedia. Google Maps. Yelp. TripAdvisor. New digital devices, applications, and services offer advice and information at every turn. The technology around us changes fast, so we are continually learning how best to use it. This increased pace of learning enhances the satisfaction we gain from what we buy and increases its value to us over time, even though it may cost the same ? or less. However, this effect of consumer learning on value makes inflation and output growth more difficult to measure. As a result, current statistics may be undervaluing household purchasing power ...
Business Review , Issue Q3 , Pages 9-14

Working Paper
Understanding the empirical literature on purchasing power parity: the post-Bretton Woods era

International Finance Discussion Papers , Paper 465

Working Paper
Intra-national, intra-continental, and intra-planetary PPP

This paper presents a general framework to address several issues that have arisen in recent work that investigates purchasing power parity (PPP) and other inter-regional relative price movements: (1) How can we model real exchange rate movements in a consistent manner, so that our model for the real exchange rate for country B relative to country C is commensurate with our models for country A/ country B and country A/ country C real exchange rates? For example, can things be modeled so that our tests do not depend on the "base country"? (2) How should we handle correlation across real ...
International Finance Discussion Papers , Paper 589

Journal Article
Hypothesis testing with near-unit roots: the case of long-run purchasing-power parity

Review , Issue Jul , Pages 37-48


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