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Keywords:numerical methods OR Numerical methods 

Working Paper
The Art of Temporal Approximation An Investigation into Numerical Solutions to Discrete and Continuous-Time Problems in Economics

A recent literature within quantitative macroeconomics has advocated the use of continuous-time methods for dynamic programming problems. In this paper we explore the relative merits of continuous-time and discrete-time methods within the context of stationary and nonstationary income fluctuation problems. For stationary problems in two dimensions, the continuous-time approach is both more stable and typically faster than the discrete-time approach for any given level of accuracy. In contrast, for convex lifecycle problems (in which age or time enters explicitly), simply iterating backwards ...
Working Papers , Paper 23-10

Working Paper
Applications of Markov Chain Approximation Methods to Optimal Control Problems in Economics

In this paper we explore some benefits of using the finite-state Markov chain approximation (MCA) method of Kushner and Dupuis (2001) to solve continuous-time optimal control problems in economics. We first show that the implicit finite-difference scheme of Achdou et al. (2022) amounts to a limiting form of the MCA method for a certain choice of approximating chains and policy function iteration for the resulting system of equations. We then illustrate that, relative to the implicit finite-difference approach, using variations of modified policy function iteration to solve income fluctuation ...
Working Papers , Paper 21-04R

Working Paper
Finite-State Markov-Chain Approximations: A Hidden Markov Approach

This paper proposes a novel finite-state Markov chain approximation method for Markov processes with continuous support, providing both an optimal grid and transition probability matrix. The method can be used for multivariate processes, as well as non-stationary processes such as those with a life-cycle component. The method is based on minimizing the information loss between a Hidden Markov Model and the true data-generating process. We provide sufficient conditions under which this information loss can be made arbitrarily small if enough grid points are used. We compare our method to ...
Finance and Economics Discussion Series , Paper 2023-040

Working Paper
A moment-matching method for approximating vector autoregressive processes by finite-state Markov chains

This paper proposes a moment-matching method for approximating vector autoregressions by finite-state Markov chains. The Markov chain is constructed by targeting the conditional moments of the underlying continuous process. The proposed method is more robust to the number of discrete values and tends to outperform the existing methods for approximating multivariate processes over a wide range of the parameter space, especially for highly persistent vector autoregressions with roots near the unit circle.
FRB Atlanta Working Paper , Paper 2013-05


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Eslami, Keyvan 2 items

Phelan, Tom 2 items

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McCrary, Sean 1 items

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