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Keywords:labor shortages 

Journal Article
Labor Constraints Remain Greatest Challenge for Resurgent Manufacturing Sector

The near-term outlook for U.S. manufacturing is optimistic amid a resurgence in output and the sector’s overall employment growth during the last decade.
The Regional Economist

Journal Article
Agriculture Workers Across the Eighth District

How has the share of foreign-born agriculture workers in the Eighth Federal Reserve District changed over the past five years?
Economic Synopses , Issue 8 , Pages 2 pages

Working Paper
Mismatch Unemployment During COVID-19 and the Post-Pandemic Labor Shortages

We examine the extent to which mismatch unemployment—employment losses relative to an efficient allocation where the planner can costlessly reallocate unemployed workers across sectors to maximize output—shaped labor market dynamics during the COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent recovery episode characterized by labor shortages. We find that, for the first time in our sample, mismatch unemployment turned negative at the onset of the pandemic. This result suggests that the efficient allocation of job seekers would involve reallocating workers toward longer-tenure and more-productive jobs, ...
Working Papers , Paper 2024-025

Working Paper
Mismatch Unemployment During COVID-19 and the Post-Pandemic Labor Shortages

We examine the extent to which mismatch unemployment—employment losses relative to an efficient allocation where the planner can costlessly reallocate unemployed workers across sectors to maximize output—shaped labor market dynamics during the COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent recovery episode characterized by labor shortages. We find that, for the first time in our sample, mismatch unemployment turned negative at the onset of the pandemic. This result suggests that the efficient allocation of job seekers would involve reallocating workers toward longer-tenure and more-productive jobs, ...
Working Papers , Paper 2024-025

Working Paper
Mismatch Unemployment During COVID-19 and the Post-Pandemic Labor Shortages

We examine the extent to which mismatch unemployment—excess unemployment from a mismatch between sectors where job seekers search for work and sectors where jobs are available—shaped labor market dynamics during the COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent recovery. We find that the mismatch index turned negative at the onset of the pandemic for the first time since 2000, suggesting that the efficient allocation of job seekers would involve reallocating workers toward longer-tenure and more productive jobs, even at the expense of fewer hires. We show that sectoral differences in job ...
Research Working Paper , Paper RWP 24-10


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