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Keywords:population aging OR Population aging 

Journal Article
Opportunities within the disability housing market

With 14.2 percent of the population over the age of 5 having a disability,[1] finding viable housing options that are universally designed and constructed to be accessible for people with disabilities is an ongoing challenge in Texas. And promoting housing solutions and partnerships that can benefit this growing population has become critical, not just for Texas but for the entire country. Not only is the need enormous, but federal government resources that traditionally have funded housing for people with disabilities have evolved and retrenched in the wake of the financial crisis. As a ...
e-Perspectives , Issue 4

Journal Article
Family caregiver: balancing home and work

To meet the growing need for home health-care workers, policymakers will have to find ways to ensure that the jobs provide reasonable wages, good benefits, and a clear career path.
Communities and Banking , Issue Sum , Pages 5-7

Journal Article
Boomer retirement: headwinds for U.S. equity markets?

Historical data indicate a strong relationship between the age distribution of the U.S. population and stock market performance. A key demographic trend is the aging of the baby boom generation. As they reach retirement age, they are likely to shift from buying stocks to selling their equity holdings to finance retirement. Statistical models suggest that this shift could be a factor holding down equity valuations over the next two decades.
FRBSF Economic Letter

Why New England’s Labor Force Participation Has Been Recovering So Slowly since the COVID-19 Pandemic

This report investigates a variety of factors that may explain why New England experienced a participation recovery gap from 2019 through 2023 and discusses the resulting policy implications.
New England Public Policy Center Research Report , Paper 25-1

Working Paper
Population aging, labor demand, and the structure of wages

One consequence of demographic change is substantial shifts in the age distribution of the working-age population. As the baby boom generation ages, the usual historical pattern of a high ratio of younger workers relative to older workers has been replaced by a pattern of roughly equal percentages of workers of different ages. One might expect that the increasing relative supply of older workers would lower the wage premium paid for older, more experienced workers. This paper provides strong empirical support for this hypothesis. Econometric estimates imply that the size of one?s birth cohort ...
Working Papers , Paper 17-1

Journal Article
The aging of Upstate New York

The United States is in the midst of a powerful demographic trend: the aging of its population. Advances in medical technology and lifestyle changes have lengthened life expectancies while birth rates have declined. Moreover, the elderly share of the population will rise quickly once the 76 million-strong baby-boom generation - those born between 1946 and 1964 - begins turning 65 in just a few years. The rapid aging of the population is expected to have profound effects on all aspects of American society. This issue of Upstate New York At-a-Glance outlines the pattern of aging in the region ...
Upstate New York At-a-Glance , Issue Jul

Journal Article
Can Population Aging Explain Rising Healthcare Spending Across Countries?

A low-income country spends about 5.3% of its output on healthcare, while a higher-income country spends closer to 7.5% of its output on healthcare.
Economic Synopses , Issue 20 , Pages 1-3

Journal Article
Mother and child reunion

An intriguing look into why widows increasingly live alone
The Region , Volume 22 , Issue Dec , Pages 38-43

The End of Rapid Population Growth

The world’s population had been doubling every 47 years to reach 8 billion today. But it is expected to peak at 10.5 billion before declining by century’s end.
On the Economy

Population aging, migration spillovers, and the decline in interstate migration

We investigate the role of the aging of the U.S. population in the decline in interstate migration since the mid-1980s. Using an instrumental variables strategy on cross-state data, we show that an aging workforce causes the migration rates of all age groups in a state to drop. This demonstrates that the effect of aging on migration includes indirect effects that go beyond the direct effect of raising the workforce share of groups with lower migration rates. We then develop an island model in which firms can hire workers either locally or from other locations, and show that an aging ...
Staff Reports , Paper 699


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