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Keywords:macroeconomic news OR Macroeconomic News 

Working Paper
Inflation Expectations and the News

This paper provides new evidence on the importance of inflation expectations for variation in nominal interest rates, based on both market-based and survey-based measures of inflation expectations. Using the information in TIPS breakeven rates and inflation swap rates, I document that movements in inflation compensation are important for explaining variation in long-term nominal interest rates, both unconditionally as well as conditionally on macroeconomic data surprises. Daily changes in inflation compensation and changes in long-term nominal rates generally display a close statistical ...
Working Paper Series , Paper 2014-9

Working Paper
Negative Interest Rate Policy and the Influence of Macroeconomic News on Yields

We consider the influence of domestic and U.S. macroeconomic news surprises on daily bond yields over the January 1999 to January 2018 period for four advanced Negative Interest Rate Policy (NIRP) economies ? Germany, Japan, Sweden and Switzerland. Our results suggest that the influence of macroeconomic news surprises is for all four countries under study during the NIRP period non-existent or noticeably weaker than during the preceding Zero Interest Rate Policy (ZIRP) period. Our results are consistent with the suggestion that NIRP is characterized by a lower bound that is no less ...
Globalization Institute Working Papers , Paper 354


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Macroeconomic News 2 items

Bond Yields 1 items

NIRP 1 items

TIPS 1 items

inflation compensation 1 items

inflation expectations 1 items

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