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Keywords:mortgages OR Mortgages 

Journal Article
Assessing mortgage-backed securities challenges investors

Economics Update , Issue Jan , Pages 1, 4

Journal Article
Foreclosure Prevention Efforts Continue in Texas Metro Areas

Although the level of seriously delinquent mortgages in Texas is slightly improved from one year ago (see the accompanying article), such mortgages are still at very high levels in the metro areas. For example, over 30,000 households are at least 90 days delinquent on their mortgage in the four-county Dallas-Fort Worth metro area as of December 2010.
e-Perspectives , Volume 11 , Issue 2

Conference Paper
Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae: their funding advantage and benefits to consumers

Proceedings , Paper 737

Working Paper
Neighborhood information and home mortgage lending.

An examination of how information about a neighborhood affects the level of lending activity in it--specifically, whether lenders deny mortgage applications at higher rates in neighborhoods where they have little experience in evaluating applications and/or where the lending community in general lacks such experience.
Working Papers (Old Series) , Paper 9620

Interest-only mortgages and speculation in hot housing markets

Even as housing markets have temporarily shut down across the U.S. during the Covid-19 pandemic, housing remains a key sector that contributes disproportionately to fluctuations in overall economic activity and that will likely play an important role as the economy reopens. Interest in this market among research economists and policymakers intensified after the exceptional boom and bust in housing between 2003 and 2008. In this Chicago Fed Letter, we describe research in Barlevy and Fisher (2020)1 that examined patterns in the kinds of mortgages homebuyers took out in different cities during ...
Chicago Fed Letter , Issue 439 , Pages 6

Journal Article
The securitization of housing finance

Since 1970, housing finance has undergone a radical transformation due to the securitization of mortgage loans. As the market for mortgage securities continues to grow and develop, this transformation raises a number of important public policy issues.
Economic Review , Volume 73 , Issue Jul , Pages 3-20

Discussion Paper
Who holds the toxic waste? An investigation of CMO holdings

Toxic waste refers to the riskiest derivative structures arising from collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs). We use simulations to predict how this risk would manifest itself in various interest rate environments. We also look for evidence on the total dollar value of these securities, who holds them, and how much they hold. Very limited public information is available, but commercial banks are required to report on their holdings, and we investigate the extent to which the risk is concentrated in that sector.
Policy Discussion Papers , Issue Jun

Working Paper
Market run-ups, market freezes, inventories, and leverage

This paper is superseded by Working Paper No. 13-14.> We study trade between a buyer and a seller who have existing inventories of assets similar to those being traded. We analyze how these inventories affect trade, information dissemination, and prices. We show that when traders? initial leverages are moderate, inventories increase price and trade volume (a market ?run-up?), but when leverages are high, trade is impossible (a market ?freeze?). Our analysis predicts a pattern of trade in which prices and volumes first increase, and then markets break down. Moreover, the presence of competing ...
Working Papers , Paper 12-8

Conference Paper
Mortgage brokers and the subprime mortgage market

Proceedings , Paper 953

Journal Article
Banking Trends: Skin in the Game in the CMBS Market

Issuers of commercial mortgage-backed securities must now retain a portion on their own books. What evidence is there that the rule will reduce risky lending?
Banking Trends , Issue Q1 , Pages 11-17


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Federal Reserve Bulletin 68 items

Working Papers 52 items

Speech 38 items

Proceedings 37 items

Finance and Economics Discussion Series 31 items

FRBSF Economic Letter 27 items

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FILTER BY Content Type

Journal Article 244 items

Working Paper 125 items

Conference Paper 49 items

Speech 38 items

Discussion Paper 30 items

Report 25 items

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anonymous 45 items

Passmore, Wayne 26 items

Canner, Glenn B. 25 items

Haughwout, Andrew F. 22 items

Avery, Robert B. 18 items

Lee, Donghoon 16 items

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FILTER BY Jel Classification

G21 47 items

G28 17 items

D14 15 items

R31 14 items

D1 10 items

R21 7 items

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FILTER BY Keywords

Mortgages 529 items

Housing - Finance 51 items

Housing - Prices 43 items

Housing 43 items

Mortgage loans 32 items

Discrimination in mortgage loans 29 items

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