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Keywords:manufactures OR Manufactures 

Why do services prices rise more rapidly than goods prices?

Research Paper , Paper 9330

Journal Article
Comparing manufacturing export growth across states: what accounts for the differences?

The expansion of United States manufacturing exports has spread unevenly across states. Cletus C. Coughlin and Patricia S. Pollard use shift-share analysis to account for the difference between a state?s manufacturing export growth and national manufacturing export growth between 1988 and 1998. Three effects are examined. The industry mix effect indicates that a state should have experienced export growth above the national average if its exports were relatively more concentrated in industries whose exports expanded faster than the national average. The destination effect indicates that a ...
Review , Volume 83 , Issue Jan , Pages 25-40

Journal Article
The evolution of regional manufacturing employment: gross job flows within and between firms and industries

The distribution of manufacturing employment across regions of the United States has changed tremendously over time. Shares of manufacturing employment in older, northern regions of the country have declined markedly relative to shares in the Sunbelt regions. But the shifting of manufacturing employment shares goes beyond the well known migration of population to the South and West. Manufacturing employment relative to population has also fallen in northern regions, and even the absolute number of manufacturing jobs has declined in these areas as well. ; Anecdotal evidence suggests that some ...
New England Economic Review , Issue Q 3 , Pages 35-53

Journal Article
The switch to NAICS

National Economic Trends , Issue Aug

Journal Article
Manufacturing employment down in urban and rural areas

Fedgazette , Volume 15 , Issue May , Pages 17

Chicago's economic transformation from 1970 to 2000

Chicago Fed Letter , Issue Aug

Working Paper
Investment cyclicality in manufacturing industries

Working Paper Series, Macroeconomic Issues , Paper 89-20

Working Paper
Determining manufacturing output for states and regions

Working Paper Series, Regional Economic Issues , Paper 1989-4

Working Paper
Monetary policy shocks and price stickiness: an analysis of price and output responses to policy in manufacturing industries

This paper uses annual data on 450 SIC four-digit manufacturing industries obtained from the NBER Manufacturing Productivity Database to examine how manufacturing industries respond to unanticipated changes in the federal funds rate. The analysis proceeds in three stages. First, industry price and output responses to unanticipated changes in the federal funds rate are examined. Second, the effect of industry characteristics on these responses is analyzed. Finally, the paper assesses whether particular industry characteristics are associated with price rigidity or interest rate sensitivity. ...
Research Working Paper , Paper 96-07

New York merchandise exports

New York's merchandise export performance has lagged that of the U.S. economy over the first part of the 1990s. Such slippage could be due to slow growth in export markets, a concentration in slow-growth product lines, and/or declining competitiveness relative to the overall U.S. economy. We find that none of these factors fully explains the declining share of New York merchandise exports. New York's export markets are growing nearly as fast as the U.S. foreign market; New York exports are more concentrated in the industries with fastest export growth than the U.S. average; and New York's ...
Research Paper , Paper 9529



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Journal Article 118 items

Working Paper 55 items

Newsletter 18 items

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Testa, William A. 16 items

Klier, Thomas H. 13 items

Strauss, William A. 8 items

Coughlin, Cletus C. 7 items

Israilevich, Philip R. 6 items

Chmura, Christine 5 items

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FILTER BY Keywords

Manufactures 218 items

Employment (Economic theory) 23 items

Productivity 18 items

Exports 16 items

Regional economics 13 items

Foreign exchange rates 10 items

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