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Journal Article
Tracking Business Conditions in Delaware
To meet the need for a gauge of current regional conditions at high frequency, we have built a real-time daily index to monitor business conditions in Delaware. What are the current conditions in the First State? How have these conditions evolved since the 1990s?
Discussion Paper
End‑of‑Month Liquidity in the Treasury Market
Trading activity in benchmark U.S. Treasury securities now concentrates on the last trading day of the month. Moreover, this stepped-up activity is associated with lower transaction costs, as shown by a smaller price impact of trades. We conjecture that increased turn-of-month portfolio rebalancing by passive investment funds that manage relative to fixed-income indices helps explain these patterns.
The Evolution of Treasury Market Liquidity: Evidence from 30 Years of Limit Order Book Data
This paper uses order book and transactions data from the U.S. Treasury securities market to calculate daily liquidity measures for a thirty-year sample period (1991–2021). We then construct a daily index of liquidity from bid-ask spreads, quoted depth, and price impact, reflecting the fact that the varying measures capture different aspects of market liquidity. The index is highly correlated with liquidity proxies proposed in the literature, but is more sensitive to short-term drivers of liquidity, suggesting that it better measures contemporaneous liquidity (as opposed to expected future ...
Working Paper
A new monthly index of the Texas business cycle
The timing, length and severity of economic recessions and expansions in a state are important to businesses seeking to set up operations or expand in those areas. Given a limited amount of data at the state level and their sometimes inconsistent movements, it is not straight forward to define a state business cycle. In this article I attempt to measure the Texas business cycle using a technique developed by Stock and Watson (1989,1991) that statistically estimates the underlying comovement in broad indicators of the state?s economy. The new Texas Coincident Index (TCI) is constructed with ...
Data Units in FRED®
This Page One Economics Data Primer describes the range of data units available in FRED, including their common use and interpretation, that help reveal the story behind the numbers.