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Keywords:monetary policy normalization OR Monetary policy normalization 

Moving toward 'normal' U.S. monetary policy: remarks at the Joint Bank Indonesia-Federal Reserve Bank of New York Central Banking Forum, Nusa Dua, Indonesia

Remarks at the Joint Bank Indonesia-Federal Reserve Bank of New York Central Banking Forum, Nusa Dua, Indonesia.
Speech , Paper 296

'Normal' monetary policy in words and deeds: remarks at Columbia University, School of International and Public Affairs, New York City

Remarks at Columbia University, School of International and Public Affairs, New York City.
Speech , Paper 292

The 2015 economic outlook and the implications for monetary policy

Remarks at Bernard M. Baruch College, New York City.
Speech , Paper 153

Remarks at the 2015 U.S. Monetary Policy Forum

Remarks at the 2015 U.S. Monetary Policy Forum, New York City.
Speech , Paper 157

Working Paper
How Does the Fed Adjust its Securities Holdings and Who is Affected?

The Federal Open Market Committee indicated in its September 2017 post-meeting statement that it will initiate in October a balance sheet normalization program to gradually reduce its securities holdings. This action will put in place a policy of reinvesting and redeeming portions of the principal payments received by the Federal Reserve from its holdings of Treasury and agency securities. How are these adjustments to the Federal Reserve?s securities holdings transacted and who is affected? This paper provides a primer regarding how the Federal Reserve accounts for these securities ...
Finance and Economics Discussion Series , Paper 2017-099

Remarks at the 42nd Annual Central Banking Seminar, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, New York City

Remarks at the 42nd Annual Central Banking Seminar, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, New York City.
Speech , Paper 293

Working Paper
Private and Public Liquidity Provision in Over-the-Counter Markets

We show that trade frictions in OTC markets result in inefficient private liquidity provision. We develop a dynamic model of market-based financial intermediation with a two-way interaction between primary credit markets and secondary OTC markets. Private allocations are generically inefficient because investors and firms fail to internalize how their actions affect liquidity in secondary markets. This inefficiency can lead to liquidity that is suboptimally low or high compared to the second best. Our analysis provides a rationale for the regulation and public provision of liquidity and the ...
Finance and Economics Discussion Series , Paper 2017-033

Working Paper
Monetary Policy 101: A Primer on the Fed's Changing Approach to Policy Implementation

The Federal Reserve conducts monetary policy in order to achieve its statutory mandate of maximum employment, stable prices, and moderate long-term interest rates as prescribed by the Congress and laid out in the Federal Reserve Act. For many years prior to the financial crisis, the FOMC set a target for the federal funds rate and achieved that target through purchases and sales of securities in the open market. In the aftermath of the financial crisis, with a superabundant level of reserve balances in the banking system having been created as a result of the Federal Reserve's large scale ...
Finance and Economics Discussion Series , Paper 2015-47



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