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Assessing economic conditions and risks to financial stability: remarks at the Stern School of Business, Salomon Center for the Study of Financial Institutions, New York University, New York, New York, September 20, 2019
The stance of policy is already accommodative. The economic data suggest continued expansion. Risks to the economic outlook are of concern, to be sure. Responding to risks to the economic outlook with too much monetary accommodation entails costs, and thus introduces risks of its own ? one such risk is the potential buildup of financial instability.
Journal Article
Why Removing Monetary Policy Accommodation Is Necessary
Citing a strong real economy and inflation that is well above target, St. Louis Fed President Jim Bullard discusses the need to remove monetary policy accommodation.
Journal Article
Policymakers Have Options for Additional Accommodation: Forward Guidance and Yield Curve Control
With the federal funds rate near zero, policymakers are evaluating options for providing additional monetary policy accommodation, including a tool known as yield curve control. We find that despite low nominal Treasury yields, some scope for additional accommodation remains should policymakers deem it appropriate. However, we argue that forward guidance about future interest rates could deliver much, though not all, of the accommodation of yield curve control.
Journal Article
Reflections on Monetary Policy in 2022
To bring down inflation, the FOMC has been removing monetary policy accommodation in 2022. St. Louis Fed President Jim Bullard reflects on the year.